Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class ViewStyleHandle

  extended by oracle.dss.util.format.BaseMergeableHandle
      extended by oracle.dss.dataView.ViewStyleHandle
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ViewStyleHandle
extends BaseMergeableHandle
implements Styleable

Wrapper class for returning a ViewStyle to a view from the data source, through the DataAccess interface.

ViewStyleHandle objects are used by data sources that supply their own formatting for cells in a view.

The view uses the ViewStyle that this handle wraps, to determine the foreground color, background color, and so on, for a cell. The settings in the wrapped ViewStyle take precedence over those in the default ViewStyle for a view component.

If a data source has ViewStyleHandle objects both for a layer and for its member metadata cells, then the formatting for the individual cells takes precedence over the formatting for the entire layer.

The RunRulesForViewStyle property of this ViewStyleHandle determines whether the view runs rules that can modify the wrapped ViewStyle. If the view does not run rules, then the wrapped ViewStyle specifies all of the style properties for the cell.

See Also:
DataMap, MetadataMap, LayerMetadataMap, ViewStyle, Rule, oracle.dss.crosstab.Crosstab#isPivotLabelVisible

Field Summary
protected  int m_runRulesForViewStyle
protected  ViewStyle m_viewStyle
protected  java.lang.String m_viewStyleID
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseMergeableHandle
Constructor Summary
          Constructor that takes no arguments.
ViewStyleHandle(ViewStyle vs, java.lang.String id, int runRules)
          Constructor that specifies a ViewStyle, an ID, and whether rules apply to the cell.
Method Summary
 int getRunRulesForViewStyle()
          Indicates whether the view should run rules on the cell for which the ViewStyle provides formatting.
 ViewStyle getViewStyle()
          Retrieves the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps.
 java.lang.String getViewStyleID()
          Retrieves the ID of the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps.
 oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(java.lang.String name, boolean allProperties)
          Retrieves XML that represents properties and their values in the form of and ObjectNode.
 void setRunRulesForViewStyle(int runRules)
          Specifies whether the view should run rules on the cell for which the ViewStyle provides formatting.
 void setViewStyle(ViewStyle vs)
          Specifies the ViewStyle that this object wraps.
 void setViewStyleID(java.lang.String id)
          Specifies a unique ID for the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps.
 void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
          Specifies XML that represents properties and values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ViewStyle m_viewStyle


protected java.lang.String m_viewStyleID


protected int m_runRulesForViewStyle
Constructor Detail


public ViewStyleHandle()
Constructor that takes no arguments. If you use this constructor, you must set the ViewStyle for this ViewStyleHandle to wrap, and you must specify whether rules apply to the cell. You can also set a unique ID for the ViewStyle.

See Also:
setViewStyle(oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle), setRunRulesForViewStyle(int), setViewStyleID(java.lang.String)


public ViewStyleHandle(ViewStyle vs,
                       java.lang.String id,
                       int runRules)
Constructor that specifies a ViewStyle, an ID, and whether rules apply to the cell.

vs - The ViewStyle for this object to wrap.
id - A unique ID for the ViewStyle.
runRules - A constant that indicates whether rules set on the view should be run for a cell that uses vs. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseMergeableHandle.RUN_RULES, BaseMergeableHandle.DO_NOT_RUN_RULES
Method Detail


public ViewStyle getViewStyle()
Retrieves the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps. The settings in the ViewStyle that this method returns take precedence over the default ViewStyle for a view component.

Specified by:
getViewStyle in interface Styleable
The ViewStyle for this ViewStyleHandle, or null if no ViewStyle has been specified.


public void setViewStyle(ViewStyle vs)
Specifies the ViewStyle that this object wraps. The settings in the ViewStyle that you pass to this method take precedence over the default ViewStyle for a view component.

Specified by:
setViewStyle in interface Styleable
vs - The ViewStyle for this ViewStyleHandle.


public java.lang.String getViewStyleID()
Retrieves the ID of the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps.

The ID for the wrapped ViewStyle, or null if no ID has been specified.


public void setViewStyleID(java.lang.String id)
Specifies a unique ID for the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps.

id - An ID for the wrapped ViewStyle.


public int getRunRulesForViewStyle()
Indicates whether the view should run rules on the cell for which the ViewStyle provides formatting. If the view runs rules, then the settings in the ViewStyle can be overridden by those specified in the rules. If the view does not run rules, then the settings in the ViewStyle determine the formatting for the cell.

A constant that indicates whether the view should run rules that can override settings in the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseMergeableHandle.RUN_RULES, BaseMergeableHandle.DO_NOT_RUN_RULES


public void setRunRulesForViewStyle(int runRules)
Specifies whether the view should run rules on the cell for which the ViewStyle provides formatting. If the view runs rules, then the settings in the ViewStyle can be overridden by those specified in the rules. If the view does not run rules, then the settings in the ViewStyle determine the formatting for the cell.

runRules - A constant that indicates whether the view should run rules that can override settings in the ViewStyle that this ViewStyleHandle wraps. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseMergeableHandle.RUN_RULES, BaseMergeableHandle.DO_NOT_RUN_RULES


public oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(java.lang.String name,
                                             boolean allProperties)
Retrieves XML that represents properties and their values in the form of and ObjectNode.

allProperties - true to store all property values in XML, false to store only values that are different from default values.
XML for the properties and values.


public void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
Specifies XML that represents properties and values.

node - ObjectNode that has the properties and their values.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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