Interface IGroup

public interface IGroup

An interface that allows a synchronization service to query for the users and groups under a group.

Method Summary
 ChildGroupList getChildGroups()
          Returns a ChildGroupList object with an array of ChildGroups inside.
 ChildUserList getChildUsers()
          Returns a ChildUserList object with an array of ChildUsers inside.

Method Detail


public ChildGroupList getChildGroups()
                              throws ServiceException
Returns a ChildGroupList object with an array of ChildGroups inside. The portal will continue calling getChildGroups until it receives a ChildGroupList with the isDone flag set to true. This is done using the constructor ChildGroupList(ChildGroup[] list, boolean isDone) If the IGroup implementation returns the ChildGroups in batches, it must maintain state internally and return isDone=false until the last batch.

a ChildGroupList object containing ChildGroups
ServiceException - if an error occurred
See Also:


public ChildUserList getChildUsers()
                            throws ServiceException
Returns a ChildUserList object with an array of ChildUsers inside. The portal will continue calling getChildUsers until it receives a ChildUserList with the isDone flag set to true. This is done using the constructor ChildUserList(ChildUser[] list, boolean isDone) If the IUser implementation returns the ChildUsers in batches, it must maintain state internally and return isDone=false until the last batch.

a ChildUserList object containing ChildUsers
ServiceException - if an error occurred
See Also:

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