Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class BaseFrame

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
      extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
          extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphFrame
              extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseFrame
All Implemented Interfaces:
Fill, UIFillColor, Border, Rect
Direct Known Subclasses:
FunnelFrame, PieFrame, PlotArea

public abstract class BaseFrame
extends BaseGraphFrame
implements Rect

The base class for components that provide background for data in a two-dimensional graph.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphFrame
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_assignedToY2, a_association, a_automaticRotation, a_axisAutoScaledFromZero, a_axisMaxAutoScaled, a_axisMaxValue, a_axisMinAutoScaled, a_axisMinValue, a_axisZoomMaxValue, a_axisZoomMinValue, a_backGround, a_borderStyle, a_borderTransparent, a_borderUsingDefaults, a_borderWidth, a_color, a_defaultAssignedToY2, a_defaultBorderColor, a_defaultBorderTransparent, a_defaultColor, a_defaultFirstMarkerColor, a_defaultFitlineType, a_defaultHighMarkerColor, a_defaultLastMarkerColor, a_defaultLineWidth, a_defaultLowMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkers, a_defaultMarkerShape, a_defaultMarkerType, a_displayedInLegend, a_effect, a_explicitEnd, a_explicitStart, a_fitlineType, a_focusFactor, a_group, a_height, a_high_value, a_horizontalAlignment, a_imageSource, a_isometricProjection, a_labelPosition, a_legendMarkersPerRow, a_legendOrientation, a_legendTextPosition, a_lightSourceX, a_lightSourceY, a_lightSourceZ, a_line_value, a_lineColor, a_lineIndex, a_lineStyle, a_lineWidth, a_location, a_logarithmicBase, a_low_value, a_majorIncrement, a_majorTickCount, a_majorTickStep, a_majorTickStepAutomatic, a_markerColor, a_markerShape, a_markerSize, a_markersPerRowAutomatic, a_markerTextAngleDefault, a_markerTextPlace, a_markerTextRadiusDefault, a_markerType, a_minorIncrement, a_minorTickCount, a_minorTickStep, a_minorTickStepType, a_mode, a_panX, a_panY, a_pieSliceExplode, a_quadrantLineCountX, a_quadrantLineCountY, a_quadrantLineValueX, a_quadrantLineValueY, a_rendered, a_rollover_behavior, a_scaledLogarithmic, a_series, a_shapePath, a_sharePanelProperties, a_shortDesc, a_sizeX, a_sizeY, a_sizeZ, a_skippedWithLabels, a_squareRisers, a_text, a_textFittingAutomatic, a_textRotation, a_textType, a_thresholdMaxValue, a_thresholdMinValue, a_tickLabelSkipCount, a_tickLabelSkipFirst, a_tickLabelSkipMode, a_tickLabelStaggered, a_tickLabelWrapped, a_tickStyle, a_translationX, a_translationY, a_translationZ, a_transparent, a_type, a_verticalAlignment, a_viewerX, a_viewerY, a_viewerZ, a_visibility, a_visible, a_wallThickX, a_wallThickY, a_wallThickZ, a_width, a_wordWrapEnabled, a_x, a_xValue, a_y, a_yValue, a_yValueAssignment, a_zoomFactor, al_both, AL_BOTH, al_left, AL_LEFT, al_right, AL_RIGHT, ap_always, AP_ALWAYS, ap_never, AP_NEVER, ar_horiz_rotate_270, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, ar_horiz_rotate_90, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, ar_no_rotate, AR_NO_ROTATE, CONV_MAP, dy2_auto_assign, DY2_AUTO_ASSIGN, dy2_false, DY2_FALSE, dy2_true, DY2_TRUE, FP_LG_CHECK, FP_LG_CROSSHATCH, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_LG_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_LG_TRIANGLE_CHECK, FP_MAX, FP_SM_CHECK, FP_SM_CROSSHATCH, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_SM_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_SM_TRIANGLE_CHECK, fs_bold, FS_BOLD, fs_bold_italic_underline, FS_BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_bold_underline, FS_BOLD_UNDERLINE, fs_italic, FS_ITALIC, fs_italic_bold, FS_ITALIC_BOLD, fs_italic_underline, FS_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_plain, FS_PLAIN, fs_underline, FS_UNDERLINE, ft_color, FT_COLOR, ft_exponential, FT_EXPONENTIAL, ft_gradient, FT_GRADIENT, ft_linear, FT_LINEAR, ft_logarithmic, FT_LOGARITHMIC, ft_none, FT_NONE, FT_PATTERN, ft_texture, FT_TEXTURE, gd_diagonal_135, GD_DIAGONAL_135, gd_diagonal_45, GD_DIAGONAL_45, gd_down, GD_DOWN, gd_down_left, GD_DOWN_LEFT, gd_down_right, GD_DOWN_RIGHT, gd_left, GD_LEFT, gd_radial, GD_RADIAL, gd_radial_bottom_left, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_LEFT, gd_radial_bottom_right, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_RIGHT, gd_radial_top_left, GD_RADIAL_TOP_LEFT, gd_radial_top_right, GD_RADIAL_TOP_RIGHT, gd_right, GD_RIGHT, gd_up, GD_UP, gd_up_left, GD_UP_LEFT, gd_up_right, GD_UP_RIGHT, gs_automatic, GS_AUTOMATIC, gs_extended, GS_EXTENDED, gs_grid, GS_GRID, gs_in, GS_IN, gs_none, GS_NONE, gs_out, GS_OUT, gs_span, GS_SPAN, lap_bottom, LAP_BOTTOM, lap_left, LAP_LEFT, lap_right, LAP_RIGHT, lap_top, LAP_TOP, ld_percent, LD_PERCENT, ld_text, LD_TEXT, ld_text_percent, LD_TEXT_PERCENT, ld_text_value, LD_TEXT_VALUE, ld_value, LD_VALUE, LEGENDMARKERSLIMIT, lo_automatic, LO_AUTOMATIC, lo_horizontal, LO_HORIZONTAL, lo_vertical, LO_VERTICAL, lp_inside, LP_INSIDE, lp_no_labels, LP_NO_LABELS, lp_outside_feeler_if_needed, LP_OUTSIDE_FEELER_IF_NEEDED, lp_outside_with_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITH_FEELER, lp_outside_without_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITHOUT_FEELER, ls_dash, LS_DASH, ls_dash_dot, LS_DASH_DOT, ls_dotted, LS_DOTTED, ls_solid, LS_SOLID, ltp_above, LTP_ABOVE, ltp_below, LTP_BELOW, ltp_on_left, LTP_ON_LEFT, ltp_on_marker, LTP_ON_MARKER, ltp_on_right, LTP_ON_RIGHT, m_commonGraph, m_identObj, m_pfj, ms_automatic, MS_AUTOMATIC, ms_circle, MS_CIRCLE, ms_diamond, MS_DIAMOND, ms_human, MS_HUMAN, ms_none, MS_NONE, ms_plus, MS_PLUS, ms_square, MS_SQUARE, ms_triangle_down, MS_TRIANGLE_DOWN, ms_triangle_up, MS_TRIANGLE_UP, mt_area, MT_AREA, mt_bar, MT_BAR, mt_centered_stepped_line, MT_CENTERED_STEPPED_LINE, MT_CURVE_AREA, mt_curve_line, MT_CURVE_LINE, mt_default, MT_DEFAULT, mt_line, MT_LINE, mt_marker, MT_MARKER, mt_stepped_line, MT_STEPPED_LINE, mtp_center, MTP_CENTER, mtp_custom, MTP_CUSTOM, mtp_inside_max, MTP_INSIDE_MAX, mtp_inside_min, MTP_INSIDE_MIN, mtp_on_maxedge, MTP_ON_MAXEDGE, mtp_outside_max, MTP_OUTSIDE_MAX, mtp_under_marker, MTP_UNDER_MARKER, QUADRANTLINEVALUELIMIT, REV_CONV_MAP, ro_area, RO_AREA, ro_back, RO_BACK, ro_front, RO_FRONT, ro_line, RO_LINE, SHAPE_AUTOMATIC, SHAPE_CIRCLE, SHAPE_DIAMOND, SHAPE_HUMAN, SHAPE_NONE, SHAPE_PLUS, SHAPE_SQUARE, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_DOWN, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_UP, sv_hidden, SV_HIDDEN, sv_visible, SV_VISIBLE, tdm_stretched, TDM_STRETCHED, tdm_tiled, TDM_TILED, tls_automatic, TLS_AUTOMATIC, tls_manual, TLS_MANUAL, tls_noskip, TLS_NOSKIP, tr_horiz, TR_HORIZ, tr_horiz_rotate_270, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, tr_horiz_rotate_90, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, tsm_explicit, TSM_EXPLICIT, tsm_off, TSM_OFF, va_bottom, va_center, va_top, VF_PIE_SLICE_LABEL, VF_STOCK_VOLUME, VF_X1, VF_Y1, VF_Y2, VF_Z
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
Constructor Summary
BaseFrame(CommonGraph graph)
BaseFrame(CommonGraph graph, oracle.dss.graph.pfj.draw.IdentObj identObj)
Method Summary
 java.awt.Rectangle getRect()
          Retrieves the location for the rectangle for this frame.
protected  oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getRectXML(boolean allProperties)
 boolean selectObject(int series, int group)
          Selects this frame in the graph.
 void setRect(java.awt.Rectangle loc)
          Specifies the location for the rectangle of this frame.
protected  void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node, boolean allProperties)
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphFrame
getBorderColor, getFillColor, getNonstyleXML, getSFX, getStyleXML, getXML, getXML, isBorderTransparent, isFillTransparent, isVisible, resetStyle, setBorderColor, setBorderTransparent, setFillColor, setFillTransparent, setNonStyleXML, setStyleXML, setVisible, setXML
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
convertAssociationToInt, convertFillPatternToString, convertGradientDirectionToString, convertHorizontalAlignmentToInt, convertHorizontalAlignmentToString, convertLineStyleToInt, convertLineStyleToString, convertLocationToInt, convertTextRotationtToInt, convertTickStyleToInt, convertTypeToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToString, hexStringToInt, toHexString
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
getComponentName, getStyleXML, setNonstyleXML, setNonstyleXML, setXML, setXML, setXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BaseFrame(CommonGraph graph,
                 oracle.dss.graph.pfj.draw.IdentObj identObj)
graph - The graph that this object belongs to.
identObj - The Perspective for Java object that represents the identity of this object. PFJ is an acronym for Perspective for Java. Perspective for Java is a third party package of objects that are used and manipulated by the BI Beans.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor. Application developers should not have to construct this object, because the graph does it automatically.


