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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Class PortalCacheProvider

  extended by com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
      extended by com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PortalCacheProvider
extends com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
implements XmlConfigurable

WebLogic Portal CacheProvider implementation that provides Cache instances that use Coherence™ to cache data. <p/> Each Cache implementation returned by this CacheProvider delegates most operations to a Coherence NamedCache configured via the XML cache configuration descriptor with URI PATH_CACHE_CONFIG. The name of the delegate NamedCache is constructed by appending the value returned by the getScopeIdentifier() method to the Cache name. For example, a Cache named "portalControlTreeCache" used within the "portalApp" J2EE application would delegate to the "portalControlTreeCache:portalApp" NamedCache. <p/> If a serialization error occurs while updating a cached value, the Cache implementation will store the updated value in a LocalCache and log an error message (once per non-serializable class). In this case, the configuration of the Cache should be changed to a LocalCache. <p/> The CacheProvider is configured via the XML configuration file loaded using the PATH_PROVIDER_CONFIG resource URI. This file contains configuration for the following PortalCacheProvider properties:

Property Description Default Value
ClusterOwned Either true or false to indicate whether the PortalCacheProvider should shutdown the Coherence cluster when it is shutdown. For example, this should be set to true if coherence.jar and coherence-wlp.jar are deployed within the portal application. false
EntrySetRealized Either true or false to indicate whether the Cache implementations returned by the PortalCacheProvider should return a fully realized set of cached values from the entrySet() method, rather than a virtual collection of cached values. The Cache API specifies that the entrySet() method should return the set of cached values. Not only is this quite unconventional (see the JavaDoc for the java.util.Map#entrySet method), but it can be a CPU- and memory-intensive operation; therefore, it is recommended that this elment be set to false unless strict compatibility with the default P13N CacheProvider is required. false
ReloadableCacheSupported Either true or false to indiciate whether the PortalCacheProvider should return Cache implementations that support the ReloadableCache API. Supporting the ReloadableCache API requires additional resources; therefore, if Cache reloading is not needed, it is recommended that this element be set to false. false
ScopeSeparator The string that separates the Cache name from the scope identifier in the fully qualified name of the delegate NamedCache. :
InvocationServiceName The name of the InvocationService used to send messages to remote cluster nodes. INVOCATION_SERVICE_NAME

Note: Use of the PortalCacheProvider requires WebLogic Portal 8.1.6 or higher. Additionally, the PortalCacheProvider is a feature of the Coherence Enterprise Edition and Coherence Grid Edition. It cannot be used in a Coherence Standard Edition cluster.

jhowes 2005.12.2005

Nested Class Summary
protected  class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
          Cache implementation that delegates most operations to a Coherence NamedCache.
static class PortalCacheProvider.FlushAgent
          Invocable implementation that is used to flush a Cache instance located on one or more remote cluster nodes.
protected  class PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl
          CacheImpl extension that supports the ReloadableCache interface.


Field Summary
          The default name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider.
protected  ConfigurableCacheFactory m_factory
          The CacheProvider's own ConfigurableCacheFactory.
protected  boolean m_fClusterOwned
          True to indicate that the CacheProvider should shutdown the cluster when it is shutdown.
protected  boolean m_fEntrySetRealized
          True to indicate that the Cache implementations returned by this CacheProvider should return a fully realized set of cached values from the entrySet() method rather than a virtual collection of values.
protected  boolean m_fReloadableCacheSupported
          True to indicate that the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that support the ReloadableCache API.
protected  InvocationService m_serviceInvocation
          The InvocationService used by the CacheProvider.
protected  String m_sInvocationServiceName
          The name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider to send messages to remote cluster nodes.
protected  String m_sScopeSeparator
          The string that separates the Cache name from the scope identifier in the fully qualified name of the delegate NamedCache.
protected  XmlElement m_xmlConfig
          The CacheProvider's configuration.
          The name of the required resource that will be used to configure the CacheProvider's own ConfigurableCacheFactory.
          The name of the optional resource that will be used to configure the CacheProvider itself.


Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.


