Oracle Reports
Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Uses of Class

Packages that use PluginException

Uses of PluginException in oracle.reports.plugin

Methods in oracle.reports.plugin that throw PluginException
 boolean Plugin.applyXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Applies text definition (usually in XML) to the plugin.
 void PluginFactory.dispose()
          Disposes the Plugin Factory and cleans up related resources.
 boolean PluginEditorTemplate.edit(Plugin plugin)
          Bring up Plug-in Data Source's dialog.
 boolean PluginEditor.edit(Plugin plugin)
          Edit function of plugin.
 PluginEditor PluginFactoryTemplate.getEditor()
          Returns Plug-in's Editor
 PluginEditor PluginFactory.getEditor()
          Gets Plugin Editor
 PluginFactory Plugin.getFactory()
          Gets the factory object which creates this plugin.
 java.lang.String PluginFactory.getHelpPrefix()
          Gets prefix string for the error message help.
 java.lang.String PluginFactory.getHelpSet()
          Gets the full path of helpset file or a URL to the helpset file If not implemented, this plugin is helpless ;-)
 java.lang.String PluginFactory.getHint()
          Returns the hint message of this type of Plugin.
 java.lang.String PluginFactory.getIconName()
          Returns icon name of the Plug-in.
 int PluginFactory.getMajorVersion()
          Returns the major version of the Plugin Factory.
 int PluginFactory.getMinorVersion()
          Returns the minor version of the Plugin Factory
 java.lang.String PluginFactory.getName()
          Returns the name of this type of Plugin.
 ReportContext PluginFactoryTemplate.getReportContext()
          Returns Report Context which is passed in to setReportContext.
 int PluginResultSetMetaDataTemplate.getSortOrder(int column)
          Return the sort order.
 int PluginResultSetMetaData.getSortOrder(int colIdx)
          Returns column's sort order, how Reports should sort rows based on this column:
 Plugin PluginFactoryTemplate.make()
          Make new Plug-in instance.
 Plugin PluginFactory.make()
          Make Plugin instance
 java.lang.String Plugin.saveToXML()
          Returns text definition (usually in XML) of the plugin.
 void Plugin.setFactory(PluginFactory fac)
          Sets the factory object which creates this plugin.
 void PluginFactoryTemplate.setHelpSetID(java.lang.String helpSetID)
          Set helpset id to the plugin.
 void PluginFactory.setHelpSetID(java.lang.String helpSetID)
          Set helpset id to the plugin.
 int PluginResultSetMetaDataTemplate.sortColumnOf(int column)
          Returns SortColumnOf.
 int PluginResultSetMetaData.sortColumnOf(int colIdx)
          Returns the base column index of the column if it is a sort column.
 void Plugin.startRuntime()
          Notify Plugin that Reports is about to start to run.

