
Exception Summary
PTSAdjacentOperatorsException Exception indicating a search query containing more than one operator in a row, such as "dog and or cat".
PTSEmptyQueryException Exception indicating that a search query was empty.
PTSEndsInOperatorException Exception indicating a search query that ends in an operator, such as "dog and".
PTSException Base class for all exceptions defined in package
PTSInappropriateOperatorException Exception indicating a search query containing an operator used in some inappropriate way, such as "or cat".
PTSIncompatibleRestrictionException Exception indicating that a search query contained a set of restrictions that could never match anything.
PTSInvalidArgumentException Exception thrown when an invalid argument is passed to a public method in
PTSInvalidSearchException Exception indicating some sort of generic search error.
PTSNoFieldValueException Exception thrown when a requested field is not defined in a search result.
PTSSearchServerConnectionException Exception indicating some sort of low-level failure in connecting to the search server.
PTSSyntaxException Exception indicating some sort of syntax error detected by the search server.
PTSUnbalancedParenthesesException Exception indicating a search query containing unbalanced parentheses.
PTSUnsupportedWildcardException Exception indicating an unsupported wildcard in a search server query.