Oracle® Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Oracle Universal Content Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E11011-02 |
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This section describes the actions used by services. An action is an operation to be performed as part of a service script. Actions can execute SQL statements, perform a query, run code, cache the results of a query, or load an option list.
An action is defined as a list of colon-separated segments, using the following format:
type:name:parameters:control mask:error message
The action type can be designated by a number or a descriptive name:
1: Select query. This executes a database query to retrieve information (read-only action) then discards the results.
2: Execute query. This executes a database query to delete, add, or update information in the database.
3: Java method. This specifies a code module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
4: Load option list. This loads an option list stored in the system.
5: Select cache query. This executes a database query to retrieve information (read-only action) and stores the results for later use.
See Section 4.1.3, "Actions" for details about actions, their parameters, and control masks.
Adds the aliases and passes IworkflowAlias as a parameter. Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWALIASES.
Called as a Java method by ADD_COLLABORATION.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WEB_APP.
Checks in the content item by name. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by ADD_METADEF and EDIT_METADEF.
Adds the new provider. Called as a Java method by ADD_EDIT_PROVIDER
Called as a Java method by ADDOREDIT_SCHEMA_TABLE.
Adds the problem report to the database. Called as a Java method by ADD_PROBLEMREPORT.
Retrieves the user database profile information. Called as a Java method by REGISTER_USER.
Called as a Java method by ADD_SCHEMA_RELATION.
Called as a Java method by ADD_SCHEMA_VIEW.
Adds the subscription and passes Isubscription as a parameter. Called as a Java method by SUBSCRIBE.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WF_TEMPLATE.
Adds/updates the user security attributes and passes IuserSecurityAttribute as a parameter. Called as a Java method by ADD_USER and EDIT_USER.
Adds the workflow content items and passes ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB as a parameter. The action throws a data exception if the service is unable to add content item revisions. Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENTS.
Adds the workflow. Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOW.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOW_SCRIPT.
Adds the workflow steps and passes IworkflowStep as a parameter The action throws a data exception if the service is unable to add the step to the workflow. Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOW_TOKEN.
Retrieves alias information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter Alias and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_ALIASES.
Retrieves the user alias map. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter AliasUserMap and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_ALIASES.
Allows the problem report action to execute and passes update as a parameter. Called as a Java method by DELETE_PROBLEMREPORT and UPDATE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Called as a Java method by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO.
Called as a Java method by APPEND_DATABASE_AUDIT_INFO.
Called as a Java method by APPEND_FILE_CACHING_INFO.
Approves the content item for the workflow. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_APPROVE.
Called as a Java method by LM_BUILD_WEB_STRING_FILES.
Called as a Java method by GET_EXPIRED.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by START_SEARCH_INDEX.
Builds the source information. Called as a Java method by PROBLEMREPORT_INFO.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Caches templates. Called as a Java method by these services:
Cancels the installation of a component. Called as a Java method by CANCEL_COMPONENT_INSTALL.
Cancels the criteria workflow and passes WfDocuments and Qdocuments as parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Cancels the search indexing session. Called as a Java method by CANCEL_SEARCH_INDEX.
Cancels the workflow and passes WfDocuments and Qdocuments as parameters. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOW and WORKFLOW_CANCEL.
Evaluates whether a workflow step can be deleted. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Called as a Java method by INSERT_NATIVE.
Evaluates the criteria workflow. Called as a Java method by these services:
Evaluates the defined content item rules and passes checkout and isNotPublished as parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Forces a log in. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_BYREV.
Called as a Java method by LOAD_RESOURCE_FILE.
Called as a Java method by CACHE_CHECKIN_SEL and CHECKIN_SEL_SUB.
Checks in the content item by name. Called as a Java method by CHECKIN_BYNAME.
Evaluates for the latest revision. Called as a Java method by CHECKOUT_BY_NAME and RESUBMIT_FOR_CONVERSION.
Checks whether the user is editing self. Called as a Java method by EDIT_USER_PROFILE.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_DOC.
Retrieves the data assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and evaluates the problem report security information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Updates the user information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the latest revision information and passes Qrevisions as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the data assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action. The parameter varies by service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Checks if the user has the sub administrator role and passes a parameter, which varies depending which service is used. Called as a Java method by the following services:
Called as a Java method by CHANGE_USER_AUTH_TYPE.
