Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AbstractLogManager

  extended by oracle.ide.log.LogManager
      extended by oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AbstractLogManager
extends LogManager
implements Controller

The AbstractLogManager class provides the basic support for managing and showing a log page's context menu. LogManagers should extend this class in order to get the default context menu support. The default context menu provides three menu items: Close, Clear, and Open File.

Field Summary
static int CLEAR_LOG_CMD_ID
          Clear command identifier.
          Close all logs command identifier.
static int CLOSE_LOG_CMD_ID
          Close command identifier.
          Close other logs command identifier.
static int OPEN_FILE_CMD_ID
          Open file command identifier.
Fields inherited from interface oracle.ide.controller.Controller
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addPage(LogPage page)
          Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method from where they should call this method to install the appropriate mouse listener on the specified page.
protected  Context getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
          Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method in order to return the appropriate context.
 ContextMenu getContextMenu()
          Get the ContextMenu.
protected  java.util.List getLogRecognizers()
          Gets the list of registered LogRecognizers
 int getPageCount()
          Concrete implementations must override this method and return the number of opened pages.
 LogPage[] getPages()
          Concrete implementations must override this method and return the list of opened pages.
protected  void installContextMenuListener()
          The installContextMenuListener method adds a ContextMenuListener to the ContextMenu.
protected  void installMouseListener(LogPage page)
          The installMouseListener method adds a MouseListener to the specified LogPage.
protected  boolean isHeadless()
 void registerLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer logRecognizer)
          Register a LogRecognizer Registered LogRecognizers determine what files can be opened in the log window and define what class will be used to present the data from the file.
 void removePage(LogPage page)
          Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method from where they should call this method to install the remove any mouse listener installed on the specified page
protected  void triggerPopup(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
          The triggerPopup method is called from the menu listener.
 void unregisterLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer logRecognizer)
          Unregister a LogRecognizer.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
getIdeLogWindow, getLogManager, getLogWindow, getMsgPage, getSelectedPage, hideLog, isLogVisible, setLogManager, showLog, shutdown, toggleLog
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.controller.Controller
handleEvent, update

Field Detail


public static final int CLOSE_LOG_CMD_ID
Close command identifier.


public static final int CLEAR_LOG_CMD_ID
Clear command identifier.


public static final int CLOSE_OTHER_LOGS_CMD_ID
Close other logs command identifier.


public static final int CLOSE_ALL_LOGS_CMD_ID
Close all logs command identifier.


public static final int OPEN_FILE_CMD_ID
Open file command identifier. Currently not used as no log pages are registering themselves as LogRecognizers

Constructor Detail


public AbstractLogManager()
Method Detail


public void addPage(LogPage page)
Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method from where they should call this method to install the appropriate mouse listener on the specified page. Installing the mouse listener is necessary for popping up the context menu when the user clicks on the page.

Specified by:
addPage in class LogManager
page - the page to add.


public void removePage(LogPage page)
Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method from where they should call this method to install the remove any mouse listener installed on the specified page

Specified by:
removePage in class LogManager
page - the page to removed.


public ContextMenu getContextMenu()
Description copied from class: LogManager
Get the ContextMenu. In general, subclasses should get the context menu to add custom menu items.

Specified by:
getContextMenu in class LogManager
the context menu.


public void registerLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer logRecognizer)
Description copied from class: LogManager
Register a LogRecognizer Registered LogRecognizers determine what files can be opened in the log window and define what class will be used to present the data from the file.

Specified by:
registerLogRecognizer in class LogManager
logRecognizer - to register


public void unregisterLogRecognizer(LogRecognizer logRecognizer)
Description copied from class: LogManager
Unregister a LogRecognizer.

Specified by:
unregisterLogRecognizer in class LogManager
logRecognizer - to unregister


public int getPageCount()
Concrete implementations must override this method and return the number of opened pages. This implementation always returns zero.

Specified by:
getPageCount in class LogManager
the number of log pages opened.


public LogPage[] getPages()
Concrete implementations must override this method and return the list of opened pages. This implementation always returns an empty array.

Specified by:
getPages in class LogManager
The list of pages opened.


protected Context getContext(java.util.EventObject event)
Classes that extend the AbstractLogManager class should override this method in order to return the appropriate context. This method is called just before the context menu is about to be shown.


protected void triggerPopup(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
The triggerPopup method is called from the menu listener. It is responsible from popping up the context menu. Just before popping up a context menu, a call is made to the getContext(java.util.EventObject) method.


protected void installContextMenuListener()
The installContextMenuListener method adds a ContextMenuListener to the ContextMenu. The listener adds the Close and Clear menu items to the context menu.


protected void installMouseListener(LogPage page)
The installMouseListener method adds a MouseListener to the specified LogPage. The listener is reponsible for popping up the context menu when the user clicks on the page.


protected java.util.List getLogRecognizers()
Gets the list of registered LogRecognizers

list of registered LogRecognizers


protected boolean isHeadless()

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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