Interface IPTGuestLogin

All Superinterfaces:
IPTLocalizable, IPTObject, IPTServerContext, IPTStorable, IPTUnknown

public interface IPTGuestLogin
extends IPTObject

IPTGuestLogin defines the guest-user experience during an unauthenticated session, up to the point where the user is successfully authenticated. IPTGuestLogin includes settings to indicate which guest user to use (during the unauthenticated portion of the session) and which authentication method to use for logging in the user (whether SSO should be used, whether gatewayed content click-through should be authenticated, etc). After the user is successfully logged in (i.e., the user is no longer a 'guest'), the settings in the IPTGuestLogin will no longer apply (except perhaps the settings for logging off the user to get back to the 'guest' user status).

IPTGuestLogin is typically used in concert with the SubPortal Expression Engine, to create conditional actions for choosing which IPTGuestLogin to use, based on conditions such as the client IP address, the request URL, the browser's agent, etc, allowing different guest users and different authentication methods (SSO or not) to be used for different incoming requests.

William Adjie-Winoto

Method Summary
 boolean GetGuestRedirectToLogin()
          Gets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the login page or default page (mypage or community page depending on the sub-portal configuration).
 int GetGuestUserID()
          Gets the user ID of the guest user.
 java.lang.String GetGuestUserName()
          Gets the username of the guest user.
 boolean GetRedirectOnLogout()
          After logging out the user will normally go to the login page.
 int GetSSOVendor()
          Gets the SSOVendor setting.
 int GetSubPortalID()
          Gets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.
 void SetGuestRedirectToLogin(boolean bToLogin)
          Sets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the SSO login page (when SSO is enabled).
 void SetGuestUserID(int nUserID)
          Sets the user ID of the guest user.
 void SetRedirectOnLogout(boolean bToLogin)
          After logging out the user will normally go to the login page.
 void SetSSOVendor(int nSSOVendor)
          Sets the SSOVendor setting.
 void SetSubPortalID(int nSubPortalID)
          Sets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
GetAdminFolderID, GetClassID, GetCreated, GetImageUUID, GetLastModified, GetObjectProperties, SetAdminFolderID, SetImageUUID, SetLastModified
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
GetDescription, GetIsLocalized, GetLocalizedDescription, GetLocalizedDescriptions, GetLocalizedName, GetLocalizedNames, GetName, GetPrimaryLang, GetSupportsLocalization, SetDescription, SetIsLocalized, SetLocalizedDescriptions, SetLocalizedNames, SetName, SetPrimaryLang
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
GetAccessLevel, GetACL, GetLastModifiedBy, GetLockState, GetObjectID, GetOwnerID, GetServerContextSettings, GetSession, GetSettings, LockObject, SetLastModifiedBy, SetObjectID, SetOwnerID, SetServerContextSettings, SetSettings, UnlockObject
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable

Method Detail


java.lang.String GetGuestUserName()
Gets the username of the guest user.

String the username of the guest user.


int GetGuestUserID()
Gets the user ID of the guest user.

int the user ID of the guest user.


void SetGuestUserID(int nUserID)
Sets the user ID of the guest user.

nUserID - the user ID of the guest user.


int GetSSOVendor()
Gets the SSOVendor setting.

int the SSOVendor value


void SetSSOVendor(int nSSOVendor)
Sets the SSOVendor setting.

nSSOVendor - the SSOVendor value


boolean GetGuestRedirectToLogin()
Gets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the login page or default page (mypage or community page depending on the sub-portal configuration).

boolean the flag


void SetGuestRedirectToLogin(boolean bToLogin)
Sets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the SSO login page (when SSO is enabled).

bToLogin - the flag


boolean GetRedirectOnLogout()
After logging out the user will normally go to the login page. If this flag is false, the guest user will go to their default page (mypage or community).

boolean the flag


void SetRedirectOnLogout(boolean bToLogin)
After logging out the user will normally go to the login page. If this flag is false, the guest user will go to their default page (mypage or community).

bToLogin - the flag


int GetSubPortalID()
Gets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.

the Subportal ID


void SetSubPortalID(int nSubPortalID)
Sets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.

nSubPortalID - the Subportal ID