public BaseFrame(CommonGraph graph)
graph - The graph that this object belongs to.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor. Application developers should not have to construct this object, because the graph does it automatically.
Method Detail


public boolean selectObject(int series,
                            int group)
Selects this frame in the graph. Because the frame does not represent data, the parameter values are irrelevant.

selectObject in class BaseGraphComponent
series - Any integer.
group - Any integer.
true if successful, false if not.


public java.awt.Rectangle getRect()
Retrieves the location for the rectangle for this frame. The rectangle defines the size and location of the frame in virtual coordinates. The virtual-coordinate system keeps components in proportion to the graph when the graph changes size.

In the virtual-coordinate system, the center of the graph is 0,0. The upper left corner is -16000, +16000. The lower right corner is +16000, -16000. A component that is the full size of the graph has a width of 32000 and a height of 32000.

Automatic graph layout ignores the Rect property. The doAutoLayout method of the graph sets this property.

Specified by:
getRect in interface Rect
The location for the rectangle of this frame.
See Also:
Graph.setAutoLayout(int), Graph.doAutoLayout(int)


public void setRect(java.awt.Rectangle loc)
Specifies the location for the rectangle of this frame. The rectangle defines the size and location of the frame in virtual coordinates. The virtual-coordinate system keeps components in proportion to the graph when the graph changes size.

In the virtual-coordinate system, the center of the graph is 0,0. The upper left corner is -16000, +16000. The lower right corner is +16000, -16000. A component that is the full size of the graph has a width of 32000 and a height of 32000.

If the width or height of the rectangle is less than 100, then this method logs a message with the error handler, and the Rect property is not changed.

Automatic graph layout ignores the Rect property. The doAutoLayout method of the graph sets this property.

Specified by:
setRect in interface Rect
loc - The location for the rectangle of this frame.
See Also:
Graph.setAutoLayout(int), Graph.doAutoLayout(int)


protected oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getRectXML(boolean allProperties)
getRectXML in class BaseGraphFrame
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves XML from this Rectangle object


protected void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node,
                      boolean allProperties)
setXML in class BaseGraphFrame
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets style properties of this component from XML

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.