Package com.plumtree.remote.sci

Provides interfaces for creating plug-in pages for portal object editors and remote document import.


Interface Summary
IAdminEditor Root interface for the SCI editor.
IAdminPage An interface for an individual SCI page.
ISciElement Root interface for all SciElements.
ITreeIterator Interface used in SciTreeElement.
ITreeIteratorNode Interface used to access information about an ITreeIterator node.

Class Summary
SciCheckboxElement Represents a checkbox control.
SciHiddenElement Represents a hidden control (equivalent to type=hidden in HTML).
SciLabelElement Represents a label control.
SciPage Represents a SCI page to which controls can be added.
SciPasswordElement Represents a password control with confirmation box.
SciRadioElement Represents a radio control.
SciSelectElement Represents a select (drop-down) control.
SciTextElement Represents a textbox control with a label and validation.
SciTreeElement Represents an element that displays a tree view of directories (for example, a file system or database).
TypeMatch Type-safe enumeration for match types (match or not-match).
TypeNamespace Type-safe enumeration of namespaces (representing object types).
TypeStorage Type-safe enumeration for storage types (integer or string).
TypeStyle Type-safe enumeration for text styles (normal or important).

Exception Summary
ValidationException Exception used to transmit an error code to GetPageContent.

Package com.plumtree.remote.sci Description

Provides interfaces for creating plug-in pages for portal object editors and remote document import.

In IDK 5.0 and above, the Service Configuration Interface (SCI) provides an easy way to write configuration pages for services that are integrated with portal editors. SCI wraps the portal’s XUI XML and allows you to create controls without XUI. (The portal UI is still articulated via XML and rendered using an XSL transformation, so XUI and SCI pages are backward and forward compatible.)

SCI is designed for providing default elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, textboxes, password elements, and labels. Custom HTML can be added through the use of custom SCI elements. SCI is not designed to do in-place refresh. When designing SCI pages, place each dependency on a separate page. For example, for a database crawler, there could be separate pages for schema (database), table, and column, as each depends on the previous page.

Crawlers must provide SCI pages for the Data Source and Crawler editors. SCI pages are integrated with portal editors and used to define settings used by a crawler. SCI pages can also be used by profile, auth, and search services. The Plumtree.Remote.Sci package/namespace includes the following interfaces:

ISciElement is only used by developers when creating custom SCI Elements. ITreeIterator and ITreeIteratorNode are only used when creating an iterator structure, such as the iterator in the Documentum crawler.

In general, a portal editor will call a service's SCI page interfaces in the following order.

  1. Calls IAdminEditor.Initialize using the namespace and the user’s locale passed in by the portal. (Crawlers require a parent info parameter that references the associated Data Source object.)
  2. Calls IAdminEditor.GetPages, which collects metadata and returns an IAdminPage.
  3. Calls IAdminEditor.Finalize. If the user clicks Finish, Validate and Finalize are called unless prevented by a client-side error.

Note: Values retrieved from the portal using IDocFetchProvider.initialize(DataSourceInfo dsInfo) will be decoded in the process. To prevent "+" from being decoded into a space and "%" from having indeterminate behavior, make sure that all values entered into the data source using SCI pages are encoded using com.plumtree.remote.util.CSPCodec. Likewise, all values that have been encoded in the SCI data source pages should be decoded when displayed with SCI using com.plumtree.remote.util.CSPCodec. If the developer is not using DocFetch this is not an issue.

Note: The names in all NamedValues will be uppercased by the portal. For this reason, we recommend that all names in NamedValues be uppercase.

For additional information on the Oracle® WebCenter Interaction Development Kit, including tutorials, blogs, code samples and more, see the Oracle Technology Network (

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