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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Installation Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number E22743-06
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7 Upgrading to Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release 2.2

This section includes the following topics:

Supported Upgrade Paths

Upgrading to Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) is supported from the following releases:

All steps in this chapter are required for each upgrade path.

Set the Tech Type Value

If you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 or 2.1.4 to Oracle LSH 2.2, set the Tech Type value using the instructions below:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps.

  2. Run the following SQL statement:

    select CDR_TECH_TYPES_ID_SEQ.nextval from dual;

Stop Server Processes

This step is required for all upgrade paths.

Before you begin the upgrade, stop the following servers:

Recommended Steps for a Smoother Upgrade Process

The following steps are not required by Oracle LSH, but doing them before you begin will minimize stoppages of the lengthy upgrade process. See "Finding Information and Patches on My Oracle Support" to find the My Oracle support articles referenced below.

Before the upgrade:

Upgrade Oracle Applications

This step is required for all upgrade paths.

Install Oracle Applications R12.1.1

Follow instructions in Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 11i to 12.1.3 (Part E16342-03).


In Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 11i to 12.1.3, Chapter 3, "Upgrading to Release 12.1.1," the section "Disable AOL Audit Trail (conditional)" says, "If you plan to re-enable auditing after the upgrade, then archive and purge the shadow tables now. Data changes made after implementing this step are not audited." You can safely skip this step.

Monitor the Upgrade Process

Oracle recommends monitoring the upgrade process in case it stops, particularly at times when there have been failures in the past. Some of these failures can be avoided by following instructions in Recommended Steps for a Smoother Upgrade Process, but others cannot be avoided. Watch particularly around the following job numbers:

  • Around job 127000 the program pechktsk.sql fails because patch 8855023 is not applied. Continue and apply the patch later. See My Oracle Support article ID 1083981.1.

  • Around job 42200 the program MSDODPCODE fails if OLAP is not installed; see Recommended Steps for a Smoother Upgrade Process.

  • From about job 15500 to 14600 all the ZPB programs (about 900 programs) fail because ZPB is not supported in R12; see My Oracle Support article ID 1314218.1.

  • Around job 14100 the program cskbcat fails if the Korean dictionary is not installed; see Recommended Steps for a Smoother Upgrade Process.

  • Around job 1550 the program biv_b_age_h_sum_mv fails because patch 10163753 is not applied. Continue and apply the patch later. See My Oracle Support article ID 1322144.1.

  • Around job 1200 the program fem_bal_nacc_hier_l2_mv fails because patch 10406817 is not applied. You can use adctrl's hidden option '8' to skip the failed worker, continue the upgrade, and apply the patch later. See My Oracle Support article ID 1284055.1 and 1322144.1 (same as for the above problem).

  • Around job 310 the program czhist fails if statistics have not been updated; see Recommended Steps for a Smoother Upgrade Process.

  • After the upgrade completes, check if the Oracle Home 10.1.3 was not registered properly in the inventory at the end of the install. This could happen if your upgrade was on the same application server, but with different OS users and a different OS DBA group. In that case, the new OS user cannot read oraInst.loc.

    To fix this, either rename the oraInst.loc file and the oraInventory directory or give 777 permissions to the file and directory.

  • Finally, if Oracle Applications does not start after the upgrade completes, see My Oracle Support article ID 1106795.1.

Upgrade Oracle Applications to R12.1.3

Follow instructions in Upgrade Oracle Applications to R12.1.3 on upgrading Oracle Applications to R12.1.3.

Apply Patches

Apply the following patches:

  • 8855023. See My Oracle Support article ID 1083981.1.

  • 10163753. See My Oracle Support article ID 1322144.1.

  • 10406817. See My Oracle Support article ID 1284055.1.

Upgrade and Configure the Oracle Database

Follow instructions in the following sections. These steps are required for all upgrade paths:

  1. Upgrade the Oracle Database to

  2. Edit listener_ifile.ora.

  3. Change Default Password Settings.

  4. Increase JVM Memory.

Upgrade Oracle Thesaurus Management System to 4.6.1

This step is required if you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2.

