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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class AES

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by

public final class AES
extends BlockCipher

An implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), aka Rijndael, as defined in FIPS 197.

Rijndael is a symmetric cipher using 128-bit blocks and keysizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits.

In the current release, only ECB and CBC modes are supported; accordingly, while object identifiers for CFB and OFB modes have been registered by NIST, they are treated as unknown identifiers by the OIDManager.

See Also:
Cipher, BlockCipher

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class
blockSize, iv, paddingID


Fields inherited from class
CBC, ECB, key, mode, rbs


Constructor Summary
          Creates an uninitialized AES instance.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String algName()
          Returns the name of the algorithm which this coder implements.
protected  void decryptBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, byte[] output, int outOff)
          Performs the block cipher's basic decryption operation on one block of ciphertext placing the result in the output buffer.
protected  void encryptBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, byte[] output, int outOff)
          Performs the block cipher's basic encryption operation on one block of plaintext placing the result in the output buffer.
 void erase()
          Erases any sensitive information stored in this BlockCipher object.
 AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgID()
          Builds an AlgorithmIdentifier that is a "snapshot" of the Cipher's current configuration.
 int getKeySize()
          Returns the cipher keysize, in 8-bit blocks.
 void initialize(AlgorithmIdentifier algID, SymmetricKey key, Padding.ID paddingID, RandomBitsSource rbs)
          This method verifies the AlgorithmIdentifier's Object ID and configures the AES instance appropriately with the params of the AlgorithmIdentifier in addition to the SymmetricKey and padding identifier.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns the algorithm name of this cipher.


Methods inherited from class
decrypt, decrypt, encrypt, encrypt, getBlockSize, getIV, getPaddingID, initialize, setIV, unwrapPrivateKey, unwrapSymmetricKey, wrapKey, wrapKey


Methods inherited from class
assertDecryption, assertEncryption, assertKeyUnwrap, assertKeyWrap, cloneKey, decodeOp, decrypt, decrypt, decrypt, encodeOp, encrypt, encrypt, encrypt, finalize, getInstance, getInstance, getInstance, getInstance, getInstance, getInstance, getMode, initialize, initialize, releaseOp


Methods inherited from class
decode, decode, encode, encode


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AES()
Creates an uninitialized AES instance. To use the Cipher, it must be initialized with a Key and algorithm parameters, usually in the form of an AlgorithmIdentifier.

Method Detail


public void initialize(AlgorithmIdentifier algID,
                       SymmetricKey key,
                       Padding.ID paddingID,
                       RandomBitsSource rbs)
                throws AlgorithmIdentifierException,
This method verifies the AlgorithmIdentifier's Object ID and configures the AES instance appropriately with the params of the AlgorithmIdentifier in addition to the SymmetricKey and padding identifier.
initialize in class Cipher
algID - The AlgorithmIdentifier whose params will be used to configure the cipher.
key - The SymmetricKey instance that will be used by the cipher internally.
paddingID - Used to indicate the type of padding that the Cipher should use. Options are Padding.NONE or Padding.PKCS5. A Cipher must be re-initialized before being used with the other Padding type.
rbs - The RandomBitsSourfce to use in this cipher.
AlgorithmIdentifierException - If the algID's OID isn't valid for the Cipher instance being initialized or if the params are not valid for the algID's OID.
InvalidKeyException - If there is a problem with the Key instance the Cipher is being initialized with.
CipherException - If there's a problem initializing the Cipher with the given parameters.


protected void decryptBlock(byte[] input,
                            int inOff,
                            byte[] output,
                            int outOff)
                     throws CipherException
Description copied from class: BlockCipher
Performs the block cipher's basic decryption operation on one block of ciphertext placing the result in the output buffer. Mode and padding operations are not applied.
Specified by:
decryptBlock in class BlockCipher
input - Buffer in which data to be decrypted is stored.
inOff - Offset within input buffer of the start of data.
output - Buffer to place the decrypted bytes in
outOff - Offset within output buffer where the encrypted bytes will be stored.
CipherException - If the Cipher is not initialized, length of data is not equal to the block size, etc.


protected void encryptBlock(byte[] input,
                            int inOff,
                            byte[] output,
                            int outOff)
                     throws CipherException
Description copied from class: BlockCipher
Performs the block cipher's basic encryption operation on one block of plaintext placing the result in the output buffer. Mode and padding operations are not applied.
Specified by:
encryptBlock in class BlockCipher
input - Buffer in which data to be encrypted is stored
inOff - Offset within input buffer of the start of data
output - Buffer to place the encrypted bytes in
outOff - Offset within output buffer where the encrypted bytes will be stored
CipherException - If the Cipher is not initialized, length of data is not equal to the block size, etc.


public java.lang.String algName()
Description copied from class: Coder
Returns the name of the algorithm which this coder implements.
Specified by:
algName in class Coder


public AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgID()
Description copied from class: Cipher
Builds an AlgorithmIdentifier that is a "snapshot" of the Cipher's current configuration.

Altering this AlgorithmIdentifier will have no effect on the state of the Cipher.

Specified by:
getAlgID in class Cipher
A newly constructed AlgorithmIdentifier that is a "snapshot" of the Cipher's current configuration.


public int getKeySize()
Returns the cipher keysize, in 8-bit blocks. (To derive the AES-internal parameter Nk, the keysize as measured in 32-bit blocks, divide by 4.)


public void erase()
Description copied from class: BlockCipher
Erases any sensitive information stored in this BlockCipher object.
erase in class BlockCipher


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns the algorithm name of this cipher.
toString in class java.lang.Object

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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