Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class InvokerRights

  extended by oracle.ide.model.DefaultDirtyable
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultLinkedDirtyable
          extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.InvokerRights
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Comparable, SubDirtyable, Dirtyable, StringConversion, Copyable, LinkedDirtyable

public class InvokerRights
extends DefaultLinkedDirtyable
implements Copyable, StringConversion

Data model for representing invoker's rights.

A separate class is used to represent the invoker rights because there is a limited set of valid values that the invoker rights setting can have. For a property such as this, it is desireable to be able to provide a custom PropertyEditor implementation that can edit the property and provide a list of valid values for the property inspector. For this to work, the property must be contained in its own JavaBean class.

This class implements StringConversion to facilitate persistence through the IDE marshalling framework.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CURRENT_USER
static java.lang.String DEFINER
Constructor Summary
          Initializes the InvokerRights instance to represent the CURRENT_USER invoker rights.
InvokerRights(InvokerRights invokerRights)
          Copy constructor.
InvokerRights(java.lang.String s)
          Initializes the InvokerRights instance to represent the invoker rights specified by the String.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object object)
          Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy.
protected  void copyToImpl(InvokerRights copy)
          Design pattern for supporting strongly typed copying.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
protected  boolean equalsImpl(InvokerRights ir)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).
 java.lang.String getValue()
          Returns the String indicating the kind of invoker's rights represented by this class.
 void setValue(java.lang.String s)
          Sets the invoker's rights.
 java.lang.String toString()
          This toString() method is implemented in order to support the StringConversion interface.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultLinkedDirtyable
compare, compareTo, linkContainingDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyables, markDirty, setOwner, unlinkContainingDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyables
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.model.DefaultDirtyable
dirtyLabel, dirtyLabel, dirtyLabel, isDirty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CURRENT_USER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFINER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public InvokerRights()
Initializes the InvokerRights instance to represent the CURRENT_USER invoker rights.


public InvokerRights(java.lang.String s)
Initializes the InvokerRights instance to represent the invoker rights specified by the String. If the String does not specify a valid invoker rights setting, then initialization defaults to CURRENT_USER.


public InvokerRights(InvokerRights invokerRights)
Copy constructor.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from interface: Copyable
Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy. If copy is null, then this method should create a new instance of this class and proceed to copy the internal state to the newly created object. Generally, only the persistent state of the object should be copied, but whether or not it is appropriate to copy transient properties is at the discretion of the individual implementor.

Regardless of whether the copy occurs to an existing object or to a newly created object, the return value is object to which this object's state was copied.

There is a standard implementation pattern for the copyTo method that helps avoid problems that arise when a Copyable object is subclassed. The pattern is:

    public Object copyTo( Object target )
      final <this_class> copy =
        target != null ? (<this_class>) target : new <this_class>();
      copyToImpl( copy );
      return copy;

    protected final void copyToImpl( <this_class> copy )
      super.copyToImