Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class BaseLegendText

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
      extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
          extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseText
              extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseLegendText
All Implemented Interfaces:
DataviewFontAttribute, FontAttribute, WordWrapEnabled
Direct Known Subclasses:
DrillText, LegendText, ReferenceObjectText, SelectPointLegendText

public class BaseLegendText
extends BaseText
implements WordWrapEnabled

Text in the legend of the graph.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String a_minLength
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseText
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_assignedToY2, a_association, a_automaticRotation, a_axisAutoScaledFromZero, a_axisMaxAutoScaled, a_axisMaxValue, a_axisMinAutoScaled, a_axisMinValue, a_axisZoomMaxValue, a_axisZoomMinValue, a_backGround, a_borderStyle, a_borderTransparent, a_borderUsingDefaults, a_borderWidth, a_color, a_defaultAssignedToY2, a_defaultBorderColor, a_defaultBorderTransparent, a_defaultColor, a_defaultFirstMarkerColor, a_defaultFitlineType, a_defaultHighMarkerColor, a_defaultLastMarkerColor, a_defaultLineWidth, a_defaultLowMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkers, a_defaultMarkerShape, a_defaultMarkerType, a_displayedInLegend, a_effect, a_explicitEnd, a_explicitStart, a_fitlineType, a_focusFactor, a_group, a_height, a_high_value, a_horizontalAlignment, a_imageSource, a_isometricProjection, a_labelPosition, a_legendMarkersPerRow, a_legendOrientation, a_legendTextPosition, a_lightSourceX, a_lightSourceY, a_lightSourceZ, a_line_value, a_lineColor, a_lineIndex, a_lineStyle, a_lineWidth, a_location, a_logarithmicBase, a_low_value, a_majorIncrement, a_majorTickCount, a_majorTickStep, a_majorTickStepAutomatic, a_markerColor, a_markerShape, a_markerSize, a_markersPerRowAutomatic, a_markerTextAngleDefault, a_markerTextPlace, a_markerTextRadiusDefault, a_markerType, a_minorIncrement, a_minorTickCount, a_minorTickStep, a_minorTickStepType, a_mode, a_panX, a_panY, a_pieSliceExplode, a_quadrantLineCountX, a_quadrantLineCountY, a_quadrantLineValueX, a_quadrantLineValueY, a_rendered, a_rollover_behavior, a_scaledLogarithmic, a_series, a_shapePath, a_sharePanelProperties, a_shortDesc, a_sizeX, a_sizeY, a_sizeZ, a_skippedWithLabels, a_squareRisers, a_text, a_textFittingAutomatic, a_textRotation, a_textType, a_thresholdMaxValue, a_thresholdMinValue, a_tickLabelSkipCount, a_tickLabelSkipFirst, a_tickLabelSkipMode, a_tickLabelStaggered, a_tickLabelWrapped, a_tickStyle, a_translationX, a_translationY, a_translationZ, a_transparent, a_type, a_verticalAlignment, a_viewerX, a_viewerY, a_viewerZ, a_visibility, a_visible, a_wallThickX, a_wallThickY, a_wallThickZ, a_width, a_wordWrapEnabled, a_x, a_xValue, a_y, a_yValue, a_yValueAssignment, a_zoomFactor, al_both, AL_BOTH, al_left, AL_LEFT, al_right, AL_RIGHT, ap_always, AP_ALWAYS, ap_never, AP_NEVER, ar_horiz_rotate_270, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, ar_horiz_rotate_90, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, ar_no_rotate, AR_NO_ROTATE, CONV_MAP, dy2_auto_assign, DY2_AUTO_ASSIGN, dy2_false, DY2_FALSE, dy2_true, DY2_TRUE, FP_LG_CHECK, FP_LG_CROSSHATCH, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_LG_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_LG_TRIANGLE_CHECK, FP_MAX, FP_SM_CHECK, FP_SM_CROSSHATCH, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_SM_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_SM_TRIANGLE_CHECK, fs_bold, FS_BOLD, fs_bold_italic_underline, FS_BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_bold_underline, FS_BOLD_UNDERLINE, fs_italic, FS_ITALIC, fs_italic_bold, FS_ITALIC_BOLD, fs_italic_underline, FS_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_plain, FS_PLAIN, fs_underline, FS_UNDERLINE, ft_color, FT_COLOR, ft_exponential, FT_EXPONENTIAL, ft_gradient, FT_GRADIENT, ft_linear, FT_LINEAR, ft_logarithmic, FT_LOGARITHMIC, ft_none, FT_NONE, FT_PATTERN, ft_texture, FT_TEXTURE, gd_diagonal_135, GD_DIAGONAL_135, gd_diagonal_45, GD_DIAGONAL_45, gd_down, GD_DOWN, gd_down_left, GD_DOWN_LEFT, gd_down_right, GD_DOWN_RIGHT, gd_left, GD_LEFT, gd_radial, GD_RADIAL, gd_radial_bottom_left, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_LEFT, gd_radial_bottom_right, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_RIGHT, gd_radial_top_left, GD_RADIAL_TOP_LEFT, gd_radial_top_right, GD_RADIAL_TOP_RIGHT, gd_right, GD_RIGHT, gd_up, GD_UP, gd_up_left, GD_UP_LEFT, gd_up_right, GD_UP_RIGHT, gs_automatic, GS_AUTOMATIC, gs_extended, GS_EXTENDED, gs_grid, GS_GRID, gs_in, GS_IN, gs_none, GS_NONE, gs_out, GS_OUT, gs_span, GS_SPAN, lap_bottom, LAP_BOTTOM, lap_left, LAP_LEFT, lap_right, LAP_RIGHT, lap_top, LAP_TOP, ld_percent, LD_PERCENT, ld_text, LD_TEXT, ld_text_percent, LD_TEXT_PERCENT, ld_text_value, LD_TEXT_VALUE, ld_value, LD_VALUE, LEGENDMARKERSLIMIT, lo_automatic, LO_AUTOMATIC, lo_horizontal, LO