Method Summary
protected  InvocationService ensureInvocationService()
          Obtain the Coherence InvocationService used by the CacheProvider, initializing it if it hasn't already been initialized.
 void flushCache(String sName, Object oKey)
          Flush all clustered replicas of the Cache with the given name.
protected static com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache getCache(String sName)
          Obtain an existing P13N Cache by name.
 com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache getCache(String sName, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheConfig config)
          Return a Cache implementation with the given name.
 XmlElement getConfig()
          Determine the current configuration of the object.
protected  ConfigurableCacheFactory getConfigurableCacheFactory()
          Obtain the ConfigurableCacheFactory used by this PortalCacheFactory.
protected  String getDescription()
          Return a string representation of this CacheProvider's attributes.
protected  String getInvocationServiceName()
          Determine the name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider to send messages to remote cluster nodes.
protected  NamedCache getNamedCache(String sName)
          Obtain a Coherence NamedCache by name.
 String getProviderId()
          Return a unique identifier for this CacheProvider.
protected  String getQualifiedCacheName(String sName)
          Given a Cache name as passed from the CacheFactory, return a fully-qualified Cache name that contains the CacheProvider scope identifier.
protected  String getScopeSeparator()
          Determine the string that separates the Cache name from the scope identifier in the fully qualified name of the delegate NamedCache.
protected  String getUnqualifiedCacheName(String sName)
          Given a qualified cache name as returned by the getQualifiedCacheName(String) method, return the unqualified name that does not contain the CacheProvider scope identifier.
 String getVendorInfo()
          Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.
 String getVersionString()
          Return the version of this CacheProvider implementation.
 void init()
          Initialize the CacheProvider.
protected  PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl instantiateCacheImpl(String sName, NamedCache cache)
          Factory pattern: Create a new CacheImpl.
protected  PortalCacheProvider.FlushAgent instantiateFlushAgent(String sName, Object oKey)
          Factory pattern: Create a new FlushAgent.
protected  boolean isClusterOwned()
          Determine if the CacheProvider should shutdown the cluster when it is shutdown.
protected  boolean isEntrySetRealized()
          Determine if the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that return a fully realized set of cached values from the entrySet() method, rather than a virtual collection of cached values.
protected static boolean isLocalCache(NamedCache cache)
          Determine if the given NamedCache is a LocalCache.
protected  boolean isReloadableCacheSupported()
          Determine if the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that support the ReloadableCache API.
protected static Object put(CacheMap cache, Object oKey, Object oValue, long cMillis)
          Cache the given value in the specified CacheMap using the specified time-to-live and return the old cached value.
protected static void putBlind(CacheMap cache, Object oKey, Object oValue, long cMillis)
          Cache the given value in the specified CacheMap using the specified time-to-live.
 void release()
          Release all local resources associated with the CacheProvider.
 void releaseCache(com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache cache)
          Release all local resources associated with the specified Cache instance.
 void setConfig(XmlElement xmlConfig)
          Specify the configuration for the object.
 String toString()
          Return a human readable String representation of this CacheProvider.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider


Field Detail


protected ConfigurableCacheFactory m_factory
The CacheProvider's own ConfigurableCacheFactory.


protected XmlElement m_xmlConfig
The CacheProvider's configuration.


protected boolean m_fClusterOwned
True to indicate that the CacheProvider should shutdown the cluster when it is shutdown.


protected boolean m_fEntrySetRealized
True to indicate that the Cache implementations returned by this CacheProvider should return a fully realized set of cached values from the entrySet() method rather than a virtual collection of values.


protected boolean m_fReloadableCacheSupported
True to indicate that the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that support the ReloadableCache API.


protected String m_sScopeSeparator
The string that separates the Cache name from the scope identifier in the fully qualified name of the delegate NamedCache.


protected String m_sInvocationServiceName
The name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider to send messages to remote cluster nodes.


protected InvocationService m_serviceInvocation
The InvocationService used by the CacheProvider.


public static final String PATH_PROVIDER_CONFIG
The name of the optional resource that will be used to configure the CacheProvider itself.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PATH_CACHE_CONFIG
The name of the required resource that will be used to configure the CacheProvider's own ConfigurableCacheFactory.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String INVOCATION_SERVICE_NAME
The default name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public PortalCacheProvider()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public XmlElement getConfig()
Determine the current configuration of the object.
Specified by:
getConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
the XML configuration or null


public void setConfig(XmlElement xmlConfig)
Specify the configuration for the object.
Specified by:
setConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
xmlConfig - the XML configuration for the object


public String toString()
Return a human readable String representation of this CacheProvider.
toString in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
a String representation of this object.


public String getProviderId()
Return a unique identifier for this CacheProvider. <p/> This identifier is used to uniquely identify a provider during configuration. It is suggested that this identifier be based on the vendor package namespace, such as "com.bea.p13n" (which is the identifier for the default P13nCacheProvider).
Specified by:
getProviderId in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
the unique identifier for this CacheProvider


public String getVendorInfo()
Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.
Specified by:
getVendorInfo in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
the name of the vendor that implemented this CacheProvider


public String getVersionString()
Return the version of this CacheProvider implementation.
Specified by:
getVersionString in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
the version string


protected String getDescription()
Return a string representation of this CacheProvider's attributes.
a string representation of this CacheProvider's attributes


public void init()
Initialize the CacheProvider. <p/> This method is called immediately after instantiation but before the provider is used.
init in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider


public void release()
Release all local resources associated with the CacheProvider. <p/> The CacheFactory will call this method after the J2EE application for which this CacheProvider is providing Cache implementations is shutdown. <p/> Releasing a CacheProvider makes it no longer usable; any attempt to use the CacheProvider may result in an exception.
release in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider


