Class InPlaceRefreshHelper

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.statichelpers.InPlaceRefreshHelper

public class InPlaceRefreshHelper
extends java.lang.Object

This class is a helper class to insert "In-Place Refresh" functionality to your Activity Space. Most of the helpers deal with inserting JS method calls and functions into your views and display pages.

RickyW, Caiusv

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String GetJSSendGETOnAFormDP(java.lang.String strURL, java.lang.String refreshElementID, int nRepostAction)
          Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place GET to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP.
static java.lang.String GetJSSendPOSTOnAFormDP(java.lang.String strURL, java.lang.String refreshElementID, int nRepostAction)
          Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place POST to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP.
static java.lang.String GetJSSendPOSTOnAFormDP(java.lang.String _strURL, java.lang.String _refreshElementID, int _nRepostAction, java.lang.String _strDocument)
          Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place POST to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InPlaceRefreshHelper()
Method Detail


public static final java.lang.String GetJSSendPOSTOnAFormDP(java.lang.String _strURL,
                                                            java.lang.String _refreshElementID,
                                                            int _nRepostAction,
                                                            java.lang.String _strDocument)
Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place POST to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP. This method wraps in-place refresh functionality, allowing you to replace the innerHTML of the specified ID. The repostAction will enable the server to decide what content to return in the response.

_strURL - The URL to post to, generally GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL.
_refreshElementID - The ID of the element to replace innerHTML.
_nRepostAction - The repostAction for the server to decide content.
_strDocument - The name of the document where the in-place refresh happens. This should be identified if it ocurrs in another window for example. A _strDocument value of null defaults to 'document'
The JavaScript method call for SendPOSTOnAFormDP.


public static final java.lang.String GetJSSendPOSTOnAFormDP(java.lang.String strURL,
                                                            java.lang.String refreshElementID,
                                                            int nRepostAction)
Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place POST to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP. This method wraps in-place refresh functionality, allowing you to replace the innerHTML of the specified ID. The repostAction will enable the server to decide what content to return in the response. This method calls the four argument version of the method supplying a document argument of null.

_strURL - The URL to post to, generally GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL.
_refreshElementID - The ID of the element to replace innerHTML.
_nRepostAction - The repostAction for the server to decide content.
The JavaScript method call for SendPOSTOnAFormDP.


public static final java.lang.String GetJSSendGETOnAFormDP(java.lang.String strURL,
                                                           java.lang.String refreshElementID,
                                                           int nRepostAction)
Helper method to get the JavaScript call to sent an in place GET to the server, assuming you're on a page that uses AFormDP. This method wraps in-place refresh functionality, allowing you to replace the innerHTML of the specified ID. The repostAction will enable the server to decide what content to return in the response.

strURL - The URL to post to, generally GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL.
refreshElementID - The ID of the element to replace innerHTML.
nRepostAction - The repostAction for the server to decide content.
The JavaScript method call for SendGETOnAFormDP.

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