Interface IDiscussionManager

public interface IDiscussionManager

Interface for discussion-related functionality. It handles discussion message creation, deletion and query.

A discussion contains zero or more messages. A message is the smallest unit in a discussion and contains zero or one parent message and zero or more replies. A child of a message is a reply.

See Discussion Examples.

Method Summary
 IDiscussion createDiscussion(IProject project, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)
          Returns a new IDiscussion object in the given project.
 IDiscussionFilter createDiscussionFilter()
          Returns a discussion filter object that shows all discussions.
 IDiscussionMessageFilter createDiscussionMessageFilter()
          Returns a discussion message filter for narrowing query results.
 IDiscussion getDiscussion(int discussionID)
          Returns a discussion with the given ID.
 IDiscussionMessage getDiscussionMessage(int messageID)
          Returns a discussion message with the given ID.
 IDiscussionMessage[] getDiscussionMessages(int messageID)
          Returns child messages of the message with the given ID.
 int[] getSubscribedUserIDs(IDiscussion discussion)
          Returns the IDs of the users who are subscribed to the given discussion.
 IDiscussionMessage[] queryDiscussionMessages(IDiscussion discussion, IDiscussionMessageFilter messageFilter)
          Returns an array of IDiscussionMessages that represent zero or more discussion messages in a discussion, satisfying the given discussion message filter.
 IDiscussionMessage[] queryDiscussionMessages(IProject project, IDiscussionMessageFilter filter)
          Returns an array of IDiscussionMessages the represent zero or more discussion messages in a given project, satisfying the discussion message filter criteria provided.
 IDiscussion[] queryDiscussions(IProject project, IDiscussionFilter discussionfilter)
          Returns an array of IDiscussions that represent discussions within the given project; the returned results will be sorted according to the given IFilter.
 void removeDiscussion(IDiscussion discussion)
          Removes the given discussion.
 void subscribeUsers(IDiscussion discussion, int[] userIDs)
          Subscribes users with the given IDs to the given discussion and all discussion posts within that discussion.
 void unsubscribeUsers(IDiscussion discussion, int[] userIDs)
          Unsubscribes users with the given IDs from a discussion, including all the posts within the discussion.

Method Detail


public IDiscussion createDiscussion(IProject project,
                                    java.lang.String name,
                                    java.lang.String description)
Returns a new IDiscussion object in the given project.

project - the parent project; cannot be null
name - the name of the discussion; cannot be null
description - the description of the discussion; cannot be null
a discussion that has not been persisted yet (you must call store to save the new discussion)
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error


public IDiscussionFilter createDiscussionFilter()
Returns a discussion filter object that shows all discussions. The discussion filter is created with the following defaults: MaximumResult is unlimited, DefaultSecurity is set to false. No sortBy option or filter type is supported for querying discussion.

the discussion filter object


public IDiscussionMessageFilter createDiscussionMessageFilter()
Returns a discussion message filter for narrowing query results. The discussion message filter is set with the following defaults: DiscussionMessageStatusFilterType is set to ALL; DiscussionMessageModeratorFilterType is set to ALL; DiscussionMessageQueryOrders is set to an array of one element with an attribute of DiscussionMessageAttribute.PROJECT_NAME, ascending.

the discussion message filter


public IDiscussion getDiscussion(int discussionID)
                          throws CollaborationException,
Returns a discussion with the given ID.

discussionID - the ID of the discussion; must be positive. The ID of an object can be obtained using the getID method in the object class.
the discussion or null if the discussion does not exist, or the user does not have the rights to see the discussion
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the discussion ID is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public IDiscussionMessage getDiscussionMessage(int messageID)
                                        throws CollaborationException,
Returns a discussion message with the given ID.

messageID - the ID of the message; must be positive. The ID of an object can be obtained using the getID method in the object class.
the discussion message or null if it does not exist, or the user does not have the rights to see the object
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the message ID is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public IDiscussionMessage[] getDiscussionMessages(int messageID)
                                           throws CollaborationException,
Returns child messages of the message with the given ID. The child documents will be returned in an undefined order; no effort is made to nest children of children.

messageID - the ID of the parent message; must be positive. The ID of an object can be obtained using the getID method in the object class.
the discussion messages or a zero-length array if there are no children, or the user does not have the rights to see the object
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the message ID is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public int[] getSubscribedUserIDs(IDiscussion discussion)
                           throws CollaborationException,
Returns the IDs of the users who are subscribed to the given discussion.

