Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ListStructure
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. Provides a virtual file system framework based on 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops Extension to the Offline Database that allows the association of a library of user properties to be associated with an offline database. 

Uses of ListStructure in oracle.ide.model

Methods in oracle.ide.model that return ListStructure
 ListStructure ProjectContent.getContentSetList()
 ListStructure WorkingSet.getExcludedProjectList()
          Gets the list of URLs for all projects that are excluded from the application-level working set.

Uses of ListStructure in

Constructors in with parameters of type ListStructure
URLPath(ListStructure entries)
          Deprecated. since 11.0. Use URLPath.URLPath(List). This constructor is being maintained only for binary compatibility with 10.1.3.

Uses of ListStructure in oracle.ide.resourcebundle

Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle that return ListStructure
 ListStructure ResourceBundleOptions.getRegisteredBundleList()

Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type ListStructure
 void ResourceBundleOptions.setRegisteredBundleList(ListStructure registeredBundleList)

Uses of ListStructure in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate

Methods in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate that return ListStructure
 ListStructure CheckForUpdatesPreferences.getHiddenMessages()

Methods in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate with parameters of type ListStructure
 void CheckForUpdatesPreferences.setHiddenMessages(ListStructure hiddenMessages)

Uses of ListStructure in

Methods in that return ListStructure
 ListStructure ListStructure.copyTo(ListStructure dest)
 ListStructure HashStructure.getListStructure(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the ListStructure bound at the specified name or null of no object is bound.
 ListStructure ChangeInfo.getNewValueAsListStructure()
          Returns the new value as a ListStructure.
 ListStructure ChangeInfo.getOldValueAsListStructure()
          Returns the old value as a ListStructure.
 ListStructure HashStructure.getOrCreateListStructure(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the ListStructure bound at the specified name or if no object is currently bound to that name creates a new, empty ListStructure object and binds it to the specified name as a placeholder.
 ListStructure ChangeInfo.getParentAsListStructure()
          Returns the parent as a ListStructure.
static ListStructure ListStructure.newInstance()

Methods in with parameters of type ListStructure
 ListStructure ListStructure.copyTo(ListStructure dest)
protected  boolean ListStructure.equalsImpl(ListStructure other)
 void HashStructure.putListStructure(java.lang.String name, ListStructure list)
          Binds the specified name to the specified ListStructure.
 void HashStructure.putPlaceholderListStructure(java.lang.String name, ListStructure list)
          Binds the specified name to the specified ListStructure as a placeholder.

Uses of ListStructure in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model that return ListStructure
 ListStructure JavaProject.getRecentPackages()
          Gets the list of most-recently used packages.

Uses of ListStructure in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops with parameters of type ListStructure
 void UserPropertyDefn.addToList(ListStructure list)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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