Managing Bugs

Bugs track software defects. Bugs can be assigned, associated with milestones, and tracked by due date, status, and other attributes.


Viewing Bugs

To view bugs:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears. The Bugs Dashboard displays an overview of known software defects. See "About the Bugs Dashboard".

  3. Click the Bugs tab.

    The Bugs page appears. See "About the Bugs Page".

About the Bugs Page

The Bugs page displays details about each bug. You can further customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page. Available controls on the Search bar include:

  • Search icon - Resembles a magnifying glass. Click this icon to narrow your search to only specific columns. To search all columns, select All Columns.

  • Text area - Enter case insensitive search criteria (wildcard characters are implied) and then click Go.

  • Go button - Executes a search or applies a filter.

  • View icons - Use this control to toggle between report and details views. To change the view, click the following icons

    • View Report displays each feature as a line in a report. Use the Actions menu to customize this report.

    • View Detail displays detailed information about each feature. To display less information, click Basic.

  • Actions menu - Use this menu to customize the report view. See "About the Actions Menu".

Creating a Bug

To create a bug:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears.

  3. Click Create Bug.

  4. Fill in the appropriate fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  5. To learn more about a specific field, see item Help.

    When help is available, the item label changes to red when you pass your cursor over it and the cursor changes to an arrow and question mark. See "About Field-Level Help".

  6. To add new values to editable select lists, enter a value in the field with the title New. For example, to add name to the Assigned To list, enter a value in New Assignee.

    The value you enter is added.

  7. Click Create.

Editing a Bug

To edit a bug:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Bugs icon.

    The Bugs Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Bugs tab.

    The Bugs page appears.

  4. How you edit a bug depends upon the View selected in the Search bar. Options include:

    • View Detail - Click the bug number or click the Edit icon.

    • View Report - Click the bug number or click the Edit icon.

  5. Edit the appropriate fields.

  6. To add new values to editable select lists, enter a value in the field with the title New. For example, to add name to the Assigned To list, enter a value in New Assignee.

    The value you enter is added.

  7. Click Apply Changes.

Viewing Bug Reports

Use bug reports to view bugs from different perspectives.


About the Bugs Dashboard

The Bugs Dashboard displays an overview of known software defects. The Dashboard page contains the following regions:

  • Percent Closed

  • Assigned Developer

  • Severity

  • Status

To edit the dashboard:

  1. Edit the following fields at the top of the page and click Set.

    • Show

    • Release

  2. To reset the dashboard to the default display, click the Reset button.

About Calendar

The Calendar page displays open bugs with an estimated close date, open bugs with no estimated close date, or closed bugs. Click the Previous and Next buttons to view other months. To view a specific bug, click the bug description. To create a new bug, click Create Bug.

About By Developer

The By Developer page displays bugs by developer. To view bugs associated with a specific assignee, click the appropriate section of the pie chart. A report appears displaying bugs by developer.

To alter the chart, select another release and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset. To create a new bug, click Create Bug.

About By Day

The By Day page displays number of bugs opened and closed by day. To alter the bar chart, select another release and click Set. To return to the default bar chart, click Reset. To create a new bug, click Create Bug.