To install TMS 4.6.1:

  1. Follow instructions in Set Up a Windows Computer for Launching the TMS Installation.

  2. Follow upgrade instructions in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Installation Guide in the following sections:

    • Section 6.3.1 "Launch the Installer"

    • Section 6.3.2 "Attend to the Installer"


      In the Installer screen Select a product to install, be sure to select TMS Database Upgrade.
  3. Apply TMS patch, which is patch number 9728948, using instructions in the release notes.

Upgrade Informatica PowerCenter to 8.6.1 with HotFix 11 or Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1

If you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 to 2.2, upgrade to Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 with HotFix 11 or Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1.

If you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.4 to 2.2, ensure that you are using Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 with HotFix 11. You could also upgrade to Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1.

The software is not included in the media pack. You must buy this software from Informatica.

To upgrade:

  1. Run the installer, selecting the option to upgrade from the previous version.


    If more recent releases have become available, do NOT install them unless explicitly instructed to do so by an Oracle LSH-specific note or alert on My Oracle Support.

    You can get HotFix 11 even if it has been superseded by a later version by logging a Service Request with Informatica.

  2. Make sure the environment file infa.env exists under $INFA_HOME (Informatica Installation Directory) and has the following environment variable settings:

    INFA_HOME=<Informatica Installation Directory>


    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<Informatica Installation


    On a Linux platform, add this extra line to the file:


Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

To support Oracle BIP Programs, Oracle LSH 2.2 supports the same version of Oracle BIP as before.

If you are upgrading to Oracle LSH 2.2 on the same server used for your existing Oracle LSH installation, you do not need to reinstall the Oracle BIP server.

If you are upgrading to Oracle LSH 2.2 on a different server, you must install Oracle BI Publisher and apply patch 7642637.

OBIEE 10g and 11g Options

To support OBIEE Business Areas and data visualizations, Oracle LSH is compatible with both OBIEE 10g and OBIEE 11g.

You can use both OBIEE 10g and OBIEE 11g if you want. For example, if you are using Oracle Clinical Development Analytics you may want to dedicate one OBIEE installation to OCDA on 10g and have another for Oracle LSH OBIEE visualizations. You can install both on the same computer or different ones, but even if they are on the same computer you must define a different service location and services for each. You must install the DP Server on each machine where the Oracle BI Server is installed.


If you are using OBIEE for visualizations already, you do not need to reinstall OBIEE or the DP Server on the Oracle BI Server. However, you do need to install the new version of the CDR Client cdrconfig.xml on each Definer's PC, edited with the correct local patch to the Oracle BI Administration Tool; see Install the Client Plug-In.

The command files shipped with Oracle LSH 2.2 include a set with the string 10g in their name (obieeinstall10g.cmd, obieedeploy10g.cmd, obieepsrestart10g.cmd and However, these are identical in content to the ones you have already installed and edited. You do not need to change.


For additional information see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.


If you want to upgrade to OBIEE 11g for data visualizations, you must install OBIEE and upgrade the RPD file. There are several changes required from previous releases.

Install the Software

To upgrade, you must install OBIEE 11g in an Oracle Fusion Oracle Home following instructions the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) (E10539-01) (Part E 10539-01).

Use the correct settings for an upgrade as outlined in Section 4.4 of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) (Part E16452-01).


As noted in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), you need to install Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility 11g ( before installing OBIEE 11g. This software is included in the Oracle LSH 2.2 media pack.

Copy and Edit Revised Execution Command Scripts

The obieedeploy.cmd and obieeinstall.cmd command script files have changed for the OBIEE 11g integration.

  1. Copy the Oracle LSH 2.2 versions of obieedeploy.cmd and obieeinstall.cmd from $cdr/admin/templates to the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing Server location.

