Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use DDLOptions
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 

Uses of DDLOptions in oracle.javatools.db.ddl

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl that return DDLOptions
 DDLOptions TokenContext.getOptions()

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type DDLOptions
protected  DDL TokenDDLGenerator.createDDL(DDLOptions options, java.lang.String code, DBObject obj, DDLType ddlType)
          Creates a new DDL object with the given ddlCode by processing the given code using a TokenProcessor and using the resulting String as the DDL string.
protected  DDL TokenDDLGenerator.createUpdateDDL(DDLOptions options, java.lang.String code, Difference rs, DDLType ddlType)
          Creates a new update DDL object with the given ddlCode by processing the given update code using a TokenProcessor and using the resulting String as the DDL string.
 DDL AlterDDLGenerator.getAlterDDL(DDLOptions options, Difference diff)
          Returns the DDL to apply an update (ALTER) statement which will effect the changes in the given Difference.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets CREATE statements for the given objects.
 DDL CreateDDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to create the given object in the database.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getDeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets DROP statements for the given objects.
 DDL DropDDLGenerator.getDropDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to DROP the given object from the database.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
          Gets statements to undelete (e.g.
 DDL UndeleteDDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject obj)
          Gets the DDL to DROP the given object from the database.
 DDL<T> DDLGenerator.getUpdateDDL(DDLOptions options, Difference diff)
          Gets ALTER statements for the given objects where possible, or DROP/CREATE, or CREATE AND REPLACE where appropriate/necessary.

Uses of DDLOptions in oracle.javatools.db.extension

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.extension with parameters of type DDLOptions
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getDeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getUndeleteDDL(DDLOptions options, DBObject... objects)
 DDL DelegateDDLGenerator.getUpdateDDL(DDLOptions options, Difference diff)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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