
Offers facilities for symmetric and public-key encryption and construction of cryptographic keys, message authentication codes (HMAC-SHA1).


Interface Summary
IXPCrypto Interface defining a class which can be used to encrypt or decrypt data as strings.
IXPPKICrypto Interface defining a class which can be used to encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify data.
IXPPKIKeyPair Interface defining a class which holds the public and private keys for PKI encryption.
IXPPKIPrivateKey Represents a private key used in public key cryptography.
IXPPKIPublicKey Represents a public key used in public key cryptography.

Class Summary
XPAESCrypto XPAESCrypto implements AES 128-bit encryption for String values.
XPCrypto Main class used for cryptography operations.
XPCryptoType Private key encryption types.
XPMACGenerator Use the platform libraries for creating a cryptographic hash signature (hashed message authentication code, HMAC-SHA1).
XPPKICryptoType Public key encryption types.
XPRC2Crypto XPRC2Crypto encrypts text using RC2-40 with a maximum password length of 128 characters, and decrypts text encrypted with this method or with an older Plumtree legacy cipher.
XPRSACrypto Encrypts and decrypts using public key encryption with the RSA algorithm.
XPRSAKeyPair Class contains the public and private keys for RSA encryption.
XPRSAPrivateKey Holds the public key parameters needed for RSA encryption.
XPRSAPublicKey Holds the public key parameters needed for RSA encryption.

Exception Summary
XPCryptoException Reports general problems with the Open Foundation security classes.
XPNoSuchAlgorithmException Thrown when XPCrypto.Decrypt() does not recognize the encryption type.

Package Description

Offers facilities for symmetric and public-key encryption and construction of cryptographic keys, message authentication codes (HMAC-SHA1).

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