  2. Edit obieedeploy.cmd, which has a RPD_DIR environment variable that indicates the path where the LSH master RPD will reside. Unlike OBIEE 10g, in the OBIEE 11g integration, this can be any folder path on the BI Server machine's file system.

    set RPD_DIR=absolute_path

    For example:

    set RPD_DIR=C:\RPD
  3. Edit obieeinstall.cmd, which has new environment variables. Provide local values as follows:

    set PATH=E:\Oracle\fmw\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\server\bin;%PATH%
    set ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION=coreapplication
    set ORACLE_BI_INSTANCE=E:\Oracle\fmw\instances\instance1
    set COMPONENT_NAME=coreapplication_obis1
    set COMPONENT_TYPE=OracleServerComponent
    set ORACLE_INSTANCE=E:\Oracle\fmw\instances\instance1

Upgrade and Deploy the Master Repository File

If you have a master RPD file containing the source code for multiple Business Areas, follow instructions in this section to upgrade your master repository (RPD) file from 10g to 11g and then manually deploy it.

Copy the Master RPD File to a New Location

The 10g master RPD file is located under Server\Repository in the Oracle Business Intelligence installation directory. Copy it from there to the location you specified in the obieedeploy.cmd file; see Copy and Edit Revised Execution Command Scripts.

Migrate the Master RPD File to 11g

You must migrate your master OBIEE 10g RPD to OBIEE 11g by running the Upgrade Assistant (ua.bat) available under E:\oracle\fmw\Oracle_BI1\bin.

Follow instructions in Section 4.4 of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) (Part E16452-01).

Edit Before Query Block in Connection Scripts

On the Oracle BI Server, open the Oracle BI Administration Tool and:

  1. In the Physical tab, navigate to the migrated RPD, expand its node, and click Connection Pool. The Connection Pool window opens.

  2. Click the Connection Scripts tab.

  3. Expand the Execute before query node.

  4. Select the call script. The Physical SQL window opens.

  5. Change the first word, "begin," with "call" and remove the semicolon (;) from the end of the script. The default script is:

    begin cdr_obiee_security.syncLSHSecurity(271201,1,upper(':USER')) end; 

    Edit it to:

    call cdr_obiee_security.syncLSHSecurity(271201,1,upper(':USER'))
  6. Click OK and exit.

Manually Add the InitGroup Initialization Block

The InitGroup initialization block is required for OBIEE 11g RPDs. To add it:

  1. Open the upgraded 11g RPD in Administrator's Tool.

  2. Navigate to the Session Initialization Blocks from the top Menu >Manage > Variables > Session > Initialization Blocks. Add a new initialization block named InitGroup as shown in the following screenshot.

  3. Click Edit Data Source and select the available ConnectionPool.

  4. Enter the following query:

    select 'BIAuthor' from dual

  5. Click Edit Data Target and create a new Target Variable called GROUP.

    Figure 7-1 Adding the InitGroup Initialization Block

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7-1 .
Manually Deploy the Master RPD File

Manually deploy the new 11g version of the master RPD file on your OBIEE 11g BI Server using the Oracle Enterprise Manager. This step is now required every time a Definer installs a Business Area.


Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically edits the NQSConfig.ini file, which was a manual step when installing OBIEE for use with Oracle LSH in previous releases. In Oracle LSH 2.2, do not edit the NQSConfig.ini file.
  1. Open the Oracle Enterprise Manager using the URL specific to your environment.


    If the URL does not work, you may need to restart the WebLogic Server; see Starting the WebLogic Server.
  2. In the left-hand panel, navigate to Farm_bifoundation_domain, then Business Intelligence, then coreapplication in the left pane. Then click the Deployment tab, and then the Repository subtab.

  3. Click Lock and Edit Configuration near the top. A confirmation message appears.

  4. Under Upload BI Server Repository, click the Browse button for the Repository File field and select the master RPD file.


    The location of the master RPD file is determined by the obieedeploy.cmd file; see Copy and Edit Revised Execution Command Scripts.
  5. Enter the repository password and confirm password. The password must be same as the administrator password stored in LSH under Remote Location Connections. This is very important for the integration. Click Apply.

  6. Click Activate Changes and confirm that Activate Changes is successful

  7. Click Restart and confirm.

  8. Ensure that Restart All completed successfully. This indicates the successful deployment of the RPD on the BI Server and a successful restart of the BI Server services. The Business Area RPD is now ready to be used through the OBIEE Presentation Service (BI Answers).

