Interface LoginUserAuthority

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveDirectoryAccountManager, GenericAccountManager, iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager, LDAPAuthenticationProxy, LDAPRepositoryAccountManager, RepositoryAccountManager, RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority, SerializedAccountManager, atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryLoginUserAuthority, XmlAccountManager

public interface LoginUserAuthority
extends UserAuthority

Interface that provides name/password (login) style authentication for a user authority.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Method Summary
 PasswordHasher getPasswordHasher()
          Returns the password hasher object used to encrypt password text to whatever format is required by login().
 boolean login(User user, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String hashedPassword, java.lang.Object hashKey)
          Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.
Methods inherited from interface
addAuthenticationFailedListener, addAuthenticationSucceededListener, getPersona, getUserAuthorityName, removeAuthenticationFailedListener, removeAuthenticationSucceededListener, userDestroyed

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


PasswordHasher getPasswordHasher()
Returns the password hasher object used to encrypt password text to whatever format is required by login(). This should return the value of PasswordHasher.getLoginPasswordHasher() to ensure that a one-time pad is used for authentication if supported by the password hasher.


boolean login(User user,
              java.lang.String name,
              java.lang.String hashedPassword,
              java.lang.Object hashKey)
Authenticates a user, populating the User object with appropriate personae.

See Also: