Package com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace

Interface Summary
IControl Controls process the events generated by users.
IDisplayPage Display Pages aggregate Views and put them into an HTMLPage.
IHTTPControl This interface should only be implemented by controls that need to perform special HTTP things, such as reading HTTP headers, getting/setting cookies, and file upload.
ILink This interface provides a common way to create an object that links to an AActivitySpace.
ILoginControl This interface should only be implemented to provide login functionality for the portal.
IManagedObject This interface is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
IModel Models encapsulate the data in the MVC framework.
IModelRO Models encapsulate the data in the MVC framework.
IMVCObject This interface provides a common method of finding the name of an MVC object.
IValidator Interface for page control validators.
IView Views are responsible for generating HTML in the MVC framework.
IWebData This object wraps HTMLPages and binary data for output to the browser.

Class Summary
AActivitySpace AActivitySpaces contain the MVC setup for a set of Display Pages, as well as the Display Pages themselves.
AClearModel This model is designed to have all of it's data stored in a temporary data storage object.
ASCache This handles the cache for developers so that it can't get into an inconsistent state.
ASConstants Constants used as arguments in the query string or in form POSTS.
ASManager The ASManager is a singleton class that returns Activity Spaces, Models, Views, & Controls.
ASURL This class creates an URL that points to MVC components.
ASURLContainer Stores an Activityspace URL.
HTTPHeaderConstants This has HTTP header constants.
Interpreter Deprecated. Do not use this class.
LinkConstants This class contains constants for the ILink classes.
Redirect This object allows IControls to specify an AActivitySpace, IDisplayPage, or IControl to redirect to.
WebData This object wraps HTMLPages and binary data for output to the browser.

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