OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces


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R_KEY - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
KeyCode representing R key.
raiseToFront() - Method in AdfAbstractFloatingElement
raiseToFront(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderLayer
raiseToFront(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderManager
Makes an element the topmost visible in its layer, by making it the last child (and not traversing itself in DOM)
random() - Static method in Math
Retrieves a value that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
RangeError - Class in org.ecmascript.object.error
The native browser JavaScript object used to represent an error when the a number is outside of a required range.
RangeError(String) - Constructor in RangeError
The native browser JavaScript object used to represent an error when the a number is outside of a required range.
READ_ONLY - Static field in AdfDhtmlTreeTablePeer
READONLY_STYLECLASS - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
ReallocateSizesForNewSelection(String, AdfRichPanelAccordion) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
Reallocates the accordion's size and its children sizes for a newly selected pane.
recognizeDrag(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
Determine whether a possible drag has turned into a drag or not
recognizeDrag(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
Determine whether a possible drag has turned into a drag or not
ReferenceError - Class in org.ecmascript.object.error
The native browser JavaScript object used to represent an error when a referenced variable cannot be found.
ReferenceError(String) - Constructor in ReferenceError
The native browser JavaScript object used to represent an error when a referenced variable cannot be found.
RegExp - Class in org.ecmascript.object
The native browser JavaScript object used to work with regular expressions.
RegExp(String, String) - Constructor in RegExp
The native browser JavaScript object used to work with regular expressions.
register() - Method in AdfLogger
Registers the specified logger, copying over any log messages if possible and closing the logger if a logger with that name already exists
register(Object, String) - Method in AdfProfiler
Deprecated: Please use registerMethod instead
registerBinding(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlInputChooseBindingUtils
Register a binding between an inputXXX and a chooseXXX component.
registerComponent(AdfRichTextEditor) - Method in AdfRichTextEditorBehaviorManager
Lets the manager the the component is available.
registerComponent(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Registers a mapping between the specified component type and the constructor of the AdfUIComponent subclass to instantiate in response to calls to AdfUIComponent.createComponent.
registerDialog(AdfDhtmlSimpleFloat) - Method in AdfDhtmlDialogManager
Adds a new dialog to the bottom of the dialog stack.
registerEncoder(Object) - Method in AdfMarshalingService
Registers a custom encoder Parameter:
registerFunction(String) - Method in AdfProfiler
Registers a javascript function with the AdfProfiler.
registerKeyStroke(AdfKeyStroke, Function, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Registers a global keyboard shortcut/accelerator.
registerKeyStroke(AdfUIComponent, AdfKeyStroke, Function) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Registers a global keyboard shortcut/accelerator for a component.
RegisterLevels - Static field in AdfLogger
RegisterLevels(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfLogger
Creates the AdfLogger convenience methods and accessors
registerLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Registers a component that isn't fully loaded on creation with the framework.
registerLoadingComponent(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfPage
Registers a component that isn't fully loaded on creation with the framework.
registerMethod(Object, String) - Method in AdfProfiler
Registers a javascript method with the AdfProfiler.
registerPeerConstructor(String, String) - Method in AdfDhtmlLookAndFeel
Registers a peer constructor for the specified component type.
registerPeerConstructor(String, String) - Method in AdfLookAndFeel
Registers a peer constructor for the specified component type.
registerPollComponent(Object) - Method in AdfPollHelper
Hook for the PollPeer to register its component to keep track of its ID and timeout value.
registerResizeNotifyComponent(AdfUIComponent) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Register a component to recieve resize notification when the browser window is resized.
registerResizeNotifyComponent(Object) - Method in AdfPage
Register a component to recieve resize notification when the browser window is resized.
relatedTarget - Field in MouseEvent
Used to identify a secondary EventTarget related to a UI event.
REMOVE_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfDialogServicePopupContainerRemoveEvent
Constant used to identify the event type of popupRemove.
RemoveActiveRow(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
RemoveActiveRow(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTreeTablePeer
removeADSConnectionStateListener(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
removeAll(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfCollections
Removes all of the properties of removeCollection from targetCollection.
RemoveAllBlocks(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
removeAllItemsFromOverflow() - Method in AdfOverflowSupport
Remove all items from overflow, regardingless of the current size.
removeAllNodes(HTMLElement) - Static method in AdfDomUtils
Removes all child nodes from the given element.
removeArrayKey(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfCollections
Removes the key from the array list if it is an integer, and from the key's properties if it isn't
removeArrayValue(Array, Object) - Static method in AdfCollections
Removes the first instance of the specified value from the Array and returns the key the value was associated with, moving all of the array indices down and returning the index of the removed value, or -1 if the value wasn't found.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in Element
Removes an attribute by name.
removeAttributeNode(Attr) - Method in Element
Removes the specified attribute node.
removeAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in Element
Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI.
removeBehavior(Object) - Method in AdfAutoDismissalManager
Unregisters a component from the autoDismissalManager and dismisses it.
