PTConditionals Tags
Tag iscurrcommunity

This is a conditional tag used to output HTML and Adaptive Tags when on a specified Community page. Nothing is displayed if not in a Community or in the specified Community. The specific Community is determined by passing in the Community Id or name. The Community Id is specified either by directly passing the id value in the 'id' attribute or passing in the name of a tag variable with a list of ids. Comparison against Community name will check if the current Community name contains the passed in value. Exact match is done by using the begin of line and end of line markers.In the case when both ids and name is specified the tag body is displayed if one (or more) of the checks pass. Nest two or more tags to perform checks where both id and name need to match.

<pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity pt:id="350"/>
You are in Community with id 350
<pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity pt:name="^My Community^"/>
You are in Community with the exact name 'My Community'
<pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity pt:name="^My Community"/>
You are in Community with a name starting with 'My Community'
<pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity pt:name="^My Community"/>
 <pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity pt:id="350"/>
You are in Community with id 350 and name starting with 'My Community'</pt:ptcond.iscurrcommunity>

Tag Information
Tag Nameiscurrcommunity

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
idintfalse-1Community id to display the tag body in.
namestringfalsenullCommunity name. The '^' character is used as begin of string marker when placed in the beginning of the string and end of string at the end.
iddatastringfalsenullId of data tag variable with a list of Community ids to display the tag body in.
datascopestringfalseportlet requestThe tag scope of the iddata tag variable if it is not in the portlet request scope.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.