Set the Default Authenticator to Optional

OBIEE 11g has a DefaultAuthenticator provider to handle authentication. Since LSH RPDs have their own SQL authentication block configured, the DefaultAuthenticator should be made OPTIONAL in OBIEE 11g.

After the master RPD has been successfully deployed and the BI Server services successfully restarted, do the following:

  1. Open the Weblogic Server Administration Console using the URL specific to your environment.


    If the URL does not work, you may need to restart the WebLogic Server; see Starting the WebLogic Server.
  2. On the Home page, under Your Application's Security Settings, click Security Realms.

  3. Under Change Center in the upper left, click Lock & Edit.

  4. Under How Do I.... click Configure a New Security Realm and follow instructions on screen.

  5. Click the name of the new security realm. The Settings for the security realm are displayed.

  6. In the top row of tabs, click the Providers tab.

  7. If it is not already selected, click the Authentication subtab.

  8. Click DefaultAuthenticator.

  9. Set Control Flag to OPTIONAL and Save.

Starting the WebLogic Server

If the URL for either Oracle Enterprise Manager or the WebLogic Administration Console is not working, the WebLogic Server may be down. To start it:

  1. On the BI Server computer, right-click Command Prompt under the Start menu and select Run as Administrator.

  2. Change directory to the Domain folder under the OBIEE installation folder; for example, E:\oracle\fmw\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain.

  3. Run the command startWeblogic.cmd under this folder. The system prompts you for the WebLogic Server username and password.

  4. Check that the command window displays the message "Server started in RUNNING mode."

Migrate Repository Files for Individual Business Areas

If a Definer has modified the generated RPD file for a Business Area in the OBIEE Administrator's Tool on the Definer's PC and uploaded the RPD as the Business Area's Source Code (indicated in Oracle LSH by a setting of USER for the SAS File Reference Name property of the Source Code), the Definer should upgrade that RPD file to 11g so that, if the Business Area is reinstalled in the future, the merge with the migrated master RPD file will work.

  1. Navigate to the Business Area properties page and launch the IDE. The OBIEE Administrator's Tool opens.

  2. In the Administrator's Tool, navigate to the CDR Work folder (whose location is configured in the CDR Client) then navigate to the RPD that was extracted during the Admin Tool launch.

  3. Run the Upgrade Assistant on the RPD, following instructions in Section 4.4 of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) (Part E16452-01).

  4. In the Business Area, browse for the newly generated 11g version of the RPD and upload it as the Source Code.

The next time the Business Area is installed, LSH automatically merges the revised version of this RPD file with the 11g master RPD. The Definer does not need to manually add the initialization block. However, the Definer does need to deploy the re-merged master RPD manual and restart the services as in Manually Deploy the Master RPD File every time he or she reinstalls the Business Area.


Additional configuration is required; see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for instructions.

Migrate the Oracle Warehouse Builder Repository

These steps are required if you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2 to 2.2.

Migrate the OWB Repository from CDR_RTREPOS to OWBSYS

Migrate the OWB repository residing in the CDR_RTREPOS schema to the 11gR2 unified repository in the OWBSYS schema. Follow instructions in Chapter 6, "Moving to Oracle Warehouse Builder 11.2 from Earlier Releases," of the Oracle® Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2), Part Number E17130-03, which is on the media pack and at

Perform all steps on the new 11gR2 OWB Home created during the database upgrade.

Create the OWBSYS Schema and Grant Privileges

Create the OWBSYS schema in the database and grant it required privileges.

Create the Schema

  1. Log on to the computer where the Oracle LSH database is installed.

  2. Change directories to <OWB_HOME>/owb/UnifiedRepos.

  3. Log in to SQL*Plus as a database user with SYSDBA privileges.

  4. Run the cat_owb.sql script to create the OWBSYS schema.

    Enter the tablespace name when you are prompted for it.

  5. Unlock OWBSYS and OWBSYS_AUDIT accounts.

    1. At the command prompt, start SQL*Plus:

      % sqlplus

      SQL*Plus: Release 11.2 - Production on Mon July 27 13:06:27 2009

      Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    2. When prompted for user name, log in as a user with SYSDBA privileges.

