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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface CertificateVerifier

public interface CertificateVerifier

A generic interface for certificate verification policies, such as X.509 certificate path validation, that operate on certificates known by issuer DN and serial number.

Instances of CertificateVerifier are returned by the CertificateTrustPolicy.makeCertificateVerifier(java.util.Vector<>, java.util.Vector<>) method. Both the CertificateVerifier and CertificateTrustPolicy interfaces should be implemented for specific verification schemes.

See Also:
CertificateTrustPolicy, TrustedCAPolicy

Method Summary
 X509 getValidCertificate(IssuerAndSerialNo iasn)
          Returns a certificate, known to be valid (according to criteria dependent on the verification scheme), which has the given issuer name and serial number.


Method Detail


X509 getValidCertificate(IssuerAndSerialNo iasn)
Returns a certificate, known to be valid (according to criteria dependent on the verification scheme), which has the given issuer name and serial number.
The valid certificate, or null if no certificate with the given issuer name and serial number could be found.
Throws: - If a certificate with the given issuer name and serial number could be found, but is not valid or could not be verified.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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