Interface VirtualFileSystem

public interface VirtualFileSystem

Describes a virtual container in which a set of file-like entities are organized in a tree.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Method Summary
 VirtualFileSystemDescriptor getDescriptor()
          Return a descriptor of this file system
 VirtualFile getFile(java.lang.String path)
          Get a VirtualFile for some path.
 VirtualFile getFile(atg.vfs.VirtualPath path)
          Get a VirtualFile at some VirtualPath
 java.lang.String getVFSName()
          Get the name of this file system.
 void handleUpdate()
          Handle an update.
 java.lang.String separator()
          Get the directory separator for this filesystem

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


VirtualFileSystemDescriptor getDescriptor()
Return a descriptor of this file system


VirtualFile getFile(java.lang.String path)
Get a VirtualFile for some path.


VirtualFile getFile(atg.vfs.VirtualPath path)
Get a VirtualFile at some VirtualPath


java.lang.String separator()
Get the directory separator for this filesystem


java.lang.String getVFSName()
Get the name of this file system. The name is application specific. Implementations that are GenericServices should generally return their component path.


void handleUpdate()
                  throws atg.vfs.VFSUpdateException
Handle an update. This method is called by facilities to notify the virtual file system that one or more of the files in the the virtual file system has changed. This is part of the glue between Publishing and Dynamo.

The implementation of this method in the VirtualFileSystemImpl base class is suitable for most implementations. It is acceptable to make this a noop in a particular VFS implementation if that implementation is not used by Publishing.

VFSUpdateException - if there is an error. It is important for implementations to not bury exceptions as facilities that call handleUpdate() use the exception to detect failures. If an implementation logs an error during handleUpdate() it should also throw this exception. This exception is a container exception to facilitate this. The exception also has properties that allow it to contain more useful information than in most exceptions.
See Also: