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Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris Security     Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Oracle Solaris Security for Developers (Overview)

2.  Developing Privileged Applications

3.  Writing PAM Applications and Services

4.  Writing Applications That Use GSS-API

5.  GSS-API Client Example

6.  GSS-API Server Example

GSSAPI Server Example Overview

GSSAPI Server Example Structure

Running the GSSAPI Server Example

GSSAPI Server Example: main() Function

Acquiring Credentials

Checking for inetd

Receiving Data From a Client

Accepting a Context

Unwrapping the Message

Signing and Returning the Message

Using the test_import_export_context() Function

Cleanup in the GSSAPI Server Example

7.  Writing Applications That Use SASL

8.  Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework

9.  Writing User-Level Cryptographic Applications and Providers

10.  Using the Smart Card Framework

A.  Sample C-Based GSS-API Programs

B.  GSS-API Reference

C.  Specifying an OID

D.  Source Code for SASL Example

E.  SASL Reference Tables

F.  Packaging and Signing Cryptographic Providers



GSSAPI Server Example: main() Function

The gss-server main() function performs the following tasks:

Note - The source code for this example is also available through the download center. See

Example 6-1 gss-server Example: main()

main(argc, argv)
     int argc;
     char **argv;
     char *service_name;
     gss_cred_id_t server_creds;
     OM_uint32 min_stat;
     u_short port = 4444;
     int s;
     int once = 0;
     int do_inetd = 0;

     log = stdout;
     display_file = stdout;

     /* Parse command-line arguments. */
     argc--; argv++;
     while (argc) {
     if (strcmp(*argv, "-port") == 0) {
          argc--; argv++;
          if (!argc) usage();
          port = atoi(*argv);
     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-verbose") == 0) {
          verbose = 1;
     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-once") == 0) {
          once = 1;
     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-inetd") == 0) {
          do_inetd = 1;
     } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-logfile") == 0) {
          argc--; argv++;
          if (!argc) usage();
          log = fopen(*argv, "a");
          display_file = log;
          if (!log) {
     } else
     argc--; argv++;
     if (argc != 1)

     if ((*argv)[0] == '-')

     service_name = *argv;

     /* Acquire service credentials. */
     if (server_acquire_creds(service_name, &server_creds) < 0)
          return -1;

     if (do_inetd) {
          /* Sign and return message. */
          sign_server(0, server_creds);
     } else {
          int stmp;

          if ((stmp = create_socket(port)) >= 0) {
              do {
                  /* Accept a TCP connection */
                  if ((s = accept(stmp, NULL, 0)) < 0) {
                      perror("accepting connection");
                  /* This return value is not checked, because there is
                     not really anything to do if it fails. */
                  sign_server(s, server_creds);
              } while (!once);


     /* Close down and clean up. */
     (void) gss_release_cred(&min_stat, &server_creds);

     (void) close(s);
     return 0;