Uses of PluginException in oracle.reports.plugin.datasource

Methods in oracle.reports.plugin.datasource that throw PluginException
 boolean PluginDataSourceTemplate.applyXML(java.lang.String xml)
          Template Data Source has only static definition for sample code purpose.
 PluginResultSetMetaData PluginDataSourceTemplate.describe()
          Returns static meta-data of Template Plug-in Data Source.
 PluginResultSetMetaData PluginDataSource.describe()
          Returns result set meta information of the data source.
 java.sql.ResultSet PluginDataSourceTemplate.execute(java.lang.Object[] refedColVals, PluginCondition[] conds, int maxrows)
          Returns static result set of Template Plug-in Data Source.
 java.sql.ResultSet PluginDataSource.execute(java.lang.Object[] refedColVals, PluginCondition[] conds, int maxrows)
          Executes the Plugin Data Source and returns result set.
 DataSource PluginDataSourceTemplate.getDataSource()
          Gets the hosting Reports data source object of the Plugin.
 java.lang.String PluginDataSourceFactoryTemplate.getDefaultSignOnParameter()
          Template Data Source does not support sign-on parameter.
 java.lang.String PluginDataSourceFactory.getDefaultSignOnParameter()
          Returns the name of default Sign-on Parameter of this type of Plugin Data Source.
 PluginFactory PluginDataSourceTemplate.getFactory()
          Gets the factory passed to setFactory.
 java.lang.String PluginDataSourceTemplate.getQueryDescription()
          Returns the high-light data source description to be displayed in Reports Wizard Data Tab.
 java.lang.String PluginDataSource.getQueryDescription()
          Gets text description of the query, which usually contains the information of the source, columns, and bind variables.
 java.lang.String[] PluginDataSourceTemplate.getReferencedColumns()
          Template Plug-in Data Source does not reference Reports columns.
 java.lang.String[] PluginDataSource.getReferencedColumns()
          Gets the names of the Reports columns whose values will be used in Plugin Data Source's execution.
 Report PluginDataSourceTemplate.getReport()
          Gets the hosting report of the plugin.
 ReportContext PluginDataSourceTemplate.getReportContext()
          Gets the report context which provides environment information.
 Parameter PluginDataSourceTemplate.getSignOnParameter()
          Return sign-on parameter of this Plug-in Data Source.
 boolean PluginDataSourceFactoryTemplate.needSignOnParameter()
          Template Data Source does not support sign-on parameter.
 boolean PluginDataSourceFactory.needSignOnParameter()
          Returns true if this type of Plugin Data Source needs to make use of Reports Sign-on Parameter, false otherwise.
 void PluginDataSourceFactoryTemplate.raiseConnectDialog(Parameter signOnParam)
          Template Data Source does not support sign-on parameter.
 void PluginDataSourceFactory.raiseConnectDialog(Parameter signOnParam)
          Raise connect dialog with the passed in Sign-on Parameter.
 java.lang.String PluginDataSourceTemplate.saveToXML()
          Return the static definition to be saved with report.
 void PluginDataSourceTemplate.setDataSource(DataSource datasource)
          Sets the Reports hosting data source object of the plugin
 void PluginDataSource.setDataSource(DataSource datasource)
          Set the hosting Reports data source object of this Plugin Data Source.
 void PluginDataSourceTemplate.setFactory(PluginFactory fac)
          Sets the factory which creates the Plugin.
 void PluginDataSourceTemplate.setSignOnParameter(Parameter signOnParam)
          Sets sign on parameter of this Plug-in Data Source whenever it is set or changed in Reports Property Palette.
 void PluginDataSource.setSignOnParameter(Parameter signOnParam)
          Sets sign on parameter of this Plugin Data Source.
 void PluginDataSourceTemplate.startRuntime()
          Template Plug-in Data Source does not need any initilization before runtime.
 boolean PluginDataSourceTemplate.supportCondition()
          Template Plugin Data Source does not support condition, simply returns false here.
 boolean PluginDataSource.supportCondition()
          Returns true or false, whether the Plugin Data Source supports condition.

