Oracle® Coherence開発者ガイド


22 キャッシュ内のデータの処理



次に説明するデータ・グリッド機能は、すべてCoherence Enterprise Edition以上の機能です。



map.invoke(key, agent);



Object oResult = map.invoke(key, agent);




map.invokeAll(collectionKeys, agent);


Map mapResults = map.invokeAll(collectionKeys, agent);




例22-1 データ・グリッド間の問合せ

NamedCache map    = CacheFactory.getCache("trades");
Filter     filter = new AndFilter(new EqualsFilter("getTrader", traderid),
                                  new EqualsFilter("getStatus", Status.OPEN));
Set setOpenTradeIds = mapTrades.keySet(filter);


map.invokeAll(filter, agent);


Map mapResults = map.invokeAll(filter, agent);




map.invokeAll((Filter) null, agent);


Map mapResults = map.invokeAll((Filter) null, agent);






例22-2 EntryProcessorインタフェースのメソッド

* An invocable agent that operates against the Entry objects within a
* Map.
public interface EntryProcessor
        extends Serializable
    * Process a Map Entry.
    * @param entry  the Entry to process
    * @return the result of the processing, if any
    public Object process(Entry entry);

    * Process a Set of InvocableMap Entry objects. This method is
    * semantically equivalent to:
    * <pre>
    *   Map mapResults = new ListMap();
    *   for (Iterator iter = setEntries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
    *       {
    *       Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next();
    *       mapResults.put(entry.getKey(), process(entry));
    *       }
    *   return mapResults;
    * </pre>
    * @param setEntries  a read-only Set of InvocableMap Entry objects to
    *                    process
    * @return a Map containing the results of the processing, up to one
    *         entry for each InvocableMap Entry that was processed, keyed
    *         by the keys of the Map that were processed, with a
    *         corresponding value being the result of the processing for
    *         each key
    public Map processAll(Set setEntries);



例22-3 InvocableMap.Entry API

* An InvocableMap Entry contains additional information and exposes
* additional operations that the basic Map Entry does not. It allows
* non-existent entries to be represented, thus allowing their optional
* creation. It allows existent entries to be removed from the Map. It
* supports several optimizations that can ultimately be mapped
* through to indexes and other data structures of the underlying Map.
public interface Entry
        extends Map.Entry
    // ----- Map Entry interface ------------------------------------

    * Return the key corresponding to this entry. The resultant key does
    * not necessarily exist within the containing Map, which is to say
    * that <tt>InvocableMap.this.containsKey(getKey)</tt> could return
    * false. To test for the presence of this key within the Map, use
    * {@link #isPresent}, and to create the entry for the key, use
    * {@link #setValue}.
    * @return the key corresponding to this entry; may be null if the
    *         underlying Map supports null keys
    public Object getKey();

    * Return the value corresponding to this entry. If the entry does
    * not exist, then the value will be null. To differentiate between
    * a null value and a non-existent entry, use {@link #isPresent}.
    * <p/>
    * <b>Note:</b> any modifications to the value retrieved using this
    * method are not guaranteed to persist unless followed by a
    * {@link #setValue} or {@link #update} call.
    * @return the value corresponding to this entry; may be null if the
    *         value is null or if the Entry does not exist in the Map
    public Object getValue();

    * Store the value corresponding to this entry. If the entry does
    * not exist, then the entry will be created by invoking this method,
    * even with a null value (assuming the Map supports null values).
    * @param oValue  the new value for this Entry
    * @return the previous value of this Entry, or null if the Entry did
    *         not exist
    public Object setValue(Object oValue);

    // ----- InvocableMap Entry interface ---------------------------

    * Store the value corresponding to this entry. If the entry does
    * not exist, then the entry will be created by invoking this method,
    * even with a null value (assuming the Map supports null values).
    * <p/>
    * Unlike the other form of {@link #setValue(Object) setValue}, this
    * form does not return the previous value, and consequently may be
    * significantly less expensive (in terms of cost of execution) for
    * certain Map implementations.
    * @param oValue      the new value for this Entry
    * @param fSynthetic  pass true only if the insertion into or
    *                    modification of the Map should be treated as a
    *                    synthetic event
    public void setValue(Object oValue, boolean fSynthetic);

    * Extract a value out of the Entry's value. Calling this method is
    * semantically equivalent to
    * <tt>extractor.extract(entry.getValue())</tt>, but this method may
    * be significantly less expensive because the resultant value may be
    * obtained from a forward index, for example.
    * @param extractor  a ValueExtractor to apply to the Entry's value
    * @return the extracted value
    public Object extract(ValueExtractor extractor);

    * Update the Entry's value. Calling this method is semantically
    * equivalent to:
    * <pre>
    *   Object oTarget = entry.getValue();
    *   updater.update(oTarget, oValue);
    *   entry.setValue(oTarget, false);
    * </pre>
    * The benefit of using this method is that it may allow the Entry
    * implementation to significantly optimize the operation, such as
    * for purposes of delta updates and backup maintenance.
    * @param updater  a ValueUpdater used to modify the Entry's value
    public void update(ValueUpdater updater, Object oValue);

    * Determine if this Entry exists in the Map. If the Entry is not
    * present, it can be created by calling {@link #setValue} or
    * {@link #setValue}. If the Entry is present, it can be destroyed by
    * calling {@link #remove}.
    * @return true iff this Entry is existent in the containing Map
    public boolean isPresent();

