Class HTMLBr

  extended by com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
      extended by com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLBr
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HTMLBr
extends HTMLElement

Use this class to render an html br element.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
aNewLine, bAllowEvents, bAllowSetStyleClassWithString, bCheckNestedStringForHTML, bDisplayDidPause, bEnforceMaxTableDepth, bForceFormattingOff, bForceFormattingOn, bPauseAfterDisplay, bPrintComments, bResumingAndChildFinished, bResumingAndChildInMidRender, bShowLang, iMaxTableDepth, sLangLocal, sNewLine, sTab
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new HTMLBr object.
Method Summary
 void AddInnerHTMLElement(HTMLElement e)
          Clients may not nest html with a br element.
 void AddInnerHTMLString(java.lang.String s)
          Clients may not nest html with a br element.
protected  void AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag(boolean bFormat, XPStringBuilder sb, IXPResponse response)
          This method generates the beginning of the opening tag.
protected  void AppendClosingTag(boolean bFormat, XPStringBuilder sb, IXPResponse response)
          This method generates the closing tag of this html element.
protected  boolean ProvidesClosingTag()
          Indicates whether or not this HTML element provides a closing tag.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
AddInnerHTMLEncodedString, AppendClosingLineBreak, CleanupHTMLSubtreeAfterRendering, ClearInnerHTMLElements, clone, Display, Display, ForceFormattingOff, GetChildInMidRender, GetClone, GetDisabled, GetDisplayDidPause, GetDisplayOptions, GetDisplayString, GetDisplayString, GetDisplayString, GetDo508Checking, GetDoFormat, GetElementName, GetForceLineBreaksAfterSafeElements, GetHTMLElementReadOnly, GetID, GetImgBaseUrl, GetInnerHTML, GetInnerHTML, GetInnerHTMLDisplayString, GetInnerHTMLElements, GetInnerHTMLElementsAsArrayList, GetIsNetscape, GetLang, GetLastChildFullyRendered, GetName, GetOnClick, GetOnKeyDown, GetOnKeyPress, GetOnKeyUp, GetOnMouseOut, GetOnMouseOver, GetPauseAfterDisplay, GetPostComment, GetPreComment, GetStringBuilder, GetStyle, GetStyleClass, GetStyleClassPrefix, GetTitle, GetValidationLevel, InsertInnerHTMLElement, InternalWrite, SaveToTempFile, SaveToTempFile, SetChildInMidRender, SetDisabled, SetDisplayOptions, SetDo508Checking, SetDoFormat, SetElementName, SetFlushAfterDisplay, SetForceLineBreaksAfterSafeElements, SetHTMLElementReadOnly, SetID, SetImgBaseUrl, SetInner, SetIsNetscape, SetLangGlobal, SetLangLocal, SetLastChildFullyRendered, SetName, SetOnClick, SetOnKeyDown, SetOnKeyPress, SetOnKeyUp, SetOnMouseOut, SetOnMouseOver, SetPauseAfterDisplay, SetPostComment, SetPreComment, SetStyle, SetStyleClass, SetStyleClass, SetStyleClassPrefix, SetTitle, SetValidationLevel, ToByteArray, VerifyWritability, WriteNugget, WriteNugget
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLBr()
Creates a new HTMLBr object.

Method Detail


public void AddInnerHTMLElement(HTMLElement e)
                         throws HTMLException
Clients may not nest html with a br element.

AddInnerHTMLElement in class HTMLElement
e - HTMLElement
HTMLException - This method will throw an exception


public void AddInnerHTMLString(java.lang.String s)
                        throws HTMLException
Clients may not nest html with a br element.

AddInnerHTMLString in class HTMLElement
s - String
HTMLException - This method will throw an exception


protected void AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag(boolean bFormat,
                                           XPStringBuilder sb,
                                           IXPResponse response)
                                    throws HTMLException
This method generates the beginning of the opening tag. The abstract HTMLElement superclass will provide the remainder of the opening tag, repleate with attributes common to all html elements, such as name, and id, and class.

Specified by:
AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag in class HTMLElement
bFormat - boolean indicating whether or not to format.
sb - XPStringBuilder
response - IXPResponse


protected void AppendClosingTag(boolean bFormat,
                                XPStringBuilder sb,
                                IXPResponse response)
This method generates the closing tag of this html element. If the providesClosingTag method returns false, then this method will never be called.

Specified by:
AppendClosingTag in class HTMLElement
bFormat - boolean indicating whether or not to format.
sb - XPStringBuilder
response - IXPResponse


protected boolean ProvidesClosingTag()
Indicates whether or not this HTML element provides a closing tag. Some elements only provide opening tags, such as the <br> element.

Specified by:
ProvidesClosingTag in class HTMLElement
boolean false.

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