Checks workflow information by referencing WF_INFO and passes isNotActiveBasic as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOWS.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_REV.
Computes the generated content item revision ID. Called as a Java method by these services:
Evaluates the content information for the HTML page. Parameters vary by service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Evaluates the content item for subscribers. Called as a Java method by GET_DOC_SUBSCRIBERS.
Computes project information. Called as a Java method by GET_PROJECT_INFO.
Computes the reject target step. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Evaluates URLS and passes REVISIONS as a parameter. Called as a Java method by REV_HISTORY.
Evaluates the workflow content item information and passes WfDocuments as a parameter. Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOWDOCUMENTS.
Prepares the form for check in. Called as a Java method by FORM_PROCESS.
Called as a Java method by CONTINUE_CHECKIN.
Executes the search indexing control. Called as a Java method by CONTROL_SEARCH_INDEX.
Creates an Add/Edit provider form. Called as a Java method by GET_ADD_EDIT_PROVIDER_FORM.
Creates the archive file name. Called as a Java method by GET_ARCHIVED_FILE.
Creates a new file name. Called as a Java method by GET_FILE and LOAD_RESOURCE_FILE.
Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Executes a query with parameters taken from the Data Binder (dataSource and whereClause local data) rather than from given parameters. It places the results in the local data using the ResultSet name found in the Data Binder (resultName). Called as a Java method by these services:
Creates the subscription type. Called as a Java method by CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.
Creates a Web file name from the provided relative URL and passes TEMPLATE_URL_INFO as a parameter. Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_URL.
Creates the workflow label. Called as a Java method by ADD_WORKFLOW.
Deletes the alias. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_ALIAS.
Deletes the alias user. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_ALIAS and EDIT_ALIAS.
Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_COLLABORATION.
Deletes the content item account. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_DOC_ACCOUNT.
Deletes the content item format. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_DOCFORMAT.
Deletes the content item type. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_DOCTYPE.
Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Decodes the topic values. Called as a Java method by PNE_SAVE_QUERY.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_WFCONTRIBUTORS.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_COLLABORATION.
Retrieves the data assigned to the parameter REVISIONS and deletes the content item. Called as a Java method by DELETE_BYCLASS and DELETE_BYNAME.
Deletes the content item subscription and passes deleteRev as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Deletes the problem report information. Called as a Java method by DELETE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Deletes the provider. Called as a Java method by DELETE_PROVIDER.
Deletes the result template. Called as a Java method by DELETE_RESULT_TEMPLATE.
Deletes a previous revision of a content item and passes DOC_INFO as a parameter. Called as a Java method by DELETE_REV and DELETE_REV_EX.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by DELETE_SCHEMA_RELATION.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_SCHEMA_TABLE.
Called as a Java method by DELETE_SCHEMA_VIEW.
Action that deletes the subscription type. Called as a Java method by DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.
Deletes the workflow template. Called as a Java method by ADD_WF_TEMPLATE.
Deletes workflow content items. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOWDOCUMENTS.
Deletes a workflow script. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOW_SCRIPT.
Deletes the script associated with the workflow step. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Deletes the workflow token. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOW_TOKEN.
Prepares the form for check in. Called as a Java method by these services:
Deletes the extension map. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_DOCEXTENSION.
Deletes the role. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_GROUP.
Deletes the meta definition information. Called as an Execute Query action by DEL_METADEF.
Called as a Java method by CONTINUE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.
Retrieves content item formats. The result of this query is assigned to the DocFormats parameter and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_DOCFORMATS.
Evaluates content item history information and passes Checkout and IdocHistory as parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Initiates the refinery check-in process. Called as a Java method by these services:
Executes the specified subservice. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method byUPDATE_DOCINFO_SUB.
Called as a Java method by CHUNKED_UPLOAD.
Called as a Java method by DOWNLOAD_COMPONENT.
Called as a Java method by DOWNLOAD_LISTBOX_ITEMS.
Performs the workflow action. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as an Execute Query action by END_PUBLISHING.
Deletes the problem report information. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Deletes the role. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_ROLE.
Deletes the security group. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_GROUP.
Deletes the subscription type. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.
Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_USER.
Deletes the user security attributes. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_USER.
