Oracle Coherence for C++ API


SimplePofContext Class Reference

#include <coherence/io/pof/SimplePofContext.hpp>

Inherits Object, and PofContext.

Inherited by SystemPofContext.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Basic PofContext implementation.

gm 2008.10.24
See also:

Public Types

typedef spec::Handle Handle
 SimplePofContext Handle definition.
typedef spec::View View
 SimplePofContext View definition.
typedef spec::Holder Holder
 SimplePofContext Holder definition.

Public Member Functions

virtual void registerUserType (int32_t nTypeId, Class::View vClass, PofSerializer::View vSerializer)
 Associate a user type with a type identifier and PofSerializer.
virtual void unregisterUserType (int32_t nTypeId)
 Unregister a user type previously registered using the specified type identifier.
getPofSerializer (int32_t nTypeId) const
 Return a PofSerializer that can be used to serialize and deserialize an objectof the specified user type to and from a POF stream.

nTypeId the type identifier of the user type that can be serialized and deserialized using the returned PofSerializer
a PofSerializer for the specified user type
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the specified user type is negative or unknown to this PofContext

virtual int32_t getUserTypeIdentifier (Object::View v) const
 Determine the user type identifier associated with the given object.

v an instance of a user type; must not be NULL
the type identifier of the user type associated with the given object
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the user type associated with the given object is unknown to this PofContext or if the object is NULL

virtual int32_t getUserTypeIdentifier (Class::View vClass) const
 Determine the user type identifier associated with the given class.

vClass a user type class; must not be NULL
the type identifier of the user type associated with the given class
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the user type associated with the given class is unknown to this PofContext or if the class is NULL

virtual int32_t getUserTypeIdentifier (String::View vsClass) const
 Determine the user type identifier associated with the given class name.

vsClass the name of a user type class; must not be NULL
the type identifier of the user type associated with the given class name
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the user type associated with the given class name is unknown to this PofContext or if the class name is NULL

virtual String::View getClassName (int32_t nTypeId) const
 Determine the name of the class associated with the given user type identifier.

nTypeId the user type identifier; must be non-negative
the name of the class associated with the specified user type identifier
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the specified user type is negative or unknown to this PofContext

virtual Class::View getClass (int32_t nTypeId) const
 Determine the class associated with the given user type identifier.

nTypeId the user type identifier; must be non-negative
the class associated with the specified user type identifier
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the specified user type is negative or unknown to this PofContext

virtual bool isUserType (Object::View v) const
 Determine if the given object is an instance of a user type known to this PofContext.

v the object to test; must not be NULL
true iff the specified object is of a valid user type
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the given object is NULL

virtual bool isUserType (Class::View vClass) const
 Determine if the given class is a user type known to this PofContext.

vClass the class to test; must not be NULL
true iff the specified class is a valid user type known to this PofContext
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the given class is NULL

virtual bool isUserType (String::View vsClass) const
 Determine if the class with the given name is a user type known to this PofContext.

vsClass the name of the class to test; must not be NULL
true iff the class with the specified name is a valid user type
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the given class name is NULL

virtual void serialize (WriteBuffer::BufferOutput::Handle hOut, Object::View v) const
 Serialize an object to a WriteBuffer by writing its state using the specified BufferOutput object.

hOut the BufferOutput with which to write the object's state
v the object to serialize
virtual void IOException if an I/O error occurs
virtual Object::Holder deserialize (ReadBuffer::BufferInput::Handle hIn) const
 Deserialize an object from a ReadBuffer by reading its state using the specified BufferInput object.

hIn the BufferInput with which to read the object's state
the deserialized user type instance
virtual void IOException if an I/O error occurs
virtual void toStream (std::ostream &out) const
 Output a human-readable description of this Object to the given stream.

coherence::lang::operator<<(std::ostream, Object::View) is defined and will call into the toStream method, to output Objects. If a managed String object is desired, the COH_TO_STRING macro can be used to build up a String from streamable contents.

 Object::View vKey   = ...
 Object::View vValue = ...
 std::cout << vKey << " = " << vValue << std::endl;

 String::Handle hs = COH_TO_STRING(vKey << " = " << vValue);

out the stream used to output the description

Protected Member Functions

virtual void validateTypeId (int32_t nTypeId) const
 Ensure that the given user type identifier is valid.

Protected Attributes

FinalHandle< LongArraym_hlaClass
 A LongArray of user types, indexed by type identifier.
FinalHandle< LongArraym_hlaSerializer
 A LongArray of PofSerializer objects, indexed by type identifier.
FinalHandle< Mapm_hMapClassName
 A Map that contains mappings from a registered class name to type identifier.
FinalHandle< ThreadGatem_hGate
 ThreadGate used to synchronize access to this PofContext.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void registerUserType ( int32_t  nTypeId,
Class::View  vClass,
PofSerializer::View  vSerializer 
) [virtual]

Associate a user type with a type identifier and PofSerializer.

nTypeId the type identifier of the specified user type; must be greater or equal to 0
vClass the user type to register with this PofContext; must not be NULL
vSerializer the PofSerializer that will be used to serialize and deserialize objects of the specified class; must not be NULL
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException on invalid type identifer, class, or PofSerializer

virtual void unregisterUserType ( int32_t  nTypeId  )  [virtual]

Unregister a user type previously registered using the specified type identifier.

nTypeId the type identifier of the user type to unregister
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the specified user type identifier is unknown to this PofContext

virtual void validateTypeId ( int32_t  nTypeId  )  const [protected, virtual]

Ensure that the given user type identifier is valid.

nTypeId the user type identifier to validate
coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException if the given user type identifier is negative

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