discussion - the discussion to query; cannot be null
the IDs of the users who are subscribed to the discussion
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the discussion has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method resulted in an error
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public IDiscussionMessage[] queryDiscussionMessages(IProject project,
                                                    IDiscussionMessageFilter filter)
                                             throws CollaborationException,
Returns an array of IDiscussionMessages the represent zero or more discussion messages in a given project, satisfying the discussion message filter criteria provided.
 //The following sample code shows how to query for discussion messages in a project.
 IDiscussionMessageFilter messageFilter = discussionManager.createDiscussionMessageFilter();
 //search for ALL messages; other options include searching for APPROVED, or UNAPPROVED messages
 //limit the return results to be 10; setting this to 0 will return all results
 //disable security checking on the returned objects against the user who performs this query,
 //so that all objects will be returned
 //user DiscussionMessageQueryOrder to sort the query result; below DiscussionMessageQueryOrder
 //shows sorting the returned messages by CREATED date in descending order
 DiscussionMessageQueryOrder messageQueryOrder = new DiscussionMessageQueryOrder(DiscussionMessageAttribute.CREATED, false);
 messageFilter.setQueryOrders(new DiscussionMessageQueryOrder[] { messageQueryOrder });
 //an array of IDiscussionMessage objects are returned from queryDiscussionMessages(); if no result is retrieved, a zero-length array will be returned
 IDiscussionMessage[] retrievedMessages = discussionManager.queryDiscussionMessages(project, messageFilter);

project - the project to query discussion messages; cannot be null
filter - the discussion message query filter; cannot be null
an array of IDiscussionMessage containing zero or more discussion messages in a given discussion, satisfying the discussion message filter criteria provided
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the project has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public IDiscussionMessage[] queryDiscussionMessages(IDiscussion discussion,
                                                    IDiscussionMessageFilter messageFilter)
                                             throws CollaborationException,
Returns an array of IDiscussionMessages that represent zero or more discussion messages in a discussion, satisfying the given discussion message filter.
 //The following sample code shows how to query for discussion messages in a discussion.
 IDiscussionMessageFilter messageFilter = discussionManager.createDiscussionMessageFilter();
 //search for ALL messages; other options include searching for APPROVED, or UNAPPROVED messages
 //limit the return results to be 10; setting this to 0 will return all results
 //disable security checking on the returned objects against the user who performs this query,
 //so that all objects will be returned
 //user DiscussionMessageQueryOrder to sort the query result; below DiscussionMessageQueryOrder
 //shows sorting the returned messages by CREATED date in descending order
 DiscussionMessageQueryOrder messageQueryOrder = new DiscussionMessageQueryOrder(DiscussionMessageAttribute.CREATED, false);
 messageFilter.setQueryOrders(new DiscussionMessageQueryOrder[] { messageQueryOrder });
 //an array of IDiscussionMessage objects are returned from queryDiscussionMessages(); if no result is retrieved, a zero-length array will be returned
 IDiscussionMessage[] retrievedMessages = discussionManager.queryDiscussionMessages(discussion, messageFilter);

discussion - the discussion to query; cannot be null
messageFilter - the discussion message query filter; cannot be null
an array of IDiscussionMessage containing zero or more discussion messages in a discussion, satisfying the given discussion message filter
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the discussion has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public IDiscussion[] queryDiscussions(IProject project,
                                      IDiscussionFilter discussionfilter)
                               throws CollaborationException,
Returns an array of IDiscussions that represent discussions within the given project; the returned results will be sorted according to the given IFilter.
 //The following sample code shows how to query for discussions, maximum results to return = 10.
 IDiscussionFilter discussionFilter = discussionManager.createDiscussionFilter();
 //limit the return results to be 10; setting this to 0 will return all results
 //disable security checking on the returned objects against the user who performs this query,
 //so that all objects will be returned
 //an array of IDiscussion are returned from queryDiscussions(); if no result is retrieved, a zero-length array will be returned
 IDiscussion[] retrievedDiscussions = discussionManager.queryDiscussions(project, discussionFilter);

project - the project; cannot be null
discussionfilter - the filter specifying the sort fields and the sort order, and maximum number of rows to return; cannot be null
an array of IDiscussion that represent discussions within the given project
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the project has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public void removeDiscussion(IDiscussion discussion)
                      throws CollaborationException,
Removes the given discussion.

discussion - the discussion to be removed; cannot be null
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the ID of the discussion is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public void subscribeUsers(IDiscussion discussion,
                           int[] userIDs)
                    throws CollaborationException,
Subscribes users with the given IDs to the given discussion and all discussion posts within that discussion.

The calling user must have ADMIN access to the project containing this discussion, and the users to be subscribed have to have at least READ access to the discussion. The call will make a best attempt to subscribe all valid users supplied. A MultipleObjectException will be thrown specifying the IDs that failed to be subscribed.

discussion - the discussion to subcribe users to; cannot be null
userIDs - the IDs of the users to subscribe; cannot be null; all IDs must be positive
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the discussion has not yet been stored or has already been removed
MultipleObjectException - if any users cannot be subscribed
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the user IDs is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public void unsubscribeUsers(IDiscussion discussion,
                             int[] userIDs)
                      throws CollaborationException,
Unsubscribes users with the given IDs from a discussion, including all the posts within the discussion. Invalid non-negative IDs or IDs that do not describe subscribed users will be ignored.

discussion - the discussion to unsubcribe users from
userIDs - the IDs of the users to unsubscribe; cannot be null; all IDs must be positive
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the discussion has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the user IDs is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call

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