Deletes the workflow. Called as an Execute Query method by DELETE_WORKFLOW and DELETE_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Deletes the workflow aliases. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOW and DELETE_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Deletes the workflow criteria. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Deletes the workflow content item state. Called as an Execute Query action by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Deletes the workflow content items. Called as an Execute Query by these services:
Deletes the workflow states. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Deletes the workflow steps. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Deletes the workflow step aliases. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Deletes the workflow steps. Called as an Execute Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOW and DELETE_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Deletes the workflow user attributes. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Prepares the criteria for edit. Called as a Java method by EDIT_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Edits role information. Called as a Java method by EDIT_ROLE.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_SCHEMA_RELATION.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_SCHEMA_VIEW.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_SCHEMA_VIEW_VALUES.
Edits the workflow template. Called as a Java method by EDIT_WF_TEMPLATE.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_WORKFLOW_SCRIPT.
Edits the workflow step and passes IworkflowStep as a parameter. Called as a Java method by EDIT_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Edits the script associated with the workflow step. Called as a Java method by EDIT_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_WORKFLOW_TOKEN.
Changes the provider enable state. Called as a Java method by ENABLE_DISABLE_PROVIDER.
Performs a specified action on an archive collection: add, delete, and so on. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by EXECUTE_BATCH.
Executes the manifest. Called as a Java method by UPLOAD_NEW_COMPONENT.
Executes the page service. Called as a Java method by PAGE_HANDLER and SAVE_GLOBALINCLUDES.
Retrieves the extension format map. The result of this query is assigned to the ExtensionFormatMap parameter and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query method by GET_DOCEXTENSIONS.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_CLBRA_DOCUMENTS.
Called as a Java method by GET_COLLABORATION_LIST.
Called as a Java method by GET_COMPONENT_CONFIG.
Sets the default content item format. Called as a Java method by DOC_FORMATS_WIZARD.
Retrieves the file formats for the content item. Called as a Java method by these services:
Evaluates if the current user has subscribed to the content item and modifies the DOC_INFO page. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the content item list. Called as a Java method by DOC_SUBS_LIST.
Retrieves the dynamic page. Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_PAGE.
Retrieves the external content item information. Called as a Java method by GET_EXTERNAL_DOC_INFO.
Evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action. The action passes SearchCollectionDocInfo as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the files listed in the application directory. Called as a Java method by GET_FILELIST.
Presents the content item highlight information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Passes QlatestID as a parameter. Called as a Java method by DELETE_REV.
Retrieves the latest revision information and passes Qrevisions as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the latest revision information and passes Qrevisions as a parameter. Called as a Java method by GET_OPTION_LIST and UPDATE_OPTION_LIST.
Called as a Java method by GET_PROXIEDSERVERS.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_RELATIONS.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_TABLE_INFO and GET_SCHEMA_VIEW_INFO.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_TABLES.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_VIEW_INFO.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_VIEWS.
Retrieves the search results. Called as a Java method by GET_SEARCH_RESULTS and PNE_GET_SEARCH_RESULTS.
Retrieves the subscription list and passes QdocNameSubscription QnotDocNameSubscriptions as parameters. Called as a Java method by SUBSCRIPTION_LIST and UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_LIST.
Called as a Java method by GET_TABLE.
Retrieves template data. Called as a Java method by GET_WF_TEMPLATE.
Called as a Java method by GET_TEMPLATE_CONVERSIONS.
Retrieves the workflow template data. Called as a Java method by GET_WF_TEMPLATES.
Resolves the URL of the content item. The URL is passed to the Web Location: entry of the DOC_INFO template. Called as a Java method by DOC_INFO and REVIEW_WORKFLOW_DOC.
Retrieves user attributes. Called as a Java method by QUERY_USER_ATTRIBUTES.
Called as a Java method by GET_USER_CLBRA_LIST.
Resolves the email address of the content item author and the user who has checked out the content item. The action passes dDocAuthor and AuthorAddress as parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves user profile information. Called as a Java method by GET_USER_INFO.
Retrieves user list. Called as a Java method by GET_USERS.
Retrieves the unique user name. Called as a Java method by REGISTER_USER.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_VIEW_EDIT_INFO.
Called as a Java method by GET_SCHEMA_VIEW_VALUES.
Called as a Java method by GET_WEB_APP_STATUS.
Retrieves workflow content items and passes WfDocuments as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOW.
Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOW.
Evaluates whether the content item is part of a workflow. The action passes WF_INFO as a parameter. The DOC_INFO template is referenced and if WF_INFO exists the workflow information is included in the DOC_INFO template. Called as a Java method by DOC_INFO and REVIEW_WORKFLOW_DOC.
Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOW_SCRIPT.
Retrieves the workflow step alias information. Called as a Java method by GET_WORKFLOW.
Hides the password and passes USER_INFO as a parameter. Called as a Java method by GET_USER_INFO.
Inserts the alias user information. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_ALIAS.
Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_COLLABORATION.
Inserts a new account. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_DOC_ACCOUNT.
Inserts the content item format. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_DOCFORMAT.
Inserts the content item type. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_DOCTYPE.
Inserts the extension map. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_DOCEXTENSION.
Inserts the meta data information. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Inserts the meta data definition information. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_METADEF.
Adds the alias information to the database. Called as a Java method by ADD_ALIAS and EDIT_ALIAS.
Called as a Java method by ADD_GROUP.
Updates the problem report. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_PROBLEMREPORT.
Updates the revision ID. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Inserts the role. Called as an Execute Query by ADD_ROLE.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Inserts the security group. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_GROUP.
Inserts the subscription. Called as an Execute Query by SUBSCRIBE_EX.
Inserts the workflow information in the database. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_WORKFLOW.
Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Provides an internal status table that stores information about content items in active workflows. Called as an Execute Query action by WORKFLOW_APPROVE.
Loads configuration information and passes ACTIVE_COMPONENTS as a parameter. Called as a Java method by CONFIG_INFO.
Evaluates the specified values. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_ACTIVE_WORKFLOWS.
Called as a Java method by GET_COMPONENT_INSTALL_FORM.
Called as a Java method by GET_COMPONENT_INSTALL_SETTINGS'.
Loads the content item specific configuration information. Called as a Java method by GET_DOC_CONFIG_INFO.
Loads the default configuration information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Loads the content item configuration information. Called as a Java method by DOC_FORMATS_WIZARD and EDIT_DOC_FORMATS.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by these services:
Loads the global includes. Called as a Java method by LOAD_GLOBALINCLUDES.
Loads the default configuration information. Called as a Java method these services:
Loads the meta data options list. Called as a Java method by these services:
Loads the problem report state lists. Called as a Java method by GET_PROBLEMREPORTS_SEARCH_FORM and GET_UPDATE_PROBLEMREPORT_FORM.
Retrieves problem report search information. Called as a Java method by GET_PROBLEMREPORTS_SEARCH_FORM.
Loads the server output. Called as a Java method by CLEAR_SERVER_OUTPUT and GET_SERVER_OUTPUT.
Loads the shared table information and passes ArchiveCollections as a parameter. Parameters vary by service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO.
Loads the user information and evaluates the allowed edit privilege for the user. Called as a Java method by these services:
Loads the user meta data information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves information for companion workflows. Called as a Java method by GET_WF_COMPANION_INFO.
Called as a Java method by CACHE_CHECKIN_NEW and CHECKIN_NEW_SUB.
Called as a Java method by CACHE_WORKFLOW_CHECKIN.
Called as a Java method by CACHE_CHECKIN_SEL and CHECKIN_SEL_SUB.
Retrieves the data assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and maps the result set values for dStatus, dReleaseState, and dProcessingState. The parameter is the same among services while the result set map values vary by service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Maps the result set and passes QdocInfo, dRevClassID, dDocName, dSecurityGroup, dCheckoutUser, dDocAccount, and dPublishState as parameters. Parameters vary based on service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Sets the status message and passes delete_doc as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Updates the revision status as deleted. Called as a Java method by these services:
Merges the named table. Called as a Java method by MERGE_TABLE.
Notifies the provider of changes to the content item. Called as a Java method by NOTIFY_CHANGE.
Called as a Java method by END_PUBLISHING.
Called as a Java method by START_PUBLISHING.
Called as a Java method by PACKAGE_ENVIRONMENT.
Called as a Java method by LOAD_USER_LOCALIZATION.
Executes an HTML page request. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by PREVIEW_DOCUMENT.
Processes the post checkin filter. Called as a Java method by FORM_PROCESS.
