Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface ChildDBObject

All Superinterfaces:
Copyable, DBObject, DynamicPropertySet
All Known Subinterfaces:
AliasFragment, DBObjectUsage, DeclarativeSQLQuery, FromObjectUsage, JoinCondition, SQLFragment, SQLQuery
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAliasFragment, AbstractChildDBObject, AbstractDBObjectUsage, AbstractFromObjectUsage, AbstractSchemaObjectUsage, AbstractSQLFragment, AbstractSQLQuery, ArithmeticOperation, AsteriskUsage, AutoExtendProperties, CaseStatement, CaseStatement.WhenThen, CheckConstraint, Column, ColumnConstraint, ColumnKeywordUsage, ColumnUsage, Comparison, Constraint, DataMiningFunction, DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments, DataTypeAttribute, DataTypeUsage, ExpressionList, FileSpecification, FKConstraint, FKUsage, FromObject, Function, FunctionUsage, GroupByExpression, GroupByObject, HierarchicalQueryObject, Index, IndexObject, IndexPartition, JoinObject, LOBDescriptor, NonDeclarativeSQLQuery, ObjectTypeUsage, OnJoinCondition, Operation, OracleColumnProperties, OracleExternalTableProperties, OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier, OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties, OracleIndexPartitions, OracleSQLQuery, OracleStorageProperties, OracleTablePartitions, OracleTablespaceProperties, OrderByObject, PKConstraint, PlSqlAttribute, PlSqlMethod, PlSqlParameter, PlSqlUsage, PredefinedDataTypeUsage, RelationUsage, SelectObject, SelectObjectUsage, SetOperation, SimpleSQLFragment, SynonymUsage, TablePartition, UniqueConstraint, UsingJoinCondition, ViewColumn, WhereObject, WindowFunction, WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound, XMLSchemaElement, XMLTypeColumnProperties

public interface ChildDBObject
extends DBObject

Interface that any DBObject should implement if it can exist as the child of another DBObject. For example Columns are children of a Table. SchemaObjects are not children of a Schema in this way. To get the Schema a SchemaObject belongs within use SchemaObject.getSchema().

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
Method Summary
 DBObject getParent()
          Returns the parent of this object, if one exists.
 void setParent(DBObject parent)
          Sets the parent of this object.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
copyTo, copyTo, copyTo, findOwnedObject, findOwnedObject, getID, getName, getOwnedObjects, getOwnedObjects, getReferenceIDs, getType, replaceReferenceIDs, setID, setName
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySet
getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, setProperties, setProperty

Method Detail


DBObject getParent()
Returns the parent of this object, if one exists. This does not return the Schema for a SchemaObject. Schema's are not considered part of the ownership parent tree.

Specified by:
getParent in interface DBObject


void setParent(DBObject parent)
Sets the parent of this object.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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