public com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache getCache(String sName,
                                         com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheConfig config)
Return a Cache implementation with the given name. <p/> It is the responsibility of the CacheProvider to perform any necessary Cache configuration before returning the Cache instance from this method. The Cache configuration mechanism is assumed to be vendor specific.
Specified by:
getCache in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
sName - the name of the Cache to return; must be non-null and non- empty
config - suggested Cache configuration that may be used by the CacheProvider to configure the returned Cache; this may be ignored by the CacheProvider
a Cache instance identified by the given name
IllegalArgumentException - if the given Cache name is invalid


public void flushCache(String sName,
                       Object oKey)
Flush all clustered replicas of the Cache with the given name.
flushCache in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
sName - the name of the Cache to flush; must not be null
oKey - an optional key; if not null, only the entry with the given key should be flushed from all clustered replicas


public void releaseCache(com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache cache)
Release all local resources associated with the specified Cache instance. <p/> Releasing a Cache reference makes it no longer usable; any attempt to use the reference may result in an exception.
releaseCache in class com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
cache - the Cache to release


protected String getQualifiedCacheName(String sName)
Given a Cache name as passed from the CacheFactory, return a fully-qualified Cache name that contains the CacheProvider scope identifier.
sName - the unqualified cache name; must not be null
the fully-qualified cache name
IllegalArgumentException - if the given Cache name is invalid


protected String getUnqualifiedCacheName(String sName)
Given a qualified cache name as returned by the getQualifiedCacheName(String) method, return the unqualified name that does not contain the CacheProvider scope identifier.
sName - the fully-qualified cache name; must not be null
the unqualified cache name


protected InvocationService ensureInvocationService()
Obtain the Coherence InvocationService used by the CacheProvider, initializing it if it hasn't already been initialized.
the InvocationService


protected static boolean isLocalCache(NamedCache cache)
Determine if the given NamedCache is a LocalCache.
cache - the NamedCache to test
true if the given NamedCache is a LocalCache; false otherwise


protected static com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache getCache(String sName)
Obtain an existing P13N Cache by name.
sName - the name of the Cache to obtain
the P13N Cache with the given name or null if the Cache doesn't exist


protected ConfigurableCacheFactory getConfigurableCacheFactory()
Obtain the ConfigurableCacheFactory used by this PortalCacheFactory.
the ConfigurableCacheFactory used to obtain delegate NamedCache instances


protected NamedCache getNamedCache(String sName)
Obtain a Coherence NamedCache by name.
sName - the name of the NamedCache to obtain
the Coherence NamedCache with the given name


protected static Object put(CacheMap cache,
                            Object oKey,
                            Object oValue,
                            long cMillis)
Cache the given value in the specified CacheMap using the specified time-to-live and return the old cached value. <p/> If the given time-to-live is equal to CacheMap.EXPIRY_DEFAULT or if the CacheMap does not support the extended put() method, the standard put() method is used.
cache - the target CacheMap
oKey - the key with which to cache the value
oValue - the value to cache
cMillis - the time-to-live of the cached entry
the old cached value


protected static void putBlind(CacheMap cache,
                               Object oKey,
                               Object oValue,
                               long cMillis)
Cache the given value in the specified CacheMap using the specified time-to-live. <p/> If the given time-to-live is equal to CacheMap.EXPIRY_DEFAULT or if the CacheMap does not support the extended put() method, the putAll() method is used.
cache - the target CacheMap
oKey - the key with which to cache the value
oValue - the value to cache
cMillis - the time-to-live of the cached entry


protected PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl instantiateCacheImpl(String sName,
                                                             NamedCache cache)
Factory pattern: Create a new CacheImpl.
sName - the name of the Cache; must not be null
cache - the delegate NamedCache used to implement most cache operations; must not be null
a new CacheImpl instance


protected PortalCacheProvider.FlushAgent instantiateFlushAgent(String sName,
                                                               Object oKey)
Factory pattern: Create a new FlushAgent.
sName - the name of the Cache to flush; must not be null
oKey - an optional key; if non-null, only the Cache entry with the given key will be flushed
a new FlushAgent instance


protected boolean isClusterOwned()
Determine if the CacheProvider should shutdown the cluster when it is shutdown.
true if the CacheProvider should shutdown the cluster; false otherwise


protected boolean isEntrySetRealized()
Determine if the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that return a fully realized set of cached values from the entrySet() method, rather than a virtual collection of cached values.
true if the entrySet() method should return a fully realized set of cached values


protected boolean isReloadableCacheSupported()
Determine if the CacheProvider should return Cache implementations that support the ReloadableCache API.
true if the CacheProvider should return ReloadableCache implementations


protected String getScopeSeparator()
Determine the string that separates the Cache name from the scope identifier in the fully qualified name of the delegate NamedCache.
the separator string


protected String getInvocationServiceName()
Determine the name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider to send messages to remote cluster nodes.
the name of the InvocationService used by the CacheProvider

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