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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference

Interface PartitionedService

All Superinterfaces:
ClassLoaderAware, Controllable, Service
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface PartitionedService
extends Service

A PartitionedService is aware of a mapping of keys to partitions and of partitions to cluster members.

Coherence 3.0

Nested Class Summary
static interface PartitionedService.PartitionedAction
          PartitionedAction represents a type of action taken by a PartitionedService.


Method Summary
 int getBackupCount()
          Determine the configured redundancy count that this service has been configured to maintain.
 KeyAssociator getKeyAssociator()
          Determine the key associatior that this service has been configured to use.
 Member getKeyOwner(Object oKey)
          Determine the primary owner of the specified key, as determined by the combination of the KeyPartitioningStrategy and the PartitionAssignmentStrategy.
 KeyPartitioningStrategy getKeyPartitioningStrategy()
          Determine the strategy for key partitioning that this service has been configured to use.
 PartitionSet getOwnedPartitions(Member member)
          Determine the PartitionSet that is currently owned by a cluster Member.
 Set getOwnershipEnabledMembers()
          Return a Set of Member objects, one for each Member that has registered this PartitionedService and is partition ownership-enabled.
 PartitionAssignmentStrategy getPartitionAssignmentStrategy()
          Determine the strategy for assigning partitions to cluster members that this service has been configured to use.
 int getPartitionCount()
          Determine the number of partitions that the service has been configured to "break up" the conceptual "key set" into.


Methods inherited from interface
addMemberListener, getCluster, getInfo, getSerializer, getUserContext, removeMemberListener, setUserContext


Methods inherited from interface com.tangosol.util.Service
addServiceListener, removeServiceListener


Methods inherited from interface com.tangosol.util.Controllable
configure, isRunning, shutdown, start, stop


Methods inherited from interface
getContextClassLoader, setContextClassLoader


Method Detail


int getPartitionCount()
Determine the number of partitions that the service has been configured to "break up" the conceptual "key set" into. <p/> The value of this property is in the range [1..n] where n is an arbitrarily large integer value that does not exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE.
the number of separate partitions into which this service partitions the set of potential keys


int getBackupCount()
Determine the configured redundancy count that this service has been configured to maintain. A redundancy count of zero implies that the service will not maintain backup copies of information for failover purposes, while a redundancy count greater than zero indicates that the service must attempt to synchronously maintain that number of backup copies of the data under the management of the service in order to provide seamless (and lossless) failover of data and processing. <p/> The value of this property is in the range [0..n] where n is an arbitrarily large integer value that does not exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE.
the configured redundancy count for this service


KeyAssociator getKeyAssociator()
Determine the key associatior that this service has been configured to use. Information provided by this KeyAssociator will be used to place all associated keys into the same partition.
the KeyAssociator for this service


KeyPartitioningStrategy getKeyPartitioningStrategy()
Determine the strategy for key partitioning that this service has been configured to use.
the KeyPartitioningStrategy for this service


PartitionAssignmentStrategy getPartitionAssignmentStrategy()
Determine the strategy for assigning partitions to cluster members that this service has been configured to use.
the PartitionAssignmentStrategy for this service


Member getKeyOwner(Object oKey)
Determine the primary owner of the specified key, as determined by the combination of the KeyPartitioningStrategy and the PartitionAssignmentStrategy. It's possible that during partition re-distribution (e.g. as a result of a failover) this method will return null, indicating that the partition ownership is currently undetermined.
oKey - a key in its Object form
the cluster Member that is currently the owner for the specified key or null if the ownership is currently undetermined
See Also:


PartitionSet getOwnedPartitions(Member member)
Determine the PartitionSet that is currently owned by a cluster Member. If the specified member does not run this clustered service, null is returned. <p/> Note: the returned PartitionSet represents a "snapshot" of the ownership information at a time of the call and may change at any moment.
member - the cluster Member
the PartitionSet that the cluster Member currently owns
Coherence 3.4


Set getOwnershipEnabledMembers()
Return a Set of Member objects, one for each Member that has registered this PartitionedService and is partition ownership-enabled.
a set of Member objects that provide partition ownership for this partitioned service
Coherence 3.6

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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