Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyStrokes
oracle.ide.keyboard Defining your default accelerators 

Uses of KeyStrokes in oracle.ide.keyboard

Methods in oracle.ide.keyboard with parameters of type KeyStrokes
protected static void DefaultKeyStrokeContext.addToMap(KeyStrokeMap map, int nId, KeyStrokes kss)
          Helper method for filling the KeyStrokeMaps in addGlobal/LocalKeyStrokes.
 java.lang.Integer KeyStrokeMap.getBindingFor(KeyStrokes kss)
 java.util.List KeyStrokeMap.getKeyStrokesStartingWith(KeyStrokes kss)
 boolean KeyStrokePanel.isAcceptableKey(KeyStrokes kss, javax.swing.KeyStroke ksNew)
 boolean KeyStrokesConstraint.isAcceptableKey(KeyStrokes kss, javax.swing.KeyStroke ksNew)
          Returns true if the KeyStroke can be added to the KeyStrokes.
 boolean KeyStrokesConstraintFactory.isAcceptableKey(KeyStrokes kss, javax.swing.KeyStroke ksNew)
          Implements KeyStrokesConstraint
 boolean KeyStrokeMap.put(KeyStrokes key, java.lang.Integer bind)
          Add a mapping from an accelerator to a command
 void MultiInputMap.put(KeyStrokes keyStrokes, java.lang.Object actionMapKey)
          Same as InputMap.put(KeyStroke,Object) except this one takes KeyStrokes
 void KeyStrokeMap.remove(KeyStrokes key)
          Removes the mapping for this KeyStrokes
 boolean KeyStrokes.startWith(KeyStrokes kss)
          Checks if this KeyStrokes start with the same KeyStroke as in kss

Constructors in oracle.ide.keyboard with parameters of type KeyStrokes
KeyStrokes(KeyStrokes kss)
KeyStrokes(KeyStrokes kss, int modifiers, int keyCode)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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