Core Tags
Tag localize

This tag will display the localized version of the string with the given string ID and string file. It will also replace the tokens, {0},{1},..., if a replacement is given via the optional string replacement variables.

Tag Information
Tag Namelocalize

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
idinttruenullThe ID of the localized string to be displayed. The ID must be an integer.
filestringtruenullThe name of the file that contains the string to be displayed.
replace0stringfalseN/AThe string that will be used to replace the token: {0}.
replace1stringfalseN/AThe string that will used to replace the token: {1}.
replace2stringfalseN/AThe string that will used to replace the token: {2}.
replace3stringfalseN/AThe string that will used to replace the token: {3}.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.