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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Release Notes
10g Release 4 (

Part Number E22881-03
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Collaboration

Release Notes

10g Release 4 (


May 2013

This document describes the supported software and known issues for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

This document contains the following sections:

New Features

This section lists the features that were added in version 10g Release 4 (


The documentation in Table 1 is available on the Oracle Technology Network at

Table 1 Documentation Available on Oracle Technology Network

Document Document Description

Installation and Upgrade Guide

Describes the prerequisites (such as required software) and procedures for installing and upgrading Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

Administrator's Guide

Describes how to use, manage, and administer Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

The documentation in Table 1 is provided with the product distribution.

Table 2 Documentation Provided with the Product Distribution

Document Document Description

Online Help

Describes how to use the administration console that is delivered with Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

Supported Operating Systems, Servers, and Software

For the latest information on supported operating systems, application servers, databases, and browsers, see the Oracle WebCenter Interaction page at, open the Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10g Release 4 Certification Matrix spreadsheet, and refer to the WebCenter Collaboration 10.3.3 worksheet.

This section includes support information for the following platforms and categories:


When running Oracle Database 11g versions prior to the Oracle system parameter _optimizer_group_by_placement must be set to false. This can either be set in the init.ora file of the respective database instance(s) or by issuing an ALTER SYSTEM command as follows:

SQLPLUS /nolog
ALTER SYSTEM SET "_optimizer_group_by_placement"=false

Operating Systems

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 and above (x86); Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and above (x86 and x64)

  • Sun Solaris 9 or 10

  • RedHat Enterprise ES 5.2 on x86; RedHat Enterprise ES 5.4 on x64 or x86

  • Novell SuSE Enterprise Linux SLES 10 SP1 on x64

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.x on x86; Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.x on x64 or x86

  • IBM AIX POWER - 6.1 (TL2+)

  • HP-UX 11i V2 or V3 on 64-bit Itanium

Application Servers

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following application servers:

  • Tomcat 6.0 (default embedded)

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 10gR3 (10.3.3 or 10.3.4)

Database Servers

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following database servers:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2005 SP2 (32- and 64-bit in default or failover cluster configuration); Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2008 SP2 (32- and 64-bit in default or failover cluster configuration)

  • IBM DB2 UDB 9.5

  • Oracle Database 10gR2 ( and above) in default or Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) configuration; Oracle Database 11g ( and above) in default or Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) configuration

Web Browsers

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following web browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0

  • Mozilla Firefox 3.0 (rich text editor is not supported for Apple Mac OS X)

  • Apple Safari 3.0 (Microsoft Windows only; simple mode - no rich text editor)


Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration for more detailed browser support information.

WebCenter Products

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following WebCenter Products:

  • Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3.3

Microsoft Office

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following versions of Microsoft Office for the Office plug-in:

  • Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 on Windows XP SP2

  • Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 on Windows 7 SP1

Microsoft Exchange Integration Products

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following product versions for Microsoft Exchange integration:

  • Microsoft .NET 2.0

  • Microsoft Web Services Enhancement 2.0

Microsoft Project

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following version of Microsoft Project:

  • Microsoft Project 2003 or 2007

Groupware Servers

This release of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration supports the following versions of groupware servers:

  • IBM Lotus Notes 5.0.11

  • Microsoft Exchange 2000 (SP3 and higher)

  • Microsoft Exchange 2003

General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

Document Management

This section includes issues affecting document management.

  • Cannot upload document larger than 350KB on Oracle WebCenter Collaboration environment with SSL enabled with Oracle WebCenter Interaction running on Oracle WebLogic Server. (Issue #67466)

  • Modified custom property values do not get applied after republishing a document to the Knowledge Directory. (Issue #67145)

  • When publishing to the Knowledge Directory, entering a space ( ) as the value for custom property that is “required to publish” results in an error. (Issue #66610)

  • During bulk upload, if the file size reaches the maximum project size, you receive an Internal Server Error. (Issue #52442)

  • If you create a shortcut to a document and delete the original file, the document is still returned in a Project Explorer search, but you receive an error message when you click the shortcut. (Issues #67531, #67530)

  • You cannot view the details for a document folder that includes forward slash (/) in the folder name.

    As a workaround, remove the forward slash from all folder names. Document folders created in Collaboration 4.x will not contain a forward slash in the name, but folders created in versions of Collaboration prior to 4.0 may include this character. (Issue #58642)

WebEdit and WebFolders

This section includes issues affecting WebEdit and WebFolders.

  • If you use the WebFolders feature on clients running Microsoft Windows 7 and Office 2010, you must read the following Microsoft KB articles and follow the instructions. (This does not affect WebEdit, only the WebFolders features.)

  • WebFolder mapping does not work on Microsoft Vista. This is a Microsoft Vista issue (not a Collaboration issue).

