Class CrawlerConstants

  extended bycom.plumtree.remote.crawler.CrawlerConstants

public class CrawlerConstants
extends java.lang.Object

Static constants related to crawlers.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLICK_FILE
          Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the file click-through type.
static java.lang.String CLICK_PORTLET
          Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the Portlet click-through type.
static java.lang.String CLICK_URL
          Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the URL click-through type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_DOCUMENTUM
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Documentum document type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_EXCHANGE
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Exchange document type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_FILE
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the file document type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_MIME
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the MIME document type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_NOTES
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Notes document type.
static java.lang.String DOCTYPE_OTHER
          Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing other document types.
static java.lang.String NS_CARD
          Card submission namespace.
static java.lang.String NS_CRAWL
          Crawler namespace.
static java.lang.String NS_DATA
          Data source namespace.
static java.lang.String TAG_CLICK
          Represents the type of click-through used for documents.
static java.lang.String TAG_COMMUNITY_ID
          This tag represents the Community ID.
static java.lang.String TAG_DEPTH
          Represents how deep the crawler will crawl.
static java.lang.String TAG_DESCRIPTION
          If specified, this text becomes part of the Crawler object description (for example "This crawler begins in the Zanzibar folder.").
static java.lang.String TAG_DOC_ID
          Represents the portal document type identifier.
static java.lang.String TAG_DOCTYPE
          Represents the portal document type map to use.
static java.lang.String TAG_FOLDER_NAME
          Human-readable string of the start location, used for tracing and logging.
static java.lang.String TAG_GID
          Used for SOAP clickthroughs.
static java.lang.String TAG_LOGIN_TOKEN
          Login token stored in data source info.
static java.lang.String TAG_PATH
          Represents the starting path of a crawl.
static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES
          Represents whether properties from GetMetaData or the local accessor should be used.
static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES_LOCAL
          Value for TAG_PROPERTIES.
static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES_REMOTE
          Value for TAG_PROPERTIES.
static java.lang.String TAG_THREADS
          Represents the maximum number of threads that can be crawled at the same time.
static java.lang.String TAG_TIMEOUT
          In version 4.5, this tag represents the SOAP timeout for the portal.
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String NS_DATA
Data source namespace.


public static java.lang.String NS_CRAWL
Crawler namespace.


public static final java.lang.String NS_CARD
Card submission namespace.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_DEPTH
Represents how deep the crawler will crawl. The text of this tag must not be changed because the portal looks for this specific tag. Note: You must use the storage=integer attribute for the control, or the portal will not recognize the value. If the tag is not present, the portal will only crawl the first level.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_GID
Used for SOAP clickthroughs.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_PATH
Represents the starting path of a crawl. Passed to the first call to IContainerProvider.attachToContainer(java.lang.String, com.plumtree.remote.crawler.ChildRequestHint, java.lang.String).


public static final java.lang.String TAG_THREADS
Represents the maximum number of threads that can be crawled at the same time. Note: You must use the storage=integer attribute for the control, or the portal will not recognize the value. In version 5.0, this setting is controlled by the server.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_CLICK
Represents the type of click-through used for documents. Must be one of the following: CLICK_FILE, CLICK_URL, or CLICK_PORTLET. When used with DocFetch, must always be CLICK_URL.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_TIMEOUT
In version 4.5, this tag represents the SOAP timeout for the portal. In version 5.0, this setting is stored in the Web Service object and configured through the portal.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_DOC_ID
Represents the portal document type identifier. Its value depends on the value of TAG_DOCTYPE. In the case of DOCTYPE_FILE, it should be the file name, including extension. In the case of DOCTYPE_MIME, it should be a MIME type, for example text/html.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_DOCTYPE
Represents the portal document type map to use. Should be either DOCTYPE_FILE or DOCTYPE_MIME.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_DESCRIPTION
If specified, this text becomes part of the Crawler object description (for example "This crawler begins in the Zanzibar folder.").


public static final java.lang.String TAG_FOLDER_NAME
Human-readable string of the start location, used for tracing and logging.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_LOGIN_TOKEN
Login token stored in data source info.


public static final java.lang.String TAG_COMMUNITY_ID
This tag represents the Community ID. On the 4.5 Solaris portal, must be set to "0" when using portlet click-through.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_FILE
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the file document type.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_MIME
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the MIME document type.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_NOTES
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Notes document type.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_EXCHANGE
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Exchange document type.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_DOCUMENTUM
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing the Documentum document type.


public static final java.lang.String DOCTYPE_OTHER
Value for the TAG_DOCTYPE tag representing other document types.


public static java.lang.String CLICK_FILE
Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the file click-through type. In version 4.5, the portal calls IDocumentProvider.attachToDocument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.plumtree.remote.crawler.DocumentFormat) and IDocument.getDocument() over SOAP to retrieve the document for click-through.


public static java.lang.String CLICK_URL
Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the URL click-through type. The portal forwards users to the ClickThroughURL returned by IDocument.getMetaData(String[]) during crawls.


public static java.lang.String CLICK_PORTLET
Value for the TAG_CLICK tag representing the Portlet click-through type.


public static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES
Represents whether properties from GetMetaData or the local accessor should be used. The value must be TAG_PROPERTIES_LOCAL or TAG_PROPERTIES_REMOTE.


public static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES_LOCAL
Value for TAG_PROPERTIES. Properties from local accessors override properties from GetMetaData (for example, MS Word Author overrides Documentum Author).


public static java.lang.String TAG_PROPERTIES_REMOTE
Value for TAG_PROPERTIES. Properties from GetMetaData override properties from local accessors (for example, Documentum Author overrides MS Word Author).

Constructor Detail


public CrawlerConstants()

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