Submits the HTML form. Called as a Java method by CONTINUE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM and SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.
Evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by VALIDATE_DOCINFO.
Called as a Java method by CONTINUE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.
Called as a Java method by CACHE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.
Called as a Java method by INSERT_NEW.
Sends email to the workflow step users. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_REJECT and WORKFLOW_START.
Prepares the redirect template for the specified service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Prepares the topic edits. Called as a Java method by these services:
Prepares the subscription. Called as a Java method by DOC_SUBS_LIST.
Prepares the subscription date for update and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTIFY and UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_USED.
Checks the content item into the archive. Called as a Java method by these services:
Processes the form submission and passes checkSecurity as a parameter. Called as a Java method by FORM_PROCESS.
Retrieves registered project information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter ProjectInfo and stored for later use. The action passes mustExist as a parameter. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_PROJECT_INFO.
Queries the user alias information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter AliasInfo. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_ALIAS and EDIT_ALIAS.
Queries if the user has been assigned an alias. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter Alias. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_USER.
Retrieves archived content item information from the database. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter FILE_DOC_INFO and stored for later use. This action should not throw any exceptions. The control mask setting specifies that the query must return a record or the action fails with the given error message. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_ARCHIVED_FILE.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by CONTINUE_SUBMIT_HTML_FORM.
Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Called as a Select Query action by ADD_COLLABORATION.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Queries the content item account information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOCACCOUNT_INFO. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_DOC_ACCOUNT.
Retrieves content item account information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOCACCOUNT_INFO and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by QUERY_DOC_ACCOUNTS.
Retrieves content item information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO. Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Called as a Select Cache Query by CHECKIN_SEL_SUB.
Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Retrieves the content item name. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Queries the content item's file type information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOCTYPE_INFO. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_DOCTYPE.
Queries a specific content item's file type information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOCUMENTS. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_DOCTYPE.
Retrieves content item types. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DocTypes and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_DOCTYPES.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_DOCUMENT_PROBLEMREPORTS.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by UPDATE_DOCINFO_BYREV and UPDATE_DOCINFO_SUB.
Queries the content item's format map extension. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter FormatMap. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_DOCFORMAT.
Queries the mapping of the file extension. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter ExtensionMap. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_DOCEXTENSION.
Queries the format map information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter FormatMap. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_DOCFORMAT.
Queries group information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter GROUP_INFO. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_GROUP.
Queries group revision information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter GROUP_REVS. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_GROUP.
Queries group role information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter GroupRole. Called as a Select Cache Query action by EDIT_GROUP.
Queries group workflow information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter GROUP_WF. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_GROUP.
Queries if the alias is subscribed. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter SUBSCRIIPTION_INFO. Called as a Select Query action by SUBSCRIBE_EX.
Called as a Select Query action by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_WORKFLOW_TOKEN.
Retrieves the latest content item name information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOC_LATEST_ID and stored for later use. The control mask setting specifies that the query must return a record or the action fails with the given error message. Called as a Select Cache Query action by CHECKOUT_BY_NAME and UNDO_CHECKOUT_BY_NAME.
Called as a Select Query action by these services:
Retrieves meta data field information and passes MetaFieldInfo as a parameter. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_METADEFS and UPDATE_META_TABLE.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by ODMA_DOC_INFO_SIMPLE.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_PROJECT_ACTIONS.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_PROJECT_ACTIONS.
Retrieves problem report information from the database using a query. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter ProblemReport and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Retrieves registered project information. The result of this query is assigned to the specified parameter. Called as a Select Cache Query by these services:
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_REGISTEREDPROJECTS.
Retrieves content item security information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter SEC_DOC_INFO and stored for later use. The control mask setting specifies that the query must return a record or the action fails with the given error message. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_HIGHLIGHT_INFO and GET_XML_HIGHLIGHT_INFO.
Retrieves revision history information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter REVISION_HISTORY. The DOC_INFO template uses REVISION_HISTORY in a loop to present information about each revision in the DOC_INF page. Called as a Select Cache Query action by DOC_INFO and REVIEW_WORKFLOW_DOC.
Retrieves revision history information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter REVISION_HISTORY. The DOC_INFO template uses REVISION_HISTORY in a loop to present information about each revision in the DOC_INFO page. Called as a Select Cache Query action by REV_HISTORY.
