You can use the ATG Platform REST Web Services to call public methods on Nucleus components. If a method is overloaded, then the server will attempt to determine which method to call by looking at the number of arguments supplied. It is also possible to supply a method signature as a parameter to the RestComponentHelper.executeMethod() method. Supplying the atg-rest-method parameter allows you to specify the exact method to be called. The value of the parameter should be the Java method signature of the method to call. You can find the method signature for a method by using the javap command, which disassembles a class file. (The javap command is part of the JDK.)

Depending on the return type of the method, the output will vary. If the output is an object, then it will return a JSON or XML stream which contains the values of all the properties in the object. If it is a simple type like an int or a String, it will return the value. The identifier for the return type is atgResponse.

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