removeBubbleEventListener(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Removes an event listener that fired in the non-Capture phases for the specified eventType
removeBubbleEventListener(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE9Agent
Removes an event listener that fired in the non-Capture phases for the specified eventType
removeBubbleEventListener(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Removes an event listener that fired in the non-Capture phases for the specified eventType
removeBusyStateListener(Object, Function) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Removes a listener so that it will no longer be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
removeBusyStateListener(Object, Function) - Method in AdfPage
Removes a listener so that it will no longer be invoked whenever there is a busy state event.
removeChangedComponent(Object) - Method in AdfPage
Removes a component from the list of components with attribute changes needing to be synched to the server
removeCheckpointOverride(String, String) - Static method in AdfCheckpoint
Removes a checkpoint override and allows the checkpoints to function according to the {@link #_checkpointEnabled} flag.
removeChild(Node) - Method in Node
Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children, and returns it.
removeComponentsInSubtree(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Removes all of the componetns in the subtree specified by the clientId
removeContextMenuEventListeners(Object) - Method in AdfTreeUtils
Remove context menu listeners
removeCSSClassName(HTMLElement, String) - Static method in AdfDomUtils
Removes a CSS className to the dom node if it existd in the classNames list and returns true if the class name was removed.
removeCSSClassName(HTMLElement, Number) - Static method in AdfMessageUtils
Removes a style class on a particular element for a MessageType.
removeElement(Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
Removes a registered floating element by index.
removeElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
removeElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderLayer
removeElement(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderManager
Unregister the element from the zorder manager.
removeEventBubbles(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Removes event listeners for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in from the relevant element using the specified listener
removeEventBubbles(Object, Object) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Removes event bubbles for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in from the relevant element using the specified listener
removeEventBubbles(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Removes event listeners for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in from the relevant element using the specified listener
removeEventBubbles(Object, Object) - Method in AdfSafariAgent
Removes event bubbles for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in from the relevant element using the specified listener.
removeEventCaptures(Node, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Removes event captures for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in to the relevant element using the specified listener
removeEventCaptures(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE8Agent
IE 8 no longer supports style expressions.
removeEventCaptures(Node, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Removes event captures for all of the events that the Rich client framework is interested in to the relevant element using the specified listener
removeEventListener(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Removes a listener function of the specifed listener type.
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, Boolean) - Method in EventTarget
This method allows the removal of event listeners from the event target.
removeIdsFromDomSubTree(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfAgent
Removes all of the ID values from every element in the given DOM sub tree.
removeIdsFromDomSubTree(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Removes all of the ID values from every element in the given DOM sub tree.
removeIdsFromDomSubTree(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Removes all of the ID values from every element in the given DOM sub tree.
removeKeyEventListener(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Removes the key event listener from the specified element.
removeKeyEventListener(Object, Object) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
Remove key event listener fro the specified element.
removeKeyEventListener(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE9Agent
Removes the key event listener from the specified element.
removeKeyEventListener(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
Removes the key event capture from the specified element.
removeListener(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfEventUtils
removeMaskingFrame(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Removes the masking IFrame underneath a floating element.
removeMaskingFrame(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlZOrderManager
Adds the masking frame back into the pool.
removeNamedItem(String) - Method in NamedNodeMap
Removes a node specified by name.
removeNamedItemNS(String, String) - Method in NamedNodeMap
Removes a node specified by local name and namespace URI.
RemoveNotify() - Method in AdfUIComponent
removeOpenMenu(Object) - Static method in AdfMenuUtils
Remove the menu with the matching menuId from the opened menu array.
removeOverflowSupport() - Method in AdfOverflowSupport
Removes al callbacks and references to DOMElements that were created by the overflow support instance.
removePageResources(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Removes CSS resources added to the page via af:resource during a PPR navigation to ensure styles from one page are not carried over to the next.
removePropertyChangeListener(Object, Function) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Removes a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
removePropertyChangeListener(Object, Function) - Method in AdfPage
Removes a PropertyChangeListener with the specified instance and listener function
removeResizeListener(String) - Method in AdfAgent
Unregisters a resize listener by node id.
removeResourceURL(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Returns the URL minus the resourceURL for the given path Note:
removeSessionStorageProperty(String) - Method in AdfAgent
This function removes key/value pair stored in session storage provide by DOM:storage methods.
removeSessionStorageProperty(String) - Method in AdfGeckoAgent
This function removes the key/value pair stored in sessionStorage.
removeSessionStorageProperty(String) - Method in AdfIEAgent
This function removes key/value pair stored in data storage using userData.
removeSessionStorageProperty(String) - Method in AdfSafariAgent
This function removes the key/value pair stored in sessionStorage.
removeShadowDecorator(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlShadowDecorator
Removes the shadow decorators for a dom element
removeShadowDecorator(Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlShadowDecorator
Removes the shadow decorators for a dom element
removeStateChangeListener(Function, Object) - Method in AdfDataTransferService
Removes a listener from the data transfer service that is interested in its state change.
removeStyleProperty(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
remove a styleProperty set on this element
removeStyleProperty(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIEAgent
remove a styleProperty set on this element
RemoveTwinkleTimer(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
removeValue(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfCollections
Removes the first instance of the specified value from the collection and returns the key the value was associated with
reorderColumns() - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelCollectionPeer
replace(RegExp, String) - Method in String
Exchanges the match or matches in this string for the given pattern with the given replacement.
replaceChild(Node, Node) - Method in Node
Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children, and returns the oldChild node.
replaceData(Number, Number, String) - Method in CharacterData
Replace the characters starting at the specified 16-bit unit offset with the specified string.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlDialogServicePopupContainerPeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDocumentPeer
Override to handle the client icon DOM replacement - instead of replacing the whole thing, add in any new icons
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlMenuPeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
Overridden to perform an optimized replacement of the DOM.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlSelectManyChoicePeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
replaceDomElement(AdfUIComponent, HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Replaces the a dom element contained in this peer.
