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Oracle Fusion Middleware PKI SDK CMP Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



CMP/CRMF attribute classes for Registration Controls, Registration Info and General Info.


Class Summary
ArchiveRemGenPrivKeyArchOpt CRMF archive option registration control indicating whether the recipient should archive the private key generated in response to the enclosing request.
AuthenticatorRegControl CRMF authenticator registration control.
CAKeyUpdateInfo Information type used by the CA to announce a CA key update event.
CAProtEncCertInfo CA protocal encryption certificate information type.
CertRequestRegInfo CRMF registration info containing a CertRequest.
ConfirmWaitTimeInfo Information type used by the CA to inform how long it intends to wait for certificate confirmation.
CurrentCRLInfo Information type used by the client to get a copy of the latest CRL.
EncKeyPairTypesInfo Information type used by the client to get the list of encryption/key aggrement key algorithms whose public key the CA is willing to certify.
EncryptedPrivKeyArchOpt CRMF archive option registration control containing the encrypted private key to be archived.
ImplicitConfirmInfo Information type used to inform the CA that a certificate confirmation for issued certificate is not willing to be sent.
InfoTypeAndValue CMP base class for information type and values.
KeyGenParamsArchOpt CRMF archive option registration control containing the parameters necessary for re-generating the private key.
KeyPairParamRepInfo Information type for CA's response to the request for the parameters for generating the key pair of certain public-key algorithms.
KeyPairParamReqInfo Information type for requesting the parameters for generating the key pair of certain public-key algorithms.
OldCertIDRegControl CRMF old certificate ID registration control.
OrigPKIMessageInfo Information type for the original PKIMessage from the EE.
PKIArchiveOptionRegControl CRMF base class for private key archive option registration controls.
PKIPubInfoRegControl CRMF PKI publication information registration control.
PKIPubInfoRegControl.Action PKI publication actions.
PKIPubInfoRegControl.Method PKI publication methods, if Action is PLEASE_PUBLISH.
PreferredSymmAlgInfo Information type used by the client to get the CA-preferred symmetric encryption algorithm.
ProtocolEncrKeyRegControl CRMF protocol encyption key registration control.
RegistrationControl CRMF base class for registration controls.
RegistrationInfo CRMF base class for registration info structures.
RegTokenRegControl CRMF registration token registration control.
RevPassphraseInfo Information type of revocation passphrass for the purpose of authenticating a revocation request.
SignKeyPairTypesInfo Information type used to get the list of signature algorithms whose public key CA is willing to certify.
UnsupportedOIDsInfo Information type used by the server to return the list of uosupported object identifier.
UTF8PairsRegInfo CRMF registration info containing UTF8 string pairs.


Package Description

CMP/CRMF attribute classes for Registration Controls, Registration Info and General Info.

Includes the classes RegistrationControl, RegistrationInfo and InfoTypeAndValue (which extend com.phaos.cert.AttributeTypeAndValue), and their subclasses.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware PKI SDK CMP Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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