      Enter user-name: sys as sysdba

      Enter password: password

      Connected to:

      Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release 11.2 - Production

      With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

    3. Unlock the OWBSYS user account, and set its new password:

      SQL> alter user owbsys identified by password account unlock;

      User altered.

    4. Unlock the OWBSYS_AUDIT user account, and set its new password:

      SQL> alter user owbsys_audit identified by password account unlock;

      User altered.


      Oracle recommends changing the default password for this account. You will need the password later.
  6. Run the reset_owbcc_home.sql script to reset the OWB_HOME directory:

    Note that this entry is case-sensitive, does not accept a trailing slash, and requires forward slashes only, regardless of the operating system.

Unlock Accounts and Change Passwords

Unlock the OWBSYS and OWBSYS_AUDIT user accounts:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as the user SYSDBA.

  2. Execute <OWB_HOME>/owb/UnifiedRepos/unlock_owbsys.sql

Change the account passwords in SQL*Plus as SYSDBA by entering the following commands:

ALTER USER OWBSYS identified by password;

ALTER USER OWBSYS_AUDIT identified bypassword;

Grant Required Privileges

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as the user CDR_RTREPOS. Check that you are properly logged in:

    show user;

    The system returns: CDR_RTREPOS

  2. Grant privilege to owbsys:

    grant owb_o_cdr_rtrepos to owbsys with admin option;

Create New OWB Workspace for CDR_RTREPOS

To create a new OWB Workspace for the existing user (CDR_RTREPOS):

  1. Change directory to <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix.

  2. Run the script to launch the Repository Assistant, entering information as described in the next steps.

  3. Enter database connection information and click Next.

  4. Select the Manage Warehouse Building Workspace option to create a new Warehouse Builder workspace for the existing user (CDR_RTREPOS), and click Next.

  5. Select the Create a new Warehouse Builder Workspace option and click Next.

  6. Select the Create a workspace with an existing user as workspace owner option and click Next.

  7. Enter credentials for a database DBA account and click Next.

  8. In the next screen, set:

    • Workspace Owner's User Name: CDR_RTREPOS

    • Workspace Owner's Password: CDR_RTREPOS_password

    • Workspace Name: Enter a uniquely identifiable Workspace Name; for example, CDROWBWS. This workspace name should be different from the CDR_RTREPOS workspace name. This is the repository that is going to be migrated from the previous version of OWB as described in Upgrade the OWB Repository.

  9. Click Finish and wait for the workspace to be created.

Upgrade Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

These steps are required for all upgrade paths.

Follow the instructions in the following sections of Chapter 5, "Installing the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub."

  1. Apply the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub AD Splicer Patch

  2. Install Oracle LSH Release 2.2

  3. Install Online Help

  4. Grant Execute Privileges to the APPS Schema

Integrate Oracle LSH with the 11gR2 Oracle Warehouse Builder

These steps are required only if you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2.

Except for the steps in Stop the 10gR2 OWB Service, all steps must be performed on the 11g OWB Home created during the database upgrade.

This section contains the following topics:

Follow these steps to install OWB Adapters and Operators in the new 11gR2 OWB Home. Except for the steps in Stop the 10gR2 OWB Service, all steps must be performed on the 11gR2 OWB Home created during the database upgrade.

Set Up Your Environment

You must set up your environment as described in Set Up Your Environment.

Create Directories and Copy Files

Create directories for Oracle LSH in the OWB home directory and copy files into them as described in Create Directories and Copy Files.

Disable Application Server Authentication

By default when Oracle Applications 11.5.10 CU2 is installed, the application security authentication is set to ON. To enable OWB to find the JDBC connection from the DBC file during Business Area installation, set this to OFF following instructions in Disable Application Server Authentication.


Edit the file as described in Edit


Edit the file as described in Edit

Edit owb.classpath

Edit the owb.classpath file as described in Edit owb.classpath.

Edit Shell Scripts to Match Directory Structure

Before you run the shell scripts, edit the following values in each script to reflect your environment values following instructions in Edit Shell Scripts to Match Directory Structure.