Uses of PluginException in oracle.reports.plugin.definition

Methods in oracle.reports.plugin.definition that throw PluginException
static Column Column.createColumn(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwdataitem, Report report)
          Create a column object NOTE: this method is for internal use only.
 java.lang.String ReportContext.findFileInReportsPath(java.lang.String filename)
          Search for file named in paths specified by REPORTS_PATH environment variable If no such file is found, return null.
 Column[] Report.getAllColumns()
          Returns all columns in this report.
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getCacheDirectory()
          Returns cache directory
 Column[] Group.getColumns()
          Returns the columns in this group
 java.util.Hashtable ReportContext.getCommandLineArguments()
          Returns the command line arguments
 java.lang.String BaseObject.getComment()
          Returns the comment of the object
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getConfigDirectory()
          Returns config directory
 java.lang.String Parameter.getCurrentValue()
          Returns current value of this parameter
 DataSource Group.getDataSource()
          Returns the data source of this group
 DataSource[] Report.getDataSources()
          Returns data sources in this report.
 int Column.getDataType()
          Returns the data type of this column.
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getDTDDirectory()
          Returns DTD directory
 Group Group.getFirstChild()
          Returns first child group of this group
 Group Report.getFirstGroup()
          Returns the first group in this report.
 Group Column.getGroup()
          Returns the group of this column
 Group[] DataSource.getGroups()
          Returns the groups of this data source.
 java.lang.String Parameter.getInitialValue()
          Returns initial value of this parameter
 java.util.Locale ReportContext.getLocale()
 java.lang.String BaseObject.getName()
          Returns the name of the object
 Group Group.getNextSibling()
          Returns the next sibling group of this group
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getOracleHome()
          Returns ORACLE_HOME directory
 Group Group.getParent()
          Returns parent group of this group
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getPluginParam(java.lang.String name)
          Get the named plugin param from the server config file
 Group Group.getPreviousSibling()
          Returns the previous sibling group of this group
 Report BaseObject.getReport()
          Returns the report of the object
 ReportContext Report.getReportContext()
          Returns the context object of the report.
 Column[] Report.getReportLevelColumns()
          Returns report level columns in this report.
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getReportsDirectory()
          Returns the Reports directory
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getServerDirectory()
          Returns server directory
 Parameter[] DataSource.getSignOnParametersOfSamePluginType()
          Returns the list of all sign-on parameters assigned to the same type of Plugin Data Sources.
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getTemplateDirectory()
          Returns template directory
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getTemporaryDirectory()
          Returns Reports temporary directory as defined by REPORTS_TMP environment variable
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getTemporaryFile(java.lang.String basename)
          Returns a unique temporary file in Reports temporary directory defined by REPORTS_TMP environment variable This method only returns a unique filename for you, no file is created.
 Trace ReportContext.getTrace()
          Returns trace object
 java.lang.String Summary.getValueIfNull()
          Returns "value if null" property of this column
 java.lang.String Placeholder.getValueIfNull()
          Returns "value if null" property of this column
 java.lang.String Formula.getValueIfNull()
          Gets "value if null" property of this column
 java.lang.String DataSourceColumn.getValueIfNull()
          Returns the "value if null" property of this column
 java.lang.String ReportContext.getVersion()
          Returns Reports version
 boolean ReportContext.isInsideReportsBuilder()
          Returns true if current context is running inside Reports Builder.
 boolean Parameter.isSystemParameter()
          Returns true if this parameter is a system parameter, false otherwise.
 boolean ReportContext.isUIAllowedNow()
          Returns true if Plugin is allowed to raise its UI (say, connect dialog) at this moment.
 boolean Parameter.isUserParameter()
 void DataSource.setSignOnParameter(java.lang.String paramName)
          Sets sign-on parameter of this Plugin Data Source.
 void ReportContext.showHelpContent(java.lang.String helpSetID)
          Displays the help content helpSetID is the id set by Iplugin.setHelpSetID()
 void ReportContext.showHelpTopic(java.lang.String helpSetID, java.lang.String topicID)
          Displays the help topic If no such topic is found, a generic "Help not found" topic is displayed.

Constructors in oracle.reports.plugin.definition that throw PluginException
BaseObject(oracle.reports.definition.RWObject rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
Column(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
DataSource(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataSource rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
DataSourceColumn(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
Formula(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
Group(oracle.reports.definition.RWGroup rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
Parameter(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects itself.
Placeholder(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects by itself.
Report(oracle.reports.definition.RWReport rwreport, ReportContext reportContext)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects by itself.
ReportContext(oracle.reports.definition.RWReport rwobj, Trace trace)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects by itself.
Summary(oracle.reports.definition.RWDataItem rwobj, Report report)
          Constructor NOTE: Plugin must never try to create any Reports objects by itself.

Oracle Reports
Java API Reference

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