Retrieves revision information by class. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter REVISIONS and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query by DELETE_BYCLASS and DELETE_DOC.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by DELETE_BYNAME.
Queries role information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter ROLE_INFO. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_ROLE.
Queries role information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter ROLES and stored for later use. The action throws a data exception if it is unable to query for list of roles. Called as a Select Cache Query action by ADD_GROUP.
Retrieves security group information from the database. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter SECURITY_GROUPS. The control mask setting specifies that the query must return a record or the action fails with the given error message. The action throws a data exception if the security group is not in the database.
Called as a Select Query action by EDIT_GROUP.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by QUERY_GROUP.
Retrieves user information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter USER_INFO and stored for later use. The control mask setting specifies that the query must return a record or the action fails with the given error message. The action throws a data exception if the system is unable to retrieve information for the specified user. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_USER_INFO.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_USER_METADEFS and UPDATE_USER_META_TABLE.
Retrieves the security attributes by type. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter RoleUsers. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_ROLE.
Retrieves the user subscription information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter USER_SUBSCRIPTION and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by DOC_SUBS_LIST.
Retrieves the workflow revision criteria. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter WfDocuments and stored for later use. This action should not throw any exceptions. Called as a Select Cache Query by CRITERIAWORKFLOW_DISABLE and CRITERIAWORKFLOW_DISABLE_SUB.
References the active workflow content item revision ID. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by ADD_WORKFLOWDOCUMENT_SUB.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_WORKFLOW_INFO and GET_WORKFLOW_INFO_BYNAME.
Retrieves the workflow state information and provides an internal status table that stores information about content items in active workflows. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter WorkflowState and stored for later use. This action should not throw any exceptions. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_WORKFLOWDOCREVISIONS.
Retrieves workflow information. The result of this query is assigned to the specified parameter. Called as a Select Query by action by ADD_WORKFLOW.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Retrieves workflow alias information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter WFAlias. Called as a Select Query action by DELETE_ALIAS.
Retrieves workflow alias information. Called as a Select Cache Query action by DELETE_WFCONTRIBUTORS
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_CRITERIA_WORKFLOWS_FOR_GROUP.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_CRITERIA_WORKFLOWS_FOR_GROUP.
Retrieves workflow content item information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter WfDocuments and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Retrieves workflow content item information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter WfDocuments and stored for later use. Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_WORKFLOW and GET_WORKFLOWDOCUMENTS.
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_WORKFLOW_INFO and GET_WORKFLOW_INFO_BYNAME.
Called as a Select Cache Query by GET_WORKFLOWS_FOR_ALL.
Retrieves workflow step information. The result of this query is assigned to the parameter STEP_INFO. The action throws a data exception if the step name is not unique. Called as a Select Query action by ADD_WORKFLOWSTEP. Called as a Select Cache Query action by EDIT_WORKFLOWSTEP.
Retrieves workflow step information including step description, type, and number of reviewers required to pass each step. The result of this query is assigned to the specified parameter. Called as a Select Cache Query action by these services:
Called as a Select Cache Query action by GET_WORKFLOWS_FOR_ALL.
Refreshes the cached specified information. The specified information varies by service. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by LM_LOAD_LAYOUTS_SUB.
Refreshes the user roles. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by REGISTER_PROJECT.
Rejects the content item and passes UrevisionStatus as a parameter. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Called as a Java method by CHECK_USER_CREDENTIALS.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by REMOVE_WEB_APP.
Deletes the subscription and passes Dsubscription as a parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Renames the associated values and passes specified parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Requests the security information. Called as a Java method by REQUEST_SECURITYINFO.
Resubmits the content item for conversion. Called as a Java method by RESUBMIT_FOR_CONVERSION.
Retrieves the provider list. Called as a Java method by GET_ALL_PROVIDERS
Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves the problem report information. Called as a Java method by these services:
Retrieves registered provider information. Called as a Java method by GET_PROVIDER_INFO.
Retrieves the user database profile information. Called as a Java method by REGISTER_USER.
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Saves the global includes. Called as a Java method by SAVE_GLOBALINCLUDES.
Called as a Java method by SAVE_TEMPLATE_CONVERSIONS
Saves the user option list. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_USEROPTION_LIST.
