Package com.plumtree.remote.prc

The PRC enables application building by providing remote access to all relevant portal objects such as users, communities and portlets as well as relevant portal functions such as the Knowledge Directory.


Interface Summary
IACL Represents an Access Control List (ACL) that specifies which groups and users can access this object.
IACLEntry An entry to an ACL specifying a user or group and their access level.
ICommunityManager Interface that provides remote access to communities.
IDocument Represents a newly-created document in the portal.
IDocumentFolderManager Interface that provides remote access to the portal Knowledge Directory's folder structure.
IDocumentManager Interface that allows remote services to create new documents in the portal Knowledge Directory.
IDocumentProperties Interface that manipulates document properties.
IDocumentQuery Interface that allows querying of documents in the Knowledge Directory.
IExtendedData Interface that represents an object's extended object data.
IJobManager Interface that allows remote services to start Portal Jobs.
IJobProperties Interface that handles job properties.
IMyPagesManager Interface that provides remote access to users' MyPages in the portal.
IObject Interface that represents all objects in the portal.
IObjectManager Interface that provides an entry point for querying portal objects.
IObjectQuery Interface that represents a query about multiple objects in the portal.
IObjectQueryRow Interface that represents a single row in an object query.
IPortlet Interface that represents a Portlet instance in the portal.
IPortletBase Superinterface that represents both Portlets and Portlet Templates.
IPortletManager Interface that provides a way to obtain information about existing Portlets and Portlet Templates, and enables creation of new Portlets and deletion of existing Portlets.
IPortletTemplate A marker interface that represents a Portlet Template in the portal.
IPortletTemplateManager Interface that provides a way to create, delete and retrieve Portlet Templates from the portal.
IRemoteDocument Interface that represents a document retrieved by a remote crawler.
IRemoteSession Interface that represents a PRC connection to the portal.
IUserGroupManager Interface that enables management of user groups.
IUserManager Interface that provides information about the currently logged in user.
IWebLinkDocument Interface that represents a newly-created Web link document.

Class Summary
AccessLevel An enumerated type describing the various security access levels available within the portal.
Alignment An enumerated type used to describe the alignment of a portlet on a page.
AuthSourceProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Authentication Sources in the portal.
CommunityPageProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of community pages in a portal community.
CommunityProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Communities in the portal.
CommunityTemplateProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Community Templates in the portal.
CrawlerProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Crawlers in the portal.
DatasourceIDs Enumeration of predefined Data Sources.
DataSourceProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Data Sources in the portal.
DateQueryFilter Query filter for filtering on date properties.
DocumentFolderProperty An enumerated type used to describe the inherent properties of Document Folders.
DocumentProperty An enumerated type used to describe the inherent properties of Documents in the Knowledge Directory.
DocumentTypeProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Document Types in the portal.
ExternalOperationProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of External Operations in the portal.
FederatedPortalProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Federated Portals in the portal.
FilterProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Filters in the portal.
IntArrayQueryFilter Query filter for filtering on integer array properties.
IntQueryFilter Query filter for filtering on integer properties.
JobProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Jobs in the portal.
LockStatus Describes the locked status of a portal object.
MyPageProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of MyPages in the portal.
ObjectClass An enumerated type used to describe the types of portal objects that can be queried and/or manipulated.
ObjectProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties common to all objects in the portal.
Operator An enumerated type describing all operators that can be used in query filters.
PageTemplateProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Page Templates in the portal.
PortletProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Portlets in the portal.
PortletTemplateProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Portlet Templates in the portal.
ProfileSourceProperty An enumerated type used to describe the inherent properties of Profile Sources.
PropertyPickTypeIDs Possible pick types for a Property.
PropertyProperty An enumerated type used to describe the inherent properties of Property objects themselves.
PropertyValueTypeIDs Possible types of value for a property.
QueryFilter The base class for all query filters.
RemoteServerProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Remote Servers in the portal.
RemoteSessionFactory Factory class for obtaining an IRemoteSession.
StringQueryFilter Query filter for filtering on string properties.
TimeInterval A type used to represents the numeric value and the unit component of a time interval.
TimeIntervalUnit An enumerated type used to describe the units for time interval.
UserGroupProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of User Groups in the portal.
UserInterfaceProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of User Interfaces in the portal.
UserProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Users in the portal.
WebServiceProperty An enumerated type used to describe the properties of Web Services in the portal.

Exception Summary
ACLEntryReadOnlyException Exception class that represents an illegal modification of a read-only ACLEntry.
InvalidQueryFilterException Class InvalidQueryFilterException
NoSuchObjectException Thrown when a user specifies the ID of a nonexistent object.
PortalException Thrown when a remote invocation results in an error on the portal side, usually due to invalid method parameters.
PropertyNotRequestedException Thrown when a user attempts to access a property that has not been requested as part of a query.

Package com.plumtree.remote.prc Description

The PRC enables application building by providing remote access to all relevant portal objects such as users, communities and portlets as well as relevant portal functions such as the Knowledge Directory. It provides an object-oriented way to tap into the portal’s SOAP API, which in turn taps into the portal’s native API.


The PRC can be used to write applications that access the portal, including portlets, command-line tools, and virtually any Web application.

IDK 5.0

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