Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Profile

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy that return Profile
static Profile DeployUtil.findProfileInElement(java.lang.String profileName, Element parent)
static Profile DeployUtil.findProfileInElement( profileURL, Element parent)
static Profile DeployUtil.getProfile(Context context)
static Profile DeployUtil.getProfile(DataContainer container, java.lang.String profileName)
static Profile DeployUtil.getProfile(DeployShell shell)
static Profile DeployUtil.getProfile( profileURL)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy with parameters of type Profile
static DeploymentModule DeployUtil.getDeploymentModule(DeployShell shell, Profile profile)
          Get the Deployment Module for the specified Profile
static oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.ProfileDependable[] DeployUtil.getProfileDependables(Profile profile, java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> sourceClass)
          Get all Profile Dependables that point to Profile of type sourceClass.
static DeployUtil.getProfileURL(DataContainer container, Profile profile)
static DeployUtil.getProfileURL( containerURL, Profile profile)
static void DeployUtil.setDeploymentModule(DeployShell shell, Profile profile, DeploymentModule module)
          Sets the DeploymentModule in the topmost DeployShell shell.
static void DeployUtil.setProfile(Context context, Profile profile)
static void DeployUtil.setProfile(Context context, Profile profile, DataContainer container)
 boolean ProfileListenerCondition.shouldFireImpl(int deploymentSequenceId, Profile profile, DeployShell shell)

Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy with type arguments of type Profile
static void DeploymentManager.addDeployerListener(int deploymentSequenceId, java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> profileClass, oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.PlatformType platformType, DeployerListener listener)
          Add a generic listener into the Deployment framework.
static void DeploymentManager.addDeployerListener(int deploymentSequenceId, java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> profileClass, oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.PlatformType platformType, double priority, DeployerListener listener)
          Same as previous, takes an additional priority argument.
static oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.ProfileDependable[] DeployUtil.getProfileDependables(Profile profile, java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> sourceClass)
          Get all Profile Dependables that point to Profile of type sourceClass.

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy with parameters of type Profile
DeploymentView(Profile profile)

Constructor parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy with type arguments of type Profile
ProfileListenerCondition(int deploymentSequenceId, java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> profileClass, oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.meta.PlatformType platformType)
          Creates a condition based on the arguments to this constructor.

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd that return Profile
 Profile ProfileDeployCmdState.getProfile()
 Profile ProfileDeployCmd.getProfile()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd with parameters of type Profile
 void DeployToArchive.setProfile(Profile profile)
 void ProfileDeployCmdState.setProfile(Profile profile)
 void ProfileDeployCmd.setProfile(Profile profile)

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with type parameters of type Profile
<T extends Profile>
Deployment.createDeploymentProfile(Context context, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.Class<T> profileClass)
          Creates a Profile Profile of the specified name and type and associates it with a DataContainer.
<T extends Profile>
Deployment.createDeploymentProfile(DataContainer container, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.Class<T> profileClass)
          Creates a Profile Profile of the specified name and type and associates it with a DataContainer.
<T extends Profile>
Profile.getProfileClass(HashStructure hash, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Returns the Class for a Profile.
<T extends Profile>
Profile.setProfileClass(Profile profile, java.lang.Class<T> profileClass)
          Set the type of Profile.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt that return Profile
static Profile Deployment.createDeploymentProfile(HashStructure hash, DataContainer container)
          Creates a Profile from a HashStructure.
 Profile DeploymentProfiles.getDefaultDeploymentProfile()
          Gets the default profile from the container.
 Profile DeploymentProfiles.getProfileByName(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieve a Profile by its unique name.
static Profile DeploymentProfiles.getProfileByShortLabel(DataContainer container, java.lang.String name)
 Profile[] DeploymentProfiles.getProfiles()
          Returns all Profiles associated with the container.
protected  Profile DeployProfileDt.newContainerDeploymentProfile(Context context)
          The implementation of this method makes use of the template method design pattern.
protected  Profile DeployProfileDt.newProfileInstance(DataContainer container, java.lang.String profileName)
 Profile[] DeploymentProfiles.toSortedArray()
          Returns all Profiles associated with the container, sorted by name.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with parameters of type Profile
 void Profile.addDependency(Profile profile)
 void DeploymentProfiles.addProfile(Profile profile)
          Adds a new Profile to DeploymentProfiles.
protected  JMutableTreeNode DeploymentPanelContent.addProfileToTree(Profile profile, JMutableTreeNode parentTreeNode)
protected  DeployMenuItem DeployDesignTime.createDeployMenuItem(java.lang.String commandName, Profile profile)
protected  DeployMenuItem DeployDesignTime.createDeployMenuItem(java.lang.String commandName, Profile profile, java.lang.String label)
protected  boolean Profile.equalsImpl(Profile profile)
protected  void DeployProfileDt.finishCreation(Context profileContext, Profile profile)
protected  boolean DeployProfileDt.launchDialog(Context context, Profile profile)
static boolean DeploymentProfiles.profileExists(DataContainer container, Profile profile)
          Deprecated. The isExist() question should be answered by the Dependable pointing to that Profile. See ProfileDependable.doesExist().
 Dependable Profile.removeDependency(Profile profile)
          Remove a dependency to a Profile.
protected static void Profile.resolveProfileDependencies(Project project, Profile profile, oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.DeploymentProfilesMigrator migrator)
 void DeploymentProfiles.setDefaultDeploymentProfile(Profile profile)
          Sets the default profile for this container.
 void DeploymentProfiles.setDeploymentProfiles(Profile[] profiles)
<T extends Profile>
Profile.setProfileClass(Profile profile, java.lang.Class<T> profileClass)
          Set the type of Profile.

Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with type arguments of type Profile
static void Deployment.registerProfileDesignTime(java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> profileClass, DeployProfileDt pdt)
          Registers the given DeployProfileDt as representing a deployment profile type.
static void Deployment.registerProfileDesignTime(java.lang.Class<? extends Profile> profileClass, DeployProfileDt dpdt, Wizard wiz)
          Registers a Profile, along with a Design Time, and a Wizard to be used for creating new Profiles of that type.

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear

Subclasses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear
 class EarProfile
          Class representing an EAR deployment profile.

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ejb

Subclasses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ejb
 class EjbProfile
          Class representing an EJB deployment profile.

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee

Subclasses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee
 class J2eeProfile

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar

Subclasses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar
 class AppClientProfile
 class ArchiveProfile
          Data model for the JAR (simple archive) deployment profile.
 class ClientProfile
          Data model representing the J2EE Client deployment profile type.
 class ConnectorProfile
          Data model representing the J2EE Connector deployment profile type.
 class LibraryArchiveProfile
          Data Model representing a deployment campable (as a shared library) version of an ArchiveProfile.
 class TaglibProfile
          The JSP tag library profile.

Uses of Profile in

Methods in that return Profile
 Profile ShellAdapter.getProfile()

Uses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war

Subclasses of Profile in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war
 class WarProfile
          Data model representing a deployment profile for a J2EE web module.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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