Run OWB Shell Scripts

Run OWB shell scripts as described in Run OWB Shell Scriptsafter following instructions in Edit Shell Scripts to Match Directory Structure.

Restart the 11gR2 OWB Service

You must restart the 11gR2 OWB service following instructions in Restart the OWB Service.

Stop the 10gR2 OWB Service

After upgrading to 11gR2, you do not need to have the 10gR2 OWB service running.


These are the only steps that you perform on your 10g OWB Home. All other OWB steps, including the Export step, are on the 11gR2 Home.

To stop the 10g OWB process:

  1. Go to 10g_OWB_HOME/owb/bin/unix.

  2. Rename as

  3. Log in to SQL*Plus as the user CDR_RTREPOS. Check that you are properly logged in:

    show user;

    The system returns: CDR_RTREPOS

  4. Run the Stop Service script:


Upgrade the OWB Repository

According to your Oracle LSH upgrade path, upgrade the OWB repository using the following steps.

This section contains instructions for the following upgrades:

Upgrading OWB from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2 to Oracle LSH 2.2

These steps are required for upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2 to Oracle LSH 2.2.

Run the OWB migration script to migrate the OWB repository residing in the CDR_RTREPOS schema to the unified repository in OWBSYS schema.

  1. Run the migration scripts.

    1. Log in to the server where OWB is installed.

    2. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/rtasst.

    3. Log in to SQL*Plus as the OWBSYS user.

    4. Run the migration scripts:





  2. Export the 10gR2 OWB repository.

    1. In your 11gR2 OWB Home, change directories to <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix.

    2. Run the script to launch the Repository Assistant.

      1. Choose the option Upgrade Repository to Current Release of OracleWareHouseBuilder

      2. Choose the option Export Entire Repository to File

      3. Enter username CDR_RTREPOS and its password.

      4. Export the repository.

  3. Import the old OWB repository to the new unified repository.

    1. In <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix, run the script to launch the Repository Assistant.

      1. Select the option Upgrade Repository to Current Release of Oracle Warehouse Builder .

      2. Select the option Import Entire Repository to file and click Next.

      3. Enter the password for OWBSYS and click Next.

      4. Click Browse, select the OWB 10g repository export MDL that you created previously, and click Next.

      5. Click Finish and wait for the OWB 10g repository to be imported into OWB 11g with all its audit information.

    2. The system displays a message whether the import is successful or not.

      If the import is not successful:

      1. Log in to SQL*Plus as a database user with SYSDBA privileges.

      2. Change directories to <OWB_HOME>/owb/UnifiedRepos.

      3. Run the script clean_owbsys.sql.

      4. Repeat all the steps beginning with running cat_owb.sql in Create the OWBSYS Schema and Grant Privileges.

      If the import failed due to a unique constraint violation, see My Oracle Support article ID 1358564.1.


      This guide has been corrected so that this situation should no longer occur. In the process, section numbers have changed.
    3. If you have other LSH environments, migrate OWB there too.

Upgrading OWB from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 11gR2 or Oracle LSH 2.1.4 on 11gR2 to Oracle LSH 2.2

Use the following steps to complete the installation of the Warehouse Builder on the Warehouse Builder Server side:

  1. Stop and exit all Warehouse Builder components, including the Control Center Service.

    To stop the Control Center, run the stop_service.sql script. In SQL*Plus, run the following command:

    sqlplus OWBSYS/OWBSYS_password @ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/stop_service.sql

    A return value of Not Available indicates that you successfully stopped the service.

  2. From a command prompt, navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/owb/reposasst/upg directory and execute the following command:

    sqlplus /nolog @upg11201to11202.sql

  3. Enter the database connection information, the Warehouse Builder repository owner credentials, and the SYS user credentials.

    The upgrade utility proceeds to upgrade the Warehouse Builder objects associated with the selected repository owner.

    The upgrade utility logs any errors in the file ORACLE_HOME/owb/reposasst/upg/LOG.TXT. Note that you can ignore any creation errors reported due to objects already existing. An example of such an error is displayed below.