    To fix this issue, download “Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306)” from Microsoft ( and install it on the Microsoft Vista machine. (Issue #64731)

  • WebEdit and WebFolders do not work correctly on clients running Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Vista. (Issue #60153)

    As a workaround, run Microsoft Office applications in “Windows XP compatibility mode” (so they run as if they were running on Windows XP). This needs to be done on every client machine for the three Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. To set these applications to run in Compatibility Mode:

    1. Locate the executable. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe.

    2. Right-click the executable, and click Properties.

    3. Click to the Compatibility tab.

    4. Select Run this program in compatibility mode for:, and choose Windows XP (Service Pack 2) in the drop-down menu.

  • WebDAV might not function correctly if the WebDAV extensions are set to Allowed instead of Prohibited on the Portal Server gatewaying the traffic. This applies only when running the .NET version of the portal. (Issue #50584)

  • When changing an Oracle WebCenter Collaboration folder through Web folders, all the files in the folder are treated as newly-uploaded files and generate subscription emails for every file. (Issue #52395)

  • When using Mozilla Firefox, the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration window does not refresh after checking in or checking out a file via WebEdit. Therefore the file state does not appear to update. (Issue #47583)

  • You cannot open two Microsoft PowerPoint files simultaneously via WebDAV. (Issue #47769)

  • When editing files through WebFolders, if the full WebFolder path is longer than 229 characters, opening the file in Edit mode causes a DDE error. (Issue #47801)

    As a workaround, make sure that the path of the file contains fewer than 230 characters. To do this, use one of the following methods:

    • Rename the file so it has a shorter name.

    • Rename one or more parent folders so that they have shorter names.

    • Move the file to a folder that has a shorter path name.

  • WebEdit might not work in a multi-domain environment using SSL.

    As a workaround, modify Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's config.xml file to < nonGatewayedAccess enabled="yes"/>. (Issue #58576)

  • The WebEdit functionality in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration consumes multiple user sessions in the portal. If this functionality is used with a portal running with an SDK license, the user session limit will be exhausted quickly. Additional users will not be able to log in to the portal until one of the existing sessions has expired or the portal is restarted. (Issue #54472)

  • For WebFolders to work on clients running Microsoft Windows 7 OS, you must follow the instructions listed for Windows 2003/XP and not the instructions for Windows Vista. (Issue #12933491)

Microsoft Office 2007 Plug-In

This section includes issues affecting the Microsoft Office 2007 plug-in.

  • The Advanced section of Microsoft Office Ribbon does not work when the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration document or folder name contains non-ASCII characters. (Issue #65326)

  • The Microsoft Office 2003 plug-in does not support Asian languages. (Issue #47153)


This section includes issues affecting various areas of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

  • Bulk upload and WebEdit are not available to clients on Mac OS. These features are not supported on Mac OS. (Issue #10265635)

  • In the unusual case where portal is deployed using Oracle WebLogic Server on a port other than 80, you need to manually add the port to the gateway URL in the Collaboration Administrator page under the Portal Access settings. (Issue #8487177)

  • You cannot delete a document from the Microsoft Office task pane even with appropriate permissions. (Issue 8500856)

  • Task dates in the Microsoft Office task pane may by one day off in instances where multiple time-zones are used. (Issue #8513980)

  • The number of tasks displayed in the Tasks tab of the Microsoft Office task pane reflects only completed tasks, not the total number of tasks. (Issue 8579445)

  • In Microsoft Windows Vista, the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration toolbar does not display when opening an Excel document from a Web Folder. This occurs only when opening the document before the Excel application is launched. (Issue #68603)

    As a workaround launch Excel before opening the document from the Web Folder.

  • The Phone Home feature in Oracle Configuration Manager is not supported for use by customers unless directed to do so by customer support. (Issue #68098)

  • The APIs for managing Oracle WebCenter Collaboration subscriptions in the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) have been deprecated and are no longer supported. (Issue #67376)

  • Collaboration Database RAC settings are not implemented in Oracle Configuration Manager. (Issue #70350)

    As a workaround, configure database connection settings in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's database.xml configuration file, located in install_dir/settings/config/.

  • Basic authentication user name and password for RSS feeds do not support multi-byte characters. (Issue #67920)

  • Wide project overview modules might not display properly if dragged into narrow columns. (Issue #66787)

  • You cannot upload a project image before the project is created. To upload a project image, first create the project, then go to Manage Project, and upload the image. (Issue #64174)

  • Projects with names containing the following characters will no longer be displayed as Web folders: \ / * ? < > | #. New projects with these characters in their names can still be created, but the user creating projects with these characters will receive a warning. (Issue #47479)

  • Experience Definition URLs include user-specific fragments that preserve the correct look and feel of Experience Definitions for individual users. These URLs are cached by the Notification Service. If a portal user changes his or her login domain, the cached Experience Definition URLs for that user become invalid. There are other, less-common reasons why Experience Definition URLs can become invalid. If you are experiencing this issue for a different reason, restarting the Notification Service will likely resolve the problem. (Issue #58836)

  • If users encounter an error when creating an announcement or a discussion message in a multi-domain environment using SSL, you might need to disable the Rich Text Editor by modifying Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's config.xml to <richtexteditor enabled="no"/>. (Issue #58569)

  • When clicking the New or Edit discussion message button you might be prompted to download blank.html. This occurs with certain versions of Internet Explorer 6 and can be ignored. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest service pack for Internet Explorer. (Issue #47329)

  • If nonGatewayedUploads is set to yes in config.xml (by default it is set to no), you might need to modify the URL specified in the nonGatewayedUploads node to add /collab to the end of the URL if the URL does not already contain this. (Issue #57749)

  • A user with Write permissions cannot attach a file to a discussion after canceling out of the Attach Document editor. The user must log in again or have his or her permissions changed to Editor. (Issue #65015)

  • Security settings do not get saved properly when a new event is created. (Issue #63397)

  • Microsoft Project files that are exported in an operating system in a locale other U.S. cannot be imported into Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. (Issue #64144)

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Oracle WebCenter Analytics, 10g Release 4 (


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