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Oracle® Argus Insight Installation Guide
Release 7.0
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This chapter describes the steps required to run and work with the Initial ETL.

Running the Initial ETL

Before running the Initial ETL, ensure that Auto extend is set to ON for all the Data files in the database that are related to Staging and Mart. You should also be aware of the following:

Use the following procedure to run the initial ETL.

  1. Log on to the Argus Insight Web Server as an Admin user.

  2. Select Start > Programs > Oracle > Argus Insight > Schema Creation Tool.

    Surrounding text describes schemac.gif.
  3. When the system opens the Schema Creation Tool, click Initial ETL.

  4. When the system opens the Oracle Database Connect dialog box, enter the APR_MART password and database name in their respective fields. Click OK.

    Surrounding text describes etlodc.gif.
  5. When the system opens the Initial ETL Status dialog box, click Start ETL to start the Initial ETL process.

    Surrounding text describes inietl.gif.
  6. When the system opens the Initial ETL Configuration Check dialog box, click Yes if these items have already been configured.

    Surrounding text describes etlconfcheck.gif.
  7. The system presents a processing dialog box showing the ETL start time, current process in execution, and the progress bar while ETL is in progress.

    Stop ETL and Close buttons are also available.

    Surrounding text describes etl2.gif.


    Closing the Schema Creation Tool application does not impact the execution of ETL process.

    Ignore option is not available for stopped process.

    Click Stop ETL to halt the ETL process.

    Click Continue to continue the stopped ETL process.

    1. You can halt execution of Initial ETL process by clicking Stop ETL.

    2. Click Continue to continue the stopped ETL process.

    Surrounding text describes etl3.gif.
  8. When the system shows the Initial ETL process completes successfully with 100% displayed in the progress bar, click Balancing Logs.

    Surrounding text describes etl4.gif.
  9. When the system opens the Balancing Logs dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes etlballogs.gif.
  10. The system presents a command screen.

    Surrounding text describes etlsql.gif.
  11. When the system opens the following dialog box showing the location of the balancing log reports generated with the report names, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes aisct.gif.
  12. Click Run ETL (from the Initial ETL Status dialog, as shown in Step 8) if you want to start the Initial ETL process from the beginning after confirmation message and APR_MART password input.

    1. Click Continue to continue the failed Initial ETL procedure.

    2. Ignore option is also available to ignore the failed Initial ETL process.

    3. Click Restart ETL to start the Initial ETL process from beginning after confirmation message and APR_MART password input.

Closing the Initial ETL Status dialog

Use the following procedure to close the Initial ETL Status dialog.

  1. Click Close.

    Surrounding text describes etl3.gif.
  2. When the system opens the Close Application dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes closeapp.gif.

Stopping the Execution of ETL

Use the following procedure to halt the execution of the Initial ETL process:

  1. Click Stop ETL.

    Surrounding text describes etl3.gif.
  2. When the system opens the Stop ETL confirmation dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes stopetl.gif.
  3. The system redisplays the Initial ETL Status dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes etl5.gif.


Use the following procedure to start the ETL process from the beginning.

  1. Click Run ETL.

    Surrounding text describes etl4.gif.
  2. When the system opens the Run ETL dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes runetl.gif.
  3. The following dialog is displayed. Enter the APR_MART password and click OK.

    Surrounding text describes restart-etl.gif.
  4. The initial ETL process starts from the beginning.

Options available for a Failed ETL

  1. You can choose any of the following options for the failed Initial ETL process.

    • Click Continue to continue the failed Initial ETL procedure.

    • Click Ignore to ignore the failed Initial ETL process.

    • Click Modify Attributes of ETL Data Exclusion if PRE_REQ_CHECK_FLAG switch is set to ABORT.


      These modifications must be done before running the Initial ETL process.

Continuing the Failed Initial ETL Process

Use the following procedure to continue a failed ETL procedure. Execute the following steps to continue the Initial ETL process from the failed ETL procedure.

  1. Surrounding text describes etl6.gif.
  2. Double-click on the ETL error to view the Error Data dialog containing the details of that error. Click OK.

    Surrounding text describes errordata.gif.
  3. Right-click on the ETL Error and click Copy to copy the error data.

    Surrounding text describes etl7.gif.
  4. Click Continue to continue the failed ETL process.

  5. When the system opens the Continue ETL dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes continueetl.gif.
  6. The system continues with the ETL process (if no errors are found).

  7. The system continues executing the initial ETL.

    Surrounding text describes etl8.gif.

Ignoring the Failed Initial ETL Process

Use the following procedure to start the Initial ETL process by ignoring the failed Initial ETL procedure:

  1. When the system opens the Initial ETL Status dialog box, click Ignore.

    Surrounding text describes etl6.gif.
  2. When the system opens the Ignore Error dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes ignore.gif.
  3. The system starts the Initial ETL from the next process.

    Surrounding text describes etl8.gif.

Modifying the Attributes of ETL Data Exclusion

Use the following procedure to modify ETL Data Exclusion attributes. You must modify these attributes before ETL execution.

  1. Log on to the Argus Insight Web Server as an Admin user.

  2. Select Tools > List Maintenance > Profile Switches > ETL Data Exclusion.

    Surrounding text describes lmpsetl.gif.
  3. Click Modify.

  4. When the system opens the following dialog box do one of the following and click OK:

    Surrounding text describes ede.gif.
    • Enter IGNORE in the Value field if you want to continue the ETL process and skip cases with erroneous data.

    • Enter ABORT in the Value field if you want the ETL process to abort when it encounters cases with erroneous data.

Restart the Initial ETL Process

Use the following procedure to restart the the Initial ETL process starting from after the confirmation message and APR_MART password input:

  1. When the system opens the following dialog box, click Restart ETL.

    Surrounding text describes etl6.gif.
  2. When the system opens the Restart ETL dialog box, click OK.

    Surrounding text describes restartetl.gif.
  3. When the system opens the Oracle Database Connect dialog box:

    Surrounding text describes etlodc.gif.
    • Enter the APR_MART password in the Password field.

    • Enter the database name in the Database field.

    • Click OK.

  4. When the system opens The Initial ETL Configuration Check dialog box, click Yes if the listed items have already been configured.

    Surrounding text describes etlconfcheck.gif.
  5. The system proceeds with the ETL process. When the system finishes the ETL process, click Close.

    Surrounding text describes etl8.gif.