Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use CmtModelNode
oracle.jdeveloper.cmt The Component Model Tool, an API for manipulating Java source code. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas Contains classes that allow addins access to the UICanvas integration objects. 

Uses of CmtModelNode in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt that implement CmtModelNode
 class CmtFolder

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt that return CmtModelNode
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, CmtSubcomponent subcomponent)
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, java.lang.String type, CmtModelNode aheadOf, java.lang.String initializer)
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, java.lang.String type, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size, java.lang.String initializer)
 CmtModelNode CmtComponentSource.getCmtModelNode(java.lang.String name)
          Get the CmtModelNode for the given CmtSubcomponent name.
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.getRoot()
 CmtModelNode[] CmtSelectionModel.getSelection()
          Get an array of the selected CmtModelNodes
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.move(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode newParent, CmtModelNode aheadOf)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt with parameters of type CmtModelNode
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, CmtSubcomponent subcomponent)
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, java.lang.String type, CmtModelNode aheadOf, java.lang.String initializer)
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.add(CmtModelNode parent, java.lang.String type, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size, java.lang.String initializer)
 boolean CmtSelectionModel.isSelected(CmtModelNode node)
          Determines whether a given CmtModelNode is currently included in the collection of selected CmtModelNodes.
 CmtModelNode CmtModel.move(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode newParent, CmtModelNode aheadOf)
 void CmtModel.move(CmtModelNode node, java.awt.Point location, CmtModelNode newParent, java.awt.Point mouseOffset)
 void CmtSelectionModel.setSelection(CmtModelNode[] selection)
          Change the collection of selected CmtModelNodes to consist only of those CmtModelNodes provided, in the order provided.

Uses of CmtModelNode in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas declared as CmtModelNode
          CmtModeNode for which this nib serves as a selection handle.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas that return CmtModelNode
abstract  CmtModelNode UICanvas.findContainerNode(CmtModelNode[] excludeNodes, java.awt.Point absoluteLocation, java.awt.Point relativeLocation, CmtModelNode preferredAncestor)
          Find the nearest container ancestor for a given point, providing relative location of that point within the ancestor.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas with parameters of type CmtModelNode
protected  int AbstractAssistant.calcBestZ(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size, java.awt.Rectangle zBounds)
          Determine the best position in the stacking order of toNode for node given a proposed location and size.
protected  boolean AbstractAssistant.changeZ(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, int z)
          Move a node within its parent to a specific position in the stacking order.
 void LayoutAssistant.cleanupRemovedComponent(CmtModelNode parent)
          A child of a container has been removed.
 void AbstractAssistant.cleanupRemovedComponent(CmtModelNode parent)
          A child of a container has been removed.
 void LayoutAssistant.constrainAdd(CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point mouseOrigin, java.awt.Point mousePos, java.awt.Point newPos, java.awt.Dimension newSize)
          Optionally modify size and position of an object being added to conform to the constraints imposed by the LayoutManager being represented.
 void AbstractAssistant.constrainAdd(CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point mouseOrigin, java.awt.Point mousePos, java.awt.Point newPos, java.awt.Dimension newSize)
          Optionally modify size and position of an object being added to conform to the constraints imposed by the LayoutManager being represented.
 java.lang.String LayoutAssistant.constrainMove(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point mousePos, java.awt.Point mouseOffset, java.awt.Point newPos, java.awt.Dimension newSize)
          Optionally modify size and position of an object being moved to conform to the constraints imposed by the LayoutManager being represented.
 java.lang.String AbstractAssistant.constrainMove(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point mousePos, java.awt.Point mouseOffset, java.awt.Point newPos, java.awt.Dimension newSize)
          Optionally modify size and position of an object being moved to conform to the constraints imposed by the LayoutManager being represented.
abstract  CmtModelNode UICanvas.findContainerNode(CmtModelNode[] excludeNodes, java.awt.Point absoluteLocation, java.awt.Point relativeLocation, CmtModelNode preferredAncestor)
          Find the nearest container ancestor for a given point, providing relative location of that point within the ancestor.
abstract  CmtModelNode UICanvas.findContainerNode(CmtModelNode[] excludeNodes, java.awt.Point absoluteLocation, java.awt.Point relativeLocation, CmtModelNode preferredAncestor)
          Find the nearest container ancestor for a given point, providing relative location of that point within the ancestor.
abstract  LayoutAssistant UICanvas.getLayoutAssistant(CmtModelNode node)
          Get the associated LayoutAssistant for the given CmtModelNode.
 void LayoutAssistant.layoutChanged(CmtModelNode container)
          Layout has been switched.
 void AbstractAssistant.layoutChanged(CmtModelNode container)
          Layout has been switched.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareAddComponent(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Point offset, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Perform any preparation on a child component that will be added into to a container.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareAddComponent(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Point offset, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Perform any preparation on a child component that will be added into to a container.
 java.lang.String LayoutAssistant.prepareAddStatus(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Return a string for display during the add process.
 java.lang.String AbstractAssistant.prepareAddStatus(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Return a string for display during the add process.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareChangeLayout(CmtModelNode container)
          Perform changes on children of a container to best handle a layout type change.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareChangeLayout(CmtModelNode parent)
          Perform changes on children of a container to best handle a layout type change.
 java.lang.String LayoutAssistant.prepareMouseMoveStatus(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location)
          Return a string for display while the user is moving the mouse over a component.
 java.lang.String AbstractAssistant.prepareMouseMoveStatus(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location)
          Return a string for display while the user is moving the mouse over a component.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareMoveComponent(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Point offset)
          Child is being moved.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareMoveComponent(CmtModelNode node, CmtModelNode toNode, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Point offset)
          Child is being moved.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareResizeComponent(CmtModelNode node, SelectionEffects effects, SelectNib nib)
          Perform a requested resize on a child.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareResizeComponent(CmtModelNode node, SelectionEffects effects, SelectNib nib)
          Perform a requested resize on a child.
 java.lang.String LayoutAssistant.prepareResizeStatus(CmtModelNode node, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Return a string for display during the resize process.
 java.lang.String AbstractAssistant.prepareResizeStatus(CmtModelNode node, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Dimension size)
          Return a string for display during the resize process.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareSelectComponent(CmtModelNode child, SelectionEffects effects)
          An immedate child node has been selected.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareSelectComponent(CmtModelNode node, SelectionEffects effects)
          An immedate child node has been selected.
 void LayoutAssistant.prepareSelectDescendant(CmtModelNode parent, CmtModelNode child, SelectionEffects effects)
          A descendant node has been selected.
 void AbstractAssistant.prepareSelectDescendant(CmtModelNode parent, CmtModelNode child, SelectionEffects effects)
          A descendant node has been selected.
protected  void AbstractAssistant.raiseChildToView(CmtModelNode parent, CmtModelNode child)
          Raise the child within the parent as necessary such that it will be visible for selection.
protected static void AbstractAssistant.removeBoundsSetting(CmtModelNode node)
          Convenience method for resetting the bounds probery of the given node.
protected  java.util.ArrayList AbstractAssistant.sortedNodes(CmtModelNode parent)
          Get a sorted list of a given parent's children.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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