Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface DCStatusBarInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DCStatusBarInterface

Implements status messages based on the current focus, current iterator, and current display mode of a DCPanel. Various JClient control bindings and Panel bindings use this interface to update their status and the classes implementing this interface (typically a StatusBar) can display these status messages. Messages that are MsgId0based could be found in UIMessageBundle class.

Applications could implement this interface to manage focus, currency and display status messages in a custom manner and register the implementing class with a DCPanelBinding to get these messages.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void displayStatus(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, java.lang.String msgId, java.lang.Object[] params)
          This event is sent out by the framework to display a message in oracle.jbo.uicli.UIMessageBundle of the given msgId with the given set of parameters.
 void displayStatus(java.lang.String msg)
          Applications can invoke to display any custom messages in the status bar(s).
 void focusGained(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, DCControlBinding controlBinding, int attrIndex)
          This event is sent out by a DCCtrlBinding when the associated control comes into focus.
 void release()
          Framework calls this method when it needs to indicate that the connection to BC4J is being released.

Method Detail


void focusGained(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding,
                 DCControlBinding controlBinding,
                 int attrIndex)
This event is sent out by a DCCtrlBinding when the associated control comes into focus.

iterBinding - The Iterator that the control-binding is working with.
controlBinding - Identifies which control is coming into focus.
attrIndex - Index of the attribute in the DCCtrlBinding that is current/in focus. The value for this index could be -1 if a composite control that is working with a ViewObject or RowIterator comes in focus (like a JTree/JTable/DCNavigationBar).


void displayStatus(DCIteratorBinding iterBinding,
                   java.lang.String msgId,
                   java.lang.Object[] params)
This event is sent out by the framework to display a message in oracle.jbo.uicli.UIMessageBundle of the given msgId with the given set of parameters.

iterBinding - Current IteratorBinding object for the control that sends this message.
msgId - String ID of a message from UIMessageBundle to display.
params - Parameters that the message needs to format an appropriate display.


void displayStatus(java.lang.String msg)
Applications can invoke to display any custom messages in the status bar(s).


void release()
Framework calls this method when it needs to indicate that the connection to BC4J is being released.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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