    * Remove this Entry from the Map if it is present in the Map.
    * <p/>
    * This method supports both the operation corresponding to
    * {@link Map#remove} and synthetic operations such as
    * eviction. If the containing Map does not differentiate between
    * the two, then this method will always be identical to
    * <tt>InvocableMap.this.remove(getKey())</tt>.
    * @param fSynthetic  pass true only if the removal from the Map
    *                    should be treated as a synthetic event
    public void remove(boolean fSynthetic);



例22-4 InvocableMap APIの集計

* Perform an aggregating operation against the entries specified by the
* passed keys.
* @param collKeys  the Collection of keys that specify the entries within
*                  this Map to aggregate across
* @param agent     the EntryAggregator that is used to aggregate across
*                  the specified entries of this Map
* @return the result of the aggregation
public Object aggregate(Collection collKeys, EntryAggregator agent);

* Perform an aggregating operation against the set of entries that are
* selected by the given Filter.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> calling this method on partitioned caches requires a
* Coherence Enterprise Edition (or higher) license.
* @param filter  the Filter that is used to select entries within this
*                Map to aggregate across
* @param agent   the EntryAggregator that is used to aggregate across
*                the selected entries of this Map
* @return the result of the aggregation
public Object aggregate(Filter filter, EntryAggregator agent);


例22-5 EntryAggregator API

* An EntryAggregator represents processing that can be directed to occur
* against some subset of the entries in an InvocableMap, resulting in a
* aggregated result. Common examples of aggregation include functions
* such as min(), max() and avg(). However, the concept of aggregation
* applies to any process that must evaluate a group of entries to
* come up with a single answer.
public interface EntryAggregator
        extends Serializable
    * Process a set of InvocableMap Entry objects to produce an
    * aggregated result.
    * @param setEntries  a Set of read-only InvocableMap Entry objects to
    *                    aggregate
    * @return the aggregated result from processing the entries
    public Object aggregate(Set setEntries);


例22-6 集計をパラレル実行するParallelAwareAggregator API

* A ParallelAwareAggregator is an advanced extension to EntryAggregator
* that is explicitly capable of being run in parallel, for example in a
* distributed environment.
public interface ParallelAwareAggregator
        extends EntryAggregator
    * Get an aggregator that can take the place of this aggregator in
    * situations in which the InvocableMap can aggregate in parallel.
    * @return the aggregator that will be run in parallel
    public EntryAggregator getParallelAggregator();

    * Aggregate the results of the parallel aggregations.
    * @return the aggregation of the parallel aggregation results
    public Object aggregateResults(Collection collResults);





InvocationService service = CacheFactory.getInvocationService("agents");


例22-7 ガベージ・コレクションをリクエストする単純なエージェント

* Agent that issues a garbage collection.
public class GCAgent
        extends AbstractInvocable
    public void run()


service.execute(new GCAgent(), null, null);


例22-8 グリッド全体のリクエスト・モデルおよびレスポンス・モデルをサポートするエージェント

* Agent that determines how much free memory a grid node has.
public class FreeMemAgent
        extends AbstractInvocable
    public void run()
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        int cbFree  = runtime.freeMemory();
        int cbTotal = runtime.totalMemory();
        setResult(new int[] {cbFree, cbTotal});


Map map = service.query(new FreeMemAgent(), null);


例22-9 グリッド全体のリクエストまたはレスポンスからの結果の出力

Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
    Map.Entry entry  = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
    Member    member = (Member) entry.getKey();
    int[]     anInfo = (int[]) entry.getValue();
    if (anInfo != null) // nullif member died
        System.out.println("Member " + member + " has "
            + anInfo[0] + " bytes free out of "
            + anInfo[1] + " bytes total");


例22-10 ステートフル・エージェントの操作

* Agent that carries some state with it.
public class StatefulAgent
        extends AbstractInvocable
    public StatefulAgent(String sKey)
        m_sKey = sKey;

    public void run()
        // the agent has the key that it was constructed with
        String sKey = m_sKey;
        // ...

    private String m_sKey;




例22-11 ワーク・マネージャの使用

Work[] aWork = ...
Collection collBigItems = new ArrayList();
Collection collAllItems = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0, c = aWork.length; i < c; ++i)
    WorkItem item = manager.schedule(aWork[i]);

    if (i < 3)
        // the first three work items are the important ones


Collection collDone = manager.waitForAll(collAllItems, 5000L);
if (!collDone.containsAll(collBigItems))
    // wait the remainder of 30 seconds for the important work to finish
    manager.waitForAll(collBigItems, 25000L);

Oracle Coherenceワーク・マネージャ: 主要金融機関からのフィードバック


  • コール元に不相応な待機時間を強いないために、大まかなリクエストをきめ細かな複数のリクエストに切り分けてパラレル実行するにはどうすればよいでしょうか。前述の例では、100以上のコール先に問い合せて情報を取得する必要があります。Java EEには正式なスレッド・モデルがなく、それに対応するメッセージベースのアプローチは不十分であるため、Coherenceワーク・マネージャを実装しています。

  • 低コストのブレードを活用しながら多数の外部システム・コールをパラレル実行するため、必要な作業を多くのデュアル・プロセッサ(ハイパースレッド機能を採用しているため、論理的には4プロセッサ構成になる)マシンに展開させることで、本来は垂直方向のスケーラビリティの問題を水平方向のハードウェア・レベルでのスケーラビリティで解決できます。リモートのワーク・マネージャインスタンスへのリクエスト配信にかかる負荷は、サービスを実行する際の負荷に比べて小さく、通常は数十から数百ミリ秒しかかからないため妥当であると判断しました。