ReplaceDomElement(HTMLElement, HTMLElement) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Hook for peers to perform an optimized replacement of the dom.
replaceNode(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
replaceTextSelection(String) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputTextPeer
Function that gets called by insertTextBehavior to replace the selection with the supplied text.
repositionStretchedElement(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
In certain cases a geometry managing peer may need to explicitly re-position a stretched element which was originally stretched on the server.
repositionStretchedElement(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE6Agent
In certain cases a geometry managing peer may need to explicitly re-position a stretched element which was originally stretched on the server.
requestStatusChanged(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlActiveDataSupport
requestStatusChanged(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
rescheduleTimer(Object, Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlPage
Reschedules the timer to fire delay</coee> milliseconds in the future
RESET_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfResetEvent
resetState() - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelCollectionPeer
Resets any local state that this peer may be holding.
resetValue() - Method in AdfUIEditableValue
Convenience method to reset this component's value to an uninitialized state, by setting - the value to null, - the submittedValue to undefined, - valid to true, - clears any messages.
resizeColumn() - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelCollectionPeer
resizeColumn(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
This function will be invoked as a result of a user interacting with the column resize dialog of the panelCollection component.
resizeFloatingElement(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
Used to resize the width of a floating element that has received a partial page update.
resizeFloatingElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlBreadCrumbsPeer
Resize notification callback.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCalendarPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlCarouselPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlDecorativeBoxPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputNumberSliderBasePeer
Resize notification callback.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputTextPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlMenuBarPeer
Resize notification callback - we perform geometry management here
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlNavigationPanePeer
Resize notification callback - we perform geometry management here
ResizeNotify(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelAccordionPeer
Resize notification callback to perform geometry management.
ResizeNotify(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelDashboardPeer
Resize notification callback to perform geometry management.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelHeaderPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelSplitterBasePeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelSplitterPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelStretchLayoutPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPanelTabbedPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlToolbarPeer
Resize notification callback - we perform geometry management here
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlToolboxPeer
Resize notification callback.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTrainPeer
Resize notification callback.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Resize notification callback.
ResizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Resize notification hook.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Notification method called when browser window resize occurs.
resizeNotify(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIPeer
Called to notify the peer of resize activity.
resizeStretchedChild(Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Resizes the specified child element to fill its parent's content space.
resizeStretchedChild(Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE6Agent
Resizes the specified child element to fill its parent's content space.
resizeStretchedElement(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
Resizes the element to fill the specified width and height.
resizeStretchedElement(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfIE6Agent
Resizes the element to fill the specified width and height.
ResolveContextMenuAlignElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTableBasePeer
Hook for subclasses to align the context menu
ResolveContextMenuAlignElement(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlTreePeer
restoreFocusToLastOpenedRootMenu() - Static method in AdfMenuUtils
Restore the focus to the last opened root menu (if present).
restoreFromSessionStorage() - Static method in AdfUserActivityInfo
Restores the user activity information stored in the session storage into UserActivityInfo objects.
RestoreScrollValues(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupMenu
Ovverridden to do nothing since it is not needed for menus
RestoreScrollValues(HTMLElement) - Method in AdfDhtmlPopupWindow
Finds all child DOM elements that need their vertical scroll values restored and restores them.
RETURN_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfReturnEvent
RETURN_POPUP_TYPE - Static field in AdfReturnPopupEvent
returnFocus(Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputColorPeer
Hide the popup chooseColor and move focus back to the input field
returnFrom(long) - Method in AdfDhtmlRichDialogService
Cleans up the state of an open dialog, inline or browser window.
returnToInputComponent(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfDhtmlInputChooseBindingUtils
Called by the chooseXXX component to return back to input.
reverse() - Method in Array
Modifies the array by reversing the order of the elements in the array.
RIGHT - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
RIGHT - Static field in AdfDhtmlPositionManager
RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG - Static field in AdfUIInputEvent
Bit mask value indicating that the right button is down
rightContext - Field in RegExp
The text after the recently-found match.
round(Number) - Static method in Math
Retrieves the nearest integer to the specified number.
ROW_DISCLOSURE_EVENT_TYPE - Static field in AdfRowDisclosureEvent
ROW_KEY - Static field in AdfStampedDropTarget
RunValidation(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDhtmlInputBasePeer
Don't call this code unless the input element is the content node

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Generated on 2011.10.24 21:45 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.