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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Class ConditionalExtractor

  extended by com.tangosol.util.Base
      extended by com.tangosol.util.BitHelper
          extended by com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper
              extended by com.tangosol.util.extractor.AbstractExtractor
                  extended by com.tangosol.util.extractor.ConditionalExtractor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExternalizableLite, PortableObject, QueryMapComparator, IndexAwareExtractor, ValueExtractor, Serializable, Comparator

public class ConditionalExtractor
extends AbstractExtractor
implements IndexAwareExtractor, ExternalizableLite, PortableObject

An IndexAwareExtractor implementation that is only used to create a ConditionalIndex. <p/> Note: the underlying ValueExtractor is used for value extraction during index creation and is the extractor that is associated with the created ConditionalIndex in the given index map. Using the ConditionalExtractor to extract values in not supported.

Coherence 3.6
tb 2010.02.08

Field Summary
protected  ValueExtractor m_extractor
          The underlying extractor.
protected  boolean m_fForwardIndex
          Specifies whether or not this extractor will create a ConditionalIndex that supports a forward index.
protected  Filter m_filter
          The filter used by this extractor.


Fields inherited from class com.tangosol.util.extractor.AbstractExtractor
KEY, m_nTarget, VALUE


Constructor Summary
          Construct the ConditionalExtractor.
ConditionalExtractor(Filter filter, ValueExtractor extractor, boolean fForwardIndex)
          Construct the ConditionalExtractor.


Method Summary
 MapIndex createIndex(boolean fOrdered, Comparator comparator, Map mapIndex)
          Create an index and associate it with the corresponding extractor.
 MapIndex destroyIndex(Map mapIndex)
          Destroy an existing index and remove it from the given map of indexes.
 Object extract(Object oTarget)
          Using a ConditionalExtractor to extract values in not supported.
 void readExternal(DataInput in)
          Restore the contents of this object by loading the object's state from the passed DataInput object.
 void readExternal(PofReader in)
          Restore the contents of a user type instance by reading its state using the specified PofReader object.
 String toString()
          Return a human-readable description for this ConditionalExtractor.
 void writeExternal(DataOutput out)
          Save the contents of this object by storing the object's state into the passed DataOutput object.
 void writeExternal(PofWriter out)
          Save the contents of a POF user type instance by writing its state using the specified PofWriter object.


Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.util.extractor.AbstractExtractor
compare, compareEntries, extractFromEntry, extractOriginalFromEntry


Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.util.BitHelper
countBits, countBits, countBits, indexOfLSB, indexOfLSB, indexOfLSB, indexOfMSB, indexOfMSB, indexOfMSB, rotateLeft, rotateLeft, rotateLeft, rotateRight, rotateRight, rotateRight, toBitString, toBitString, toBitString


Methods inherited from interface com.tangosol.util.ValueExtractor
equals, hashCode


Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator


Field Detail


protected Filter m_filter
The filter used by this extractor.


protected ValueExtractor m_extractor
The underlying extractor.


protected boolean m_fForwardIndex
Specifies whether or not this extractor will create a ConditionalIndex that supports a forward index.

Constructor Detail


public ConditionalExtractor()
Construct the ConditionalExtractor.


public ConditionalExtractor(Filter filter,
                            ValueExtractor extractor,
                            boolean fForwardIndex)
Construct the ConditionalExtractor.
filter - the filter used by this extractor to create a ConditionalIndex
extractor - the extractor used by this extractor to create a ConditionalIndex; Note that the created index will be associated with this extractor in the given index map
fForwardIndex - specifies whether or not this extractor will create a ConditionalIndex that supports a forward map

Method Detail


public MapIndex createIndex(boolean fOrdered,
                            Comparator comparator,
                            Map mapIndex)
Create an index and associate it with the corresponding extractor. Important note: it is a responsibility of this method's implementations to place the necessary <ValueExtractor, MapIndex> entry into the given map of indexes.
Specified by:
createIndex in interface IndexAwareExtractor
fOrdered - true iff the contents of the indexed information should be ordered; false otherwise
comparator - the Comparator object which imposes an ordering of entries in the index contents; or null if the entries' values natural ordering should be used
mapIndex - Map<ValueExtractor, MapIndex> to be updated with the created index
the created index; null if the index has not been created


public MapIndex destroyIndex(Map mapIndex)
Destroy an existing index and remove it from the given map of indexes.
Specified by:
destroyIndex in interface IndexAwareExtractor
mapIndex - map<ValueExtractor, MapIndex> to be updated by removing the index being destroyed
the destroyed index; null if the index does not exist


public Object extract(Object oTarget)
Using a ConditionalExtractor to extract values in not supported.
Specified by:
extract in interface ValueExtractor
extract in class AbstractExtractor
oTarget - an Object to retrieve the value from
the extracted value as an Object; null is an acceptable value
UnsupportedOperationException - always


public void readExternal(DataInput in)
                  throws IOException
Restore the contents of this object by loading the object's state from the passed DataInput object.
Specified by:
readExternal in interface ExternalizableLite
in - the DataInput stream to read data from in order to restore the state of this object
IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
NotActiveException - if the object is not in its initial state, and therefore cannot be deserialized into


public void writeExternal(DataOutput out)
                   throws IOException
Save the contents of this object by storing the object's state into the passed DataOutput object.
Specified by:
writeExternal in interface ExternalizableLite
out - the DataOutput stream to write the state of this object to
IOException - if an I/O exception occurs


public void readExternal(PofReader in)
                  throws IOException
Restore the contents of a user type instance by reading its state using the specified PofReader object.
Specified by:
readExternal in interface PortableObject
in - the PofReader from which to read the object's state
IOException - if an I/O error occurs


public void writeExternal(PofWriter out)
                   throws IOException
Save the contents of a POF user type instance by writing its state using the specified PofWriter object.
Specified by:
writeExternal in interface PortableObject
out - the PofWriter to which to write the object's state
IOException - if an I/O error occurs


public String toString()
Return a human-readable description for this ConditionalExtractor.
Specified by:
toString in interface ValueExtractor
a String description of the ConditionalExtractor

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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