Called as a Java method by APPEND_SEARCH_AUDIT_INFO.
Retrieves problem report search information. Called as a Java method by GET_PROBLEMREPORTS_SEARCH_RESULTS.
Sends an email to the problem report contributor. Called as a Java method by NOTIFY_CONTRIBUTOR.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Sets the current date and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Updates the revision status as deleted. Called as a Java method by these services:
Sets the external content item information fields. Called as a Java method by GET_EXTERNAL_DOC_INFO.
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Sets the associated local values and passes the specified parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Sets the status message and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_TRACE_OPTIONS.
Enables the criteria workflow. Called as a Java method by CRITERIAWORKFLOW_ENABLE.
Starts the workflow process and passes WfDocuments as a parameter. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_START.
Stores the user profile information in the database. Called as a Java method by these services:
Submits the form. Called as a Java method by FORM_SUBMIT.
Submits the form. Called as a Java method by these services:
Tests the provider. Called as a Java method by TEST_PROVIDER.
Called as a Java method by TEST_WORKFLOW_SCRIPT.
Updates an alias. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_ALIAS.
Updates the revision as checked out. Called as an Execute Query action by CHECKOUT_SUB.
Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_CLBRA_ACCESS_LIST and EDIT_COLLABORATION.
Updates the revision status as deleted. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Updates the content item format information. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_DOCFORMAT.
Updates the content item type. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_DOCTYPE.
Updates the extension map. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_DOCEXTENSION.
Updates the metadata information. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Updates the meta data definition information. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_METADEF.
Updates the counter. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_PROBLEMREPORT.
Updates the revision ID. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Called as a Java method by UNINSTALL_COMPONENT.
Called as a Java method by UNREGISTER_PROJECT.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_COLLABORATION.
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_FILTER_INFO.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_COMPONENT_CONFIG.
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Updates content item format configuration. Called as a Java method by EDIT_DOC_FORMATS.
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_FILTER_INFO.
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_LICENSE.
Updates the meta data information table. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_META_TABLE.
Updates the option list table. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_OPTION_LIST.
Updates the problem report information in the database. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Called as a Java method by CHECKIN_PUBLISH.
Updates the result template. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_RESULT_TEMPLATE.
Updates the revision ID and revision label. Called as a Java method by CHECKIN_SEL_FORM.
Updates the subscription type. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_USER_PROFILE.
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_USER_META.
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_USER_META_TABLE.
Updates the workflow and content item state information. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_APPROVE and WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Updates the workflow state. Called as a Java method by DELETE_WORKFLOWDOCUMENTS.
Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_CHECKIN_SUB.
Updates the problem report information in the database. Called as an Execute Query action by UPDATE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Called as an Execute Query action by WORKFLOW_CHECKIN_SUB.
Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Updates the revision status. Called as an Execute Query action by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Updates the role definition. Called as an Execute Query action by ADD_GROUP and ADD_ROLE.
Updates the security group. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_GROUP.
Updates the subscription notification data. Called as an Execute Query action by UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTIFY.
Updates the user subscription. Called as an Execute Query action by UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_USED.
Updates the checkout information. Called as an Execute Query action by these services:
Updates the revision ID. Called as an Execute Query action by CHECKIN_BYNAME and CHECKIN_SEL_SUB.
Updates the user authorization type. Called as an Execute Query action by CHANGE_USER_AUTH_TYPE.
Updates the workflow. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_WORKFLOW.
Updates the workflow criteria. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Updates the content item workflow step. Called as an Execute Query action by WORKFLOW_REJECT.
Updates workflow project information. Called as an Execute Query action by EDIT_WORKFLOWCRITERIA.
Validates the check in data and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by these services:
Validates the delete request. Called as a Java method by DELETE_USER
Called as a Java method by UPDATE_METADATA.
Validates the problem report. Called as a Java method by ADD_PROBLEMREPORT and UPDATE_PROBLEMREPORT.
Validates the standard data. Called as a Java method by these services:
Validates the steps for WfSteps and QworkflowStepAliases. Called as a Java method by CRITERIAWORKFLOW_DISABLE and WORKFLOW_START.
Called as a Java method by ADD_USER and CHANGE_USER_AUTH_TYPE.
Displays the content item and passes SearchCollectionDocInfo as a parameter. Called as a Java method by VIEW_DOC.