_HORIZONTAL, lo_vertical, LO_VERTICAL, lp_inside, LP_INSIDE, lp_no_labels, LP_NO_LABELS, lp_outside_feeler_if_needed, LP_OUTSIDE_FEELER_IF_NEEDED, lp_outside_with_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITH_FEELER, lp_outside_without_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITHOUT_FEELER, ls_dash, LS_DASH, ls_dash_dot, LS_DASH_DOT, ls_dotted, LS_DOTTED, ls_solid, LS_SOLID, ltp_above, LTP_ABOVE, ltp_below, LTP_BELOW, ltp_on_left, LTP_ON_LEFT, ltp_on_marker, LTP_ON_MARKER, ltp_on_right, LTP_ON_RIGHT, m_commonGraph, m_identObj, m_pfj, ms_automatic, MS_AUTOMATIC, ms_circle, MS_CIRCLE, ms_diamond, MS_DIAMOND, ms_human, MS_HUMAN, ms_none, MS_NONE, ms_plus, MS_PLUS, ms_square, MS_SQUARE, ms_triangle_down, MS_TRIANGLE_DOWN, ms_triangle_up, MS_TRIANGLE_UP, mt_area, MT_AREA, mt_bar, MT_BAR, mt_centered_stepped_line, MT_CENTERED_STEPPED_LINE, MT_CURVE_AREA, mt_curve_line, MT_CURVE_LINE, mt_default, MT_DEFAULT, mt_line, MT_LINE, mt_marker, MT_MARKER, mt_stepped_line, MT_STEPPED_LINE, mtp_center, MTP_CENTER, mtp_custom, MTP_CUSTOM, mtp_inside_max, MTP_INSIDE_MAX, mtp_inside_min, MTP_INSIDE_MIN, mtp_on_maxedge, MTP_ON_MAXEDGE, mtp_outside_max, MTP_OUTSIDE_MAX, mtp_under_marker, MTP_UNDER_MARKER, QUADRANTLINEVALUELIMIT, REV_CONV_MAP, ro_area, RO_AREA, ro_back, RO_BACK, ro_front, RO_FRONT, ro_line, RO_LINE, SHAPE_AUTOMATIC, SHAPE_CIRCLE, SHAPE_DIAMOND, SHAPE_HUMAN, SHAPE_NONE, SHAPE_PLUS, SHAPE_SQUARE, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_DOWN, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_UP, sv_hidden, SV_HIDDEN, sv_visible, SV_VISIBLE, tdm_stretched, TDM_STRETCHED, tdm_tiled, TDM_TILED, tls_automatic, TLS_AUTOMATIC, tls_manual, TLS_MANUAL, tls_noskip, TLS_NOSKIP, tr_horiz, TR_HORIZ, tr_horiz_rotate_270, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, tr_horiz_rotate_90, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, tsm_explicit, TSM_EXPLICIT, tsm_off, TSM_OFF, va_bottom, va_center, va_top, VF_PIE_SLICE_LABEL, VF_STOCK_VOLUME, VF_X1, VF_Y1, VF_Y2, VF_Z
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
Constructor Summary
BaseLegendText(CommonGraph graph)
Method Summary
 int getHorizontalAlignment()
          Retrieves the horizontal alignment for the text within the rectangle of the legend text.
 int getMaxAutoFontSize()
          Retrieves the maximum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend.
 int getMinAutoFontSize()
          Retrieves the minimum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend.
 int getMinLength()
          Retrieves the minimum length of text to display before truncation when there is no room to display all the text.
 boolean getNonstyleXML(boolean allProperties, oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
          Retrieves Non style properties of this component to XML returns whether if the node exists
 boolean getStyleXML(boolean allProperties, oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 boolean isTextFittingAutomatic()
          Indicates whether the legend text is automatically moved and resized to fit in the legend area.
 boolean isWordWrapEnabled()
          Indicates whether word wrap is enabled for all of the legend text.
protected  void resetStyle()
 void setHorizontalAlignment(int a)
          Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the rectangle of the legend text.
 void setMaxAutoFontSize(int size)
          Specifies the maximum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend.
 void setMinAutoFontSize(int size)
          Specifies the minimum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend.
 void setMinLength(int min)
          Specifies the minimum length of text to display before truncation when there is no room to display all the text.
 void setNonstyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 void setStyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 void setTextFittingAutomatic(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the legend text is automatically moved and resized to fit in the legend area.
 void setWordWrapEnabled(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether word wrap is enabled for all of the legend text.
 void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseText
_getGraphFont, getDataviewFont, getFont, getGraphFont, isFontSizeAbsolute, setFont, setFontSizeAbsolute, truncateText
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
convertAssociationToInt, convertFillPatternToString, convertGradientDirectionToString, convertHorizontalAlignmentToInt, convertHorizontalAlignmentToString, convertLineStyleToInt, convertLineStyleToString, convertLocationToInt, convertTextRotationtToInt, convertTickStyleToInt, convertTypeToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToString, hexStringToInt, selectObject, toHexString
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
getComponentName, getStyleXML, getXML, setNonstyleXML, setXML, setXML, setXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String a_minLength
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor Detail


