Class MVCController

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.MVCController
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MVCController
extends java.lang.Object
implements IMVCController

This is the main MVC controller for invoking the application's logic. It performs the execution of activityspace related control flow.

Don Hayler, Julie Fournier (Security Modes), WilliamA (Writing this new class)

Method Summary
 void CreateSpace(RequestData tempData)
          Helper method that creates a new AActivitySpace and stores it on the tempData object.
 HTMLElement DoOnPageFinishActions(RequestData requestData, java.lang.String hostname)
          This method calls the IPageActions OnPageFinish() method and adds the resulting HTMLComments (if there are any) to the XPResponse.
 void DoOnPageStartActions(Redirect redirect, RequestData requestData, java.lang.String hostname)
          This method calls the IPageActions OnPageStart() method.
 IDisplayPage GetFinalDisplayPage(RequestData tempData)
static MVCController GetInstance()
static java.lang.String GetSecondaryRedirectURLFromQS(RequestData rq)
          Returns the second redirect URL (ASConstants.REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN_SECONDARY) from the QS.
 Redirect HandleRedirect(Redirect redirect, RequestData tempData)
          This method performs the core control flow execution of activityspace related logics.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static MVCController GetInstance()


public void DoOnPageStartActions(Redirect redirect,
                                 RequestData requestData,
                                 java.lang.String hostname)
This method calls the IPageActions OnPageStart() method.

Specified by:
DoOnPageStartActions in interface IMVCController
redirect - Redirect to be processed, if any
requestData - the request
hostname - the hostname of current portal instance
See Also:
com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IPageActions, com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.IMVCController#DoOnPageStartActions(com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.RequestData, java.lang.String)


public Redirect HandleRedirect(Redirect redirect,
                               RequestData tempData)
This method performs the core control flow execution of activityspace related logics. It processes the given redirect (if any) in the context of the requestData. This method may return a final Redirect object, which typically is a Redirect containing a DisplayPage object, or a flag to indicate an HTTP redirect.

Specified by:
HandleRedirect in interface IMVCController
redirect - Redirect to be processed, if any
tempData - the request
the final Redirect, either a DisplayPage or an HTTP redirect


public HTMLElement DoOnPageFinishActions(RequestData requestData,
                                         java.lang.String hostname)
This method calls the IPageActions OnPageFinish() method and adds the resulting HTMLComments (if there are any) to the XPResponse.

Specified by:
DoOnPageFinishActions in interface IMVCController
requestData - the request
hostname - the hostname of current portal instance
any page action comments
See Also:
com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IPageActions, com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.IMVCController#DoOnPageFinishActions(com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.RequestData, java.lang.String)


public void CreateSpace(RequestData tempData)
Helper method that creates a new AActivitySpace and stores it on the tempData object. This method should be thread safe for multiple simultaneous requests per user if tempData has a null m_smCache variable (this is the case when this method is called from the HandleGatewayRequest method.

RequestData - the data for this HTTPRequest


public IDisplayPage GetFinalDisplayPage(RequestData tempData)


public static java.lang.String GetSecondaryRedirectURLFromQS(RequestData rq)
Returns the second redirect URL (ASConstants.REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN_SECONDARY) from the QS. (Returns null if it was not there.)


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