Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ResultSet
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.diff Contains a metadata driven differ of database objects. 

Uses of ResultSet in oracle.ide.db.transfer

Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that return ResultSet
 ResultSet TransferPolicy.getDifferences(SystemObject[] existingObjects, SystemObject[] copiedObjects)
          Get a ResultSet describing the differences between any existing objects and the objects which have been copied for transfer.
 ResultSet TransferState.getResultSet()

Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type ResultSet
 void TransferState.setResultSet(ResultSet rs)
 SystemObject[] TransferTarget.transfer(ResultSet rs)
          Complete the transfer by applying the given result set to the transfer target.
static boolean TransferManager.updateChildren(ResultSet rs)

Uses of ResultSet in oracle.javatools.db

Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type ResultSet
 Ddl[] DDLGenerator.getUpdateDDL(ResultSet resultSet, boolean replace, boolean cascade)
          Deprecated. Retrieves the DDL for updating the definition of an object.

Uses of ResultSet in oracle.javatools.db.diff

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff that return ResultSet
 ResultSet ResultSet.copyTo(java.lang.Object target)
protected  ResultSet GenericBeanDiffer.diffProperty(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c, PropertyInfo prop)
          Three types of property are supported
1) those that convert to strings - convert to strings and compare
2) array properties - diff them with the engine as lists
3) other objects - let the diff engine decide what to do with them
 ResultSet ResultSet.getFilteredResultSet(DifferenceFilter rsf)
          Deprecated. use getFilteredDifference
 ResultSet ResultSet.getParent()
 ResultSet DiffContext.getResult()

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff that return types with arguments of type ResultSet
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getAList()
          get a list of the objects which are in A
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getAllObjectsList()
          If this is a LIST result set, return a copy of the list.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSet> ResultSet.getAllObjectsMap()
          If this is a MAP ResultSet, return a copy of the Map.
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getAonlyList()
          get a list of the objects which are in A and not in B
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getBList()
          get a list of the objects which are in B
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getBonlyList()
          get a list of the objects which are in B but not in A
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSet> ResultSet.getBonlyMap()
          If this is a MAP ResultSet, return a Map of the objects that are only in B
 java.util.Iterator<ResultSet> ResultSet.getChildIterator()
          Deprecated. use getChildren().iterator()
 java.util.Collection<ResultSet> ResultSet.getChildren()
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getModifiedObjectList()
          get a list of the objects which are in A and B and are not the same
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSet> ResultSet.getModifiedObjectMap()
          get a map of the attributes which have been modified.
 java.util.List<ResultSet> ResultSet.getNotSameObjectList()
          get a list of the objects which are not the same.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ResultSet> ResultSet.getNotSameObjectMap()
          get a map of the attributes which are not the same.

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff with parameters of type ResultSet
 void ResultSet.addToList(ResultSet rs)
 void ResultSet.addToMap(java.lang.String name, ResultSet rs)
protected  void ResultSet.copyToImpl(ResultSet copy)
 DiffContext DiffEngine.diff(java.util.List a, java.util.List b, ResultSet r, DiffContext dc)
          Diff the given object lists with the prepared context.
 DiffContext DiffEngine.diff(java.lang.Object[] a, java.lang.Object[] b, ResultSet r)
          Diff the given object arrays.
 DiffContext DiffEngine.diff(java.lang.Object[] a, java.lang.Object[] b, ResultSet r, DiffContext dc)
          Diff the given object arrays with the prepared context.
 boolean GenericArrayDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet rs, DiffContext c)
 boolean GenericBeanDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
          If the objects being diffed are beans this method returns true - i.e.
 boolean GenericIDDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
 boolean Differ.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
          Diff two objects and place any results in the DiffContext.
 boolean GenericToStringDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
 boolean GenericSchemaDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
 boolean IDByNameDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
 boolean ListDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet rlist, DiffContext dc)
 boolean GenericMapDiffer.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c)
 DiffContext DiffEngine.diff(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext dc)
          Diff the given objects with the prepared context.
protected  ResultSet GenericBeanDiffer.diffProperty(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, ResultSet r, DiffContext c, PropertyInfo prop)
          Three types of property are supported
1) those that convert to strings - convert to strings and compare
2) array properties - diff them with the engine as lists
3) other objects - let the diff engine decide what to do with them
 boolean DefaultResultSetFilter.isFilteredProperty(ResultSet rs, java.lang.String prop)
 void DiffContext.setResult(ResultSet resultSet)

Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.diff with parameters of type ResultSet
DiffContext(DiffEngine diffEngine, ResultSet resultSet)
ResultSet(ResultSet parent, boolean same, java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Create a fully populated leaf node in the result set
ResultSet(ResultSet parent, java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, int indexOfA, int indexOfB, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          create a LIST result node attached to its parent
ResultSet(ResultSet parent, java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
          create a result node attached to its parent

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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