public BaseLegendText(CommonGraph graph)
graph - The graph that this object belongs to.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor. Application developers should not have to construct this object, because the graph does it automatically.
Method Detail


public boolean isTextFittingAutomatic()
Indicates whether the legend text is automatically moved and resized to fit in the legend area. The return value of this method takes effect only when the FontSizeAbsolute attribute is set to false and when automatic graph layout is disabled (when the AutoLayout property of the graph is AL_NEVER).

true if it is automatically moved and resized, false if it is not.
See Also:
BaseText.isFontSizeAbsolute(), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public void setTextFittingAutomatic(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the legend text is automatically moved and resized to fit in the legend area. For example, if you have three series in the graph, the legend text probably fits fine. If you then add five more series to the graph, then the legend text might need to be smaller in order to keep it legible. The text size might also need to change when a user resizes the legend. Setting TextFittingAutomatic to true instructs the graph to resize the text when appropriate.

In order for this method to take effect, the FontSizeAbsolute attribute must be set to false, and the AutoLayout property of the graph must be set to AL_NEVER.

yesNo - true to make the legend text automatically move and resize, false prevent resizing.
See Also:
BaseText.isFontSizeAbsolute(), BaseText.setFontSizeAbsolute(boolean), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public int getHorizontalAlignment()
Retrieves the horizontal alignment for the text within the rectangle of the legend text. The constants are LEADING, LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT.

