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Linker and Libraries Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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Part I Using the Link-Editor and Runtime Linker

1.  Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Link Editors

2.  Link-Editor

3.  Runtime Linker

4.  Shared Objects

5.  Interfaces and Versioning

6.  Establishing Dependencies with Dynamic String Tokens

Part II Quick Reference

7.  Link-Editor Quick Reference

8.  Versioning Quick Reference

Part III Advanced Topics

9.  Direct Bindings

10.  Mapfiles

11.  Extensibility Mechanisms

Part IV ELF Application Binary Interface

12.  Object File Format

File Format

Data Representation

ELF Header

ELF Identification

Data Encoding


Section Merging

Special Sections

COMDAT Section

Group Section

Capabilities Section

Hash Table Section

Move Section

Note Section

Relocation Sections

Relocation Calculations

SPARC: Relocations

SPARC: Relocation Types

64-bit SPARC: Relocation Types

x86: Relocations

32-bit x86: Relocation Types

x64: Relocation Types

String Table Section

Symbol Table Section

Symbol Values

Symbol Table Layout and Conventions

Symbol Sort Sections

Register Symbols

Syminfo Table Section

Versioning Sections

Version Definition Section

Version Dependency Section

Version Symbol Section

13.  Program Loading and Dynamic Linking

14.  Thread-Local Storage

Part V Appendices

A.  Linker and Libraries Updates and New Features

B.  System V Release 4 (Version 1) Mapfiles


Group Section

Some sections occur in interrelated groups. For example, an out-of-line definition of an inline function might require additional information besides the section containing executable instructions. This additional information can be a read-only data section containing literals referenced, one or more debugging information sections, or other informational sections.

There can be internal references among group sections. However, these references make no sense if one of the sections were removed, or one of the sections were replaced by a duplicate from another object. Therefore, these groups are included, or these groups are omitted, from the linked object as a unit.

A section of type SHT_GROUP defines such a grouping of sections. The name of a symbol from one of the containing object's symbol tables provides a signature for the section group. The section header of the SHT_GROUP section specifies the identifying symbol entry. The sh_link member contains the section header index of the symbol table section that contains the entry. The sh_info member contains the symbol table index of the identifying entry. The sh_flags member of the section header contains the value zero. The name of the section (sh_name) is not specified.

The section data of a SHT_GROUP section is an array of Elf32_Word entries. The first entry is a flag word. The remaining entries are a sequence of section header indices.

The following flag is currently defined.

Table 12-11 ELF Group Section Flag


GRP_COMDAT is a COMDAT group. This group can duplicate another COMDAT group in another object file, where duplication is defined as having the same group signature. In such cases, only one of the duplicate groups is retained by the link-editor. The members of the remaining groups are discarded.

The section header indices in the SHT_GROUP section, identify the sections that make up the group. These sections must have the SHF_GROUP flag set in their sh_flags section header member. If the link-editor decides to remove the section group, the link-editor removes all members of the group.

To facilitate removing a group without leaving dangling references and with only minimal processing of the symbol table, the following rules are followed.