    DROP TABLE dataflow_dependency_t;

    ERROR at line 1:

    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


  4. Start the Control Center Service using the start_service.sql script.

    sqlplus OWBSYS/OWBSYS_password @ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/start_service.sql

    A return value of Available indicates that you successfully started the service. If the service fails to start, run the start_service.sql script again.

    If the service fails to start after two attempts, run the service_doctor script to determine the cause using the following command:

    sqlplus OWBSYS/OWBSYS_password @ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/service_doctor.sql

    The return value should indicate that the service script is accessible to the database server.

    If you encounter an obfuscation error while attempting to start the Control Center Service, run the script OWB_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/reset_repository.sql.

  5. Reset passwords for OWB stores.

    1. Log in to SQL*Plus as user APPS.

    2. Run the script $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdrresetowbstorepwd.sql. This script prompts you for the passwords to OWBSYS and APPS schema and the Database name.

Refer to Oracle® Warehouse Builder Release Notes 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E10585-08 for any known issues. This document is available in the media pack.

Migrate the Oracle Warehouse Builder Stores

These steps are required if you are upgrading from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 on 10gR2.

Migrate the Store Passwords and Audit Task ID

No input is required to migrate the Audit Task ID.

  1. Log in to the database as CDR_RTREPOS.

  2. Run the script $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdrowbstoreupdate.sql.

    The script prompts you for the passwords to the following accounts:

    • OWBSYS

    • APPS

Upgrade the Workflow Store

Start the OWB Browser Listener

  1. Log in to the computer where OWB is installed.

  2. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix.

  3. Run the script

    At the prompt, enter the oc4j password.

Upgrade the Workflow Store

  1. Launch the OWB repository through its URL:


    For example:
  2. In the Login screen, enter:

    • User name CDR_RTREPOS and its password

    • The Host, Port, and Service Name of the database

  3. Select the Control Center radio button and click Login.

  4. For Workspace, select CDR_RTREPOS.CDR_RTREPOS and click Go.

  5. Click Locations Report.

  6. On the Location screen, order by store name.

  7. Click on the hyperlink in the Validation column (the rightmost column) for the APPS_MODULE_LOCATION1 store.


    It may take a long time—30 minutes or more—for the screen to refresh, depending on your system and the number of stores you have.
  8. Update the Netservice name to null and click Update.

  9. Check that the host, port and SID of the store are the same as that of the control center which is displayed at the top of the screen.

  10. Enter the APPS schema password and click Get Status.

  11. Enter the APPS schema password and click Upgrade.

  12. Observe that the store status changes to Valid.

  13. Repeat Steps 10 to 15 for the APPS store.

  14. Close the browser.

Stop the OWB Browser Listener

  1. Log in to the computer where OWB is installed.

  2. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix.

  3. Run the script

    At the prompt, enter the oc4j password.

Upgrade Other OWB Stores

To upgrade other OWB stores:

  1. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix.

  2. Run by specifying the following parameters:

    sh <host>.<domain> <port> <service> <wks_owner_name> <wks_owner_pswd> <workspace_owner.workspace_name>

    For example:

  3. Check the log file upgradeLoc.log which is created in the same directory and confirm that there are no errors.

Edit listener_ifile.ora

If you have not already done so, configure the database listener to allow OWB to communicate with the database by editing your listener_ifile.ora file; see Edit listener_ifile.ora.

Upgrade the Distributed Processing Server

This step is required for all upgrade paths.

Upgrade the Oracle LSH DP Server on every computer where it is installed:

  1. Go to the lib directory in the DP Server Home directory on each computer where the DP Server resides.

  2. Copy from $CDR_TOP/jar to the lib directory.

  3. Using GNU zip or another utility, unzip the DPServer.jar from the zip file into the lib directory.

  4. Copy from the $COMMON_TOP/java/lib directory to the lib directory.

  5. Copy jmscommon.jar from the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib directory to the lib directory.

  6. On each computer where you install the DP Server, set the NLS_LANG environment variable to UTF8.

Perform the Remaining Post-Installation Tasks

These steps are required for all upgrade paths.

Follow the instructions in the following sections:

Start Server Processes

This step is required for all upgrade paths.

Start the following servers: