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Oracle® Student Learning Programmer's Guide
Release 3.1.3

Part Number E20666-04
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4 Web Services

This chapter describes the available web services.

4.1 GeneralContentService

The General Content Service abstracts OSL interactions with the ECMS in relation to General Content. This service provides interfaces for:

4.1.1 associateContent

OSL calls the associateContent method whenever a General Content item is associated with an OSL object's rich data. This can occur when a user creates or edits rich data, or shares or copies a learning item.

A ContentsAssociationInfo document (containing the OSL Context, OSL user information and a list of Content Ids) is passed as input to this method.

This method can be used to associate any or all aspects of the supplied context with the specified content items.

If this service throws any exception, OSL will not roll back its transaction but logs the error and continues with the business workflow.


Table 4-1 associateContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


Information regarding OSL Context, Content Ids of General Content references, and OSL user's information


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behavior of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation maintains a map of OSL Context to Oracle UCM Metadata in the file and updates the Metadata with the values from OSL Context using a delimiter. If a specific OSL Context is not mapped, then it is ignored. The update itself is done using the OSL Metadata User. For related information, see the Oracle Student Learning Installation and Deployment Guide.

4.1.2 disassociateContent

OSL calls the disassociateContent method whenever a General Content item is disassociated from an OSL object's rich data. This can occur when a user creates or edits rich data, or deletes a learning item.

A ContentsAssociationInfo document (containing the OSL Context, OSL user information and a list of Content Ids) is passed as input to this method.

This method can be used to disassociate any or all aspects of the supplied context from the specified content items.

If this service throws any exception, OSL will not roll back its transaction but logs the error and continues with the business workflow.


Table 4-2 disassociateContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


Information regarding OSL Context, Content Ids of General Content references, and OSL user's information


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation does not implement this service.

4.1.3 getSearchURL

OSL calls the getSearchURL method to retrieve the URL that spawns the ECMS Search Results UI based on the supplied OSL Context and search filters.

A ContentSearchCriteriaInfo document (containing the OSL Context and Search Filters) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this method to return the HTTP URL.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-3 getSearchURL Parameter Summary

Type Description


Information regarding OSL Context and Search Filter


Table 4-4 getSearchURL Return Summary

Type Description


HTTP URL of a resource, which lists all General Content associated with the input OSL Context and filtered based on the Search Filter


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation maintains a map of OSL Context to Oracle UCM Metadata based on the Search substring in file and returns a UCM GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service URL using the Search substring as filter. If a specific OSL Context is not mapped, then it is ignored. For more related information, see the Oracle Student Learning Installation and Deployment Guide.

4.2 OSLContentService

The OSL Content Service abstracts interaction with the ECMS for managing the OSL Content. This service provides interfaces for:

4.2.1 deleteContent

OSL calls the deleteContent method to delete OSL Content items from the Permanent Space. This occurs when the user deletes an attachment or audio that was added during the edit session.

A ContentIdsInfo document (containing OSL user information and a list of Content Ids of OSL Content attachments to be deleted) is passed as input to this method.

If this service throws any exception, OSL will not roll back its transaction but logs the errors occur and continues with the business workflow.


Table 4-5 duplicateContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


OSL user's information and a list of Content Ids of the OSL Content attachment to be removed


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation deletes the content using the OSL Content User.

4.2.2 getOSLContent

OSL calls the getOSLContent method to retrieve OSL content items. This occurs when the user attempts to open a file attachment or play recorded audio.

A ContentIdsInfo document (containing OSL user information and a list of Content Ids of OSL Content attachments) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this service to retrieve OSL Content data and return it.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-6 getOSLContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


OSL user's information and a list of Content Ids of OSLContent attachments


Table 4-7 getOSLContent Return Summary

Type Description

Array of ContentInfo

An Array of ContentInformation regarding the OSLContent attachment

4.2.3 saveContent

OSL calls the saveContent method to save attached files and audio to the ECMS.

A ContentsUploadInfo document (containing the OSL user information and a list of Upload Information for OSL Content attachments) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this method to upload the OSL Content item into the Permanent Space in the ECMS and return the details of the uploaded OSL Content.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-8 saveContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


ContentsUploadInfo OSL user's information and a list of UploadInformation for OSL Content attachments


Table 4-9 saveContent Return Summary

Type Description

Array of ContentInfo

An Array of ContentInformation regarding the Uploaded OSL Content attachment.


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation uploads the content to the OSL Storage Security Group in UCM, using the Storage Account. This operation is done as the OSL Content User.

4.3 DeprecatedServices

The services listed below which are operations that involve temporary storage and duplication of content has been deprecated.

4.3.1 deleteTempContent

The methods listed below are operations that involve temporary storage and duplication of content. These methods have been deprecated since they are no longer called by OSL.

4.3.2 duplicateContent

4.3.3 getTempContent

4.3.4 saveTempContent

4.3.5 uploadTempContent

4.4 PublishLearningItemService

The Publish Learning Item Service abstracts interaction with the ECMS for importing and exporting learning items.

This service provides interfaces for:

4.4.1 getMetadataUpdatePage

OSL calls the getMetadataUpdatePage method to retrieve the URL that spawns the ECMS Update Metadata UI for the recently exported learning item.

A ContentIdInfo document (containing Content identity information of the recently exported learning item) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this service method to return the HTTP URL of the exported learning item, which allows editing of the Metadata of the published Learning Item.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-10 getMetadataUpdate Parameter Summary

Type Description


Content identity information of the recently exported Learning Item


Table 4-11 getMetadataUpdate Return Summary

Type Description


HTTP URL of a resource, which allows editing of the Metadata of the exported Learning Item


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation will show the Update Content Item UI for the exported learning Item. All the metadata that can be updated are displayed.

4.4.2 getPublishedLIContent

OSL calls the getPublishedLIContent method to retrieve the exported learning item from the ECMS to insert into a lesson plan.

A ContentIdsInfo document (containing the OSL user information and a list of the Content Ids of the exported learning items) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this method to retrieve exported learning item data and return it.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-12 getPublishedLIContent Parameter Summary

Type Description


Content identity information of the recently exported Learning Item


Table 4-13 getPublishedLIContent Return Summary

Type Description


HTTP URL of a resource, which allows editing of the Metadata of the exported Learning Item


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation retrieves the exported Learning Item content as the OSL user. For more related information, see the Oracle Student Learning Installation and Deployment Guide.

4.4.3 publishLearningItem

OSL calls the publishLearningItem method when exporting learning items to the ECMS as General Content.

A LearningItemPublishInfo document (containing the OSL Context, OSL user's information, and a list of Upload Information for the exported Learning Items) is passed as input to this method.

OSL expects this method to upload the exported learning item to the ECMS, associate any or all of the supplied OSL Context with the uploaded content, and return back the Content Ids.

If this service throws any exception, OSL reports the error to the OSL user.


Table 4-14 publishLearningItem Parameter Summary

Type Description


OSL Context, OSL user's information, and a list of Upload Information for the exported Learning Items


Table 4-15 publishLearningItem Return Summary

Type Description


Content Identity information regarding the uploaded exported Learning Items


ContentException shall be thrown if any problems or errors occur when communicating with ECMS.

InvalidParameters shall be thrown if any input parameter is invalid.

ServiceException shall be thrown if any general errors occur.

Behaviour of the default implementation:

The default back end implementation uploads the exported Learning Item content to the Public Security Group and Account in UCM, as the OSL user. Profile can also be set for the exported learning item. Account, Security Group and Profile are configurable.