Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class GaugeModelAdapter

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
      extended by oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeModelAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.util.EventListener, ControllerActions, Model, GaugeModel, DataDirectorListener

public class GaugeModelAdapter
extends ModelAdapter
implements GaugeModel

See Also:
Serialized Form
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
The model for the gauge. In the Model-View-Controller architecture, the model is responsible for handling the data that is displayed in a view. In the full BI Beans set, the DataSource is the "big" model. This model interacts with the DataSource, retrieving data and having the data formatted so that the view can display it.

Users of the gauge bean normally do not need to call any of the methods of this class.

Field Summary
protected  Gauge m_gaugeView
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
dataAccess, dataDirector, dataDirectorFactory, drillingEnabled, INITIAL_DATA_COLUMN, INITIAL_DATA_ROW, INITIAL_EDGE_SIZE, listenerList, m_eh, metadataAccess
Fields inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.Model
Constructor Summary
GaugeModelAdapter(Gauge gaugeView)
          Constructor that does not specify a DataSource.
GaugeModelAdapter(Gauge gaugeView, DataSource dataSource)
          Constructor that specifies a DataSource.
Method Summary
 DataMap getDataMap()
 Gauge getGaugeView()
          Retrieves the gauge that uses this model.
 LayerMetadataMap getLayerMetadataMap(int edge)
 MetadataMap getMetadataMap(int edge)
protected  void initDefaults(GaugeDefaultValues gdv)
          Initialize default values from the given GaugeDefaultValues instance.
 void setDataSource(DataSource ds)
          Specifies the DataSource.
protected  void setSupportedDataLayerFlags()
          This method overrides the setSupportedDataLayerFlags in ModelAdapter It checks the supported data layers in datasource and set the data layer flags to true or false.
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
addDataListener, addModelListener, canDrill, canPivot, createDefaultDataSource, drillGestureHappened, fireviewDrillRequested, fireviewDrillRequesting, fireviewPageRequested, fireviewPageRequesting, fireviewPivotRequested, fireviewPivotRequesting, getControllerActions, getDataAccess, getDataDirector, getDataSource, getErrorHandler, getFormatManager, initDefaults, isDrillingEnabled, pageChangeHappened, pageChangeHappened, pivotGestureHappened, pollingRequired, removeDataListener, removeModelListener, setDataAccess, setDataDirector, setDrillingEnabled, setErrorHandler, setFormatManager, viewDataAvailable, viewDataChanged, waitDataAvailable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.Model
addDataListener, addModelListener, canDrill, canPivot, drillGestureHappened, getControllerActions, getDataAccess, getDataDirector, getDataSource, getErrorHandler, isDrillingEnabled, pageChangeHappened, pageChangeHappened, pivotGestureHappened, removeDataListener, removeModelListener, setDataAccess, setDataDirector, setDrillingEnabled, setErrorHandler, viewDataChanged

Field Detail


protected Gauge m_gaugeView
Constructor Detail


public GaugeModelAdapter(Gauge gaugeView)
Constructor that does not specify a DataSource. The graph constructs this object as part of its initialization.

graphView - The graph that uses this model.


public GaugeModelAdapter(Gauge gaugeView,
                         DataSource dataSource)
Constructor that specifies a DataSource. The gauge constructs this object as part of its initialization.

gaugeView - The gauge that uses this model.
dataSource - The DataSource that will feed data to the gauge. Do not pass null for this parameter.
Method Detail


protected void initDefaults(GaugeDefaultValues gdv)
Initialize default values from the given GaugeDefaultValues instance.


public void setDataSource(DataSource ds)
Specifies the DataSource.

Specified by:
setDataSource in interface Model
setDataSource in class ModelAdapter
ds - The DataSource that feeds data to the graph.


protected void setSupportedDataLayerFlags()
This method overrides the setSupportedDataLayerFlags in ModelAdapter It checks the supported data layers in datasource and set the data layer flags to true or false. If a required data layer is not supported create a TypeNotSupportedException, else if a requested data layer is not supported, log an error message to ErrorHandler

Specified by:
setSupportedDataLayerFlags in class ModelAdapter


public DataMap getDataMap()
Specified by:
getDataMap in class ModelAdapter
The DataMap.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a DataMap. This method creates a new DataMap for retrieving unformatted data from the DataSource. Called by the superclass.


public MetadataMap getMetadataMap(int edge)
Specified by:
getMetadataMap in class ModelAdapter
edge - The edge for which the MetadataMap is needed.
The MetadatMap.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a MetadataMap. This method creates a new MetadataMap for retrieving metadata values, such as member labels. Called by the superclass.


public LayerMetadataMap getLayerMetadataMap(int edge)
Specified by:
getLayerMetadataMap in class ModelAdapter
edge - The edge for which the LayerMetadataMap is needed.
The LayerMetadataMap.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a LayerMetadataMap. This method creates a new LayerMetadataMap for retrieving metadata values, such as labels. Called by the superclass.


public Gauge getGaugeView()
Retrieves the gauge that uses this model.

Specified by:
getGaugeView in interface GaugeModel
The gauge that uses this model.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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