Viewing Workspace Dashboards

Use the Dashboard page to view details about the current workspace as well as monitor overall activity within your workspace.


See Also:

"Monitoring Activity Across a Development Instance" and "Creating Custom Activity Reports Using APEX_ACTIVITY_LOG in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide

About the Workspace Dashboard

The Workspace Dashboard lists statistics about the current workspace. Sections include:

  • Service - Lists the workspace name as well as the number of applications, application pages, SQL scripts, Websheets, schemas, and open service requests.

  • Available Schemas - Lists schemas within the current workspace.

  • Files - Details the space used by specific file types.

  • Recent Service Requests lists pending service requests.

To view the Workspace Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

About the Users Dashboard

The Users Dashboard displays a summary of your account information, users in the current workspace, defined user groups, recently created users, and user status. Sections include:

  • Your Account - List information about your account including your username, workspace, account credentials, and email address.

  • Workspace Users - Lists statistics about all users in the current workspace.

  • User Groups - Lists are currently defined user groups.

  • Recently Created - Lists recently created users.

  • User Status - Lists valid passwords, expired passwords, locked accounts, unlocked accounts, and any accounts for which no email address id defined.

To view the Users Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Users tab.

About the Activity Dashboard

The Activity Dashboard displays a summary of top users, application, and pages as well as list of recent logins and errors. Sections include:

  • Top Users - Lists the most active users in the workspace.

  • Top Applications - Lists applications having the most activity.

  • Top Pages - Lists the application pages having the most activity.

  • Recent Logins- Shows the time and date a user authenticated to an application.

  • Recent Errors - Lists errors that have occurred in the current workspacr from the Application Express activity log.

To view the Activity Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Activity tab.

About the Developer Activity Dashboard

The Developer Activity Dashboard displays a summary of top developers, application, and pages as well as list of recent application changes and edits. Sections include:

  • Top Developers - Lists the most active developers in the workspace.

  • Top Applications - Lists the applications having the most developer activity.

  • Top Pages - Lists the application pages having the most developer activity.

  • Recent Changes - Lists changes by application, page, and user.

  • Recent Application Edits - Lists edits by application.

To view the Developer Activity Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Developer Activity tab.

About the Performance Dashboard

The Performance Dashboard displays a report of pages having the worst page performance. Page performance is calculated by multiplying page events by median elapsed server page generation time. Page events include page gets, page posts, and partial page gets.

To view the Performance Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Performance tab.

  5. You can customize the appearance the page using the Search bar at the top of the page. See "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

  6. From the Show list, select a time frame.

About the Websheets Dashboard

The Websheets Dashboard displays a websheet activity for the selected time frame. Sections include:

  • Workspace Summary

  • Recent Views

  • Recently Created

  • Recently Updated

To view the Websheets Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Websheets tab.

  5. From the Show list, select a time frame.

About the Applications Dashboard

The Applications Dashboard displays a summary of applications in the current workspace. Sections include:

  • Summary - Lists the number of applications, pages, and workspace themes.

  • Application Groups - Lists defined application groups.

  • Recently Created - Lists recently created applications.

  • Defaults - Lists defined defaults.

To view the Applications Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Applications tab.

  5. To refresh the report, click Refresh.

About the Database Dashboard

The Database Dashboard displays a summary of database objects by schema. Row counts are based on database table statistics. Sections include:

  • Recently Modified Program Units

  • Object Counts

  • Recently Created Tables

  • Top Tables by Row Count

To view the Database Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. Click the Administration icon.

  3. On the Administration page, click Dashboards.

  4. Click the Database tab.

  5. From Schema, select the appropriate schema.

  6. To refresh the report, click Refresh.