A swing constant that represents the horizontal alignment for this legend text.


public void setHorizontalAlignment(int a)
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the rectangle of the legend text. The constants are LEADING, LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT.

a - A swing constant that represents the horizontal alignment of this legend text.


public int getMaxAutoFontSize()
Retrieves the maximum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend. The setting that this method returns takes effect only when the FontSizeAbsolute property is set to false and TextFittingAutomatic is set to true. The AutoLayout property of the graph must also be set to AL_NEVER.

The maximum font size for autofit legend text, in virtual coordinate units.
See Also:
BaseText.isFontSizeAbsolute(), isTextFittingAutomatic(), getMinAutoFontSize(), setMaxAutoFontSize(int), setMinAutoFontSize(int), Graph.getMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.getMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.setMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public void setMaxAutoFontSize(int size)
Specifies the maximum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend. The setting takes effect only when the FontSizeAbsolute property is set to false and TextFittingAutomatic is set to true. The AutoLayout property of the graph must also be set to AL_NEVER.

size - The maximum font size for autofit legend text, in virtual coordinate units. Values less than 1 are not valid. If you pass an invalid value, this method logs a message with the error handler and does not change the property value.
See Also:
BaseText.setFontSizeAbsolute(boolean), setTextFittingAutomatic(boolean), getMaxAutoFontSize(), getMinAutoFontSize(), setMinAutoFontSize(int), Graph.getMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.getMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.setMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public int getMinAutoFontSize()
Retrieves the minimum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend. The setting that this method returns takes effect only when the FontSizeAbsolute property is set to false and the TextFittingAutomatic property is set to true. The AutoLayout property of the graph must also be set to AL_NEVER.

The minimum font size for autofit legend text, in virtual coordinate units.
See Also:
BaseText.isFontSizeAbsolute(), isTextFittingAutomatic(), getMaxAutoFontSize(), setMaxAutoFontSize(int), setMinAutoFontSize(int), Graph.getMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.getMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.setMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public void setMinAutoFontSize(int size)
Specifies the minimum font size for legend text that is automatically sized to fit in the legend. The setting takes effect only when the FontSizeAbsolute property is set to false and the TextFittingAutomatic property is set to true. The AutoLayout property of the graph must also be set to AL_NEVER.

size - The minimum font size for autofit legend text, in virtual coordinate units. Values less than 1 are not valid. If you pass an invalid value, this method logs a message with the error handler and does not change the property value.
See Also:
BaseText.setFontSizeAbsolute(boolean), setTextFittingAutomatic(boolean), getMaxAutoFontSize(), getMinAutoFontSize(), setMaxAutoFontSize(int), Graph.getMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.getMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(), Graph.setMaxTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setMinTickLabelAutoFontSize(int), Graph.setAutoLayout(int)


public boolean isWordWrapEnabled()
Indicates whether word wrap is enabled for all of the legend text. Automatic graph layout ignores this property, and doAutoLayout sets it as needed.

Specified by:
isWordWrapEnabled in interface WordWrapEnabled
true if it is enabled, false if it is not.
See Also:
Graph.setAutoLayout(int), Graph.doAutoLayout(int)


public void setWordWrapEnabled(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether word wrap is enabled for all of the legend text. Automatic graph layout ignores this property, and doAutoLayout sets it as needed.

Specified by:
setWordWrapEnabled in interface WordWrapEnabled
yesNo - true to wrap words, false to prohibit wrapping.
See Also:
Graph.setAutoLayout(int), Graph.doAutoLayout(int)


public void setMinLength(int min)
Specifies the minimum length of text to display before truncation when there is no room to display all the text.

min - the minimum length of text


public int getMinLength()
Retrieves the minimum length of text to display before truncation when there is no room to display all the text.

the minimum length of text


public void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
setXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets XML on this component


public boolean getNonstyleXML(boolean allProperties,
                              oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
Description copied from class: BaseComponentXML
Retrieves Non style properties of this component to XML returns whether if the node exists

getNonstyleXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves Non style properties of this component to XML returns whether if the node exists


public boolean getStyleXML(boolean allProperties,
                           oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
getStyleXML in class BaseText
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves XML from this component returns whether if the style is overridden


public void setNonstyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
setNonstyleXML in class BaseText
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets Nonstyle properties of this LegendText from XML


public void setStyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
setStyleXML in class BaseText
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets Style properties of this LegendText from XML


protected void resetStyle()
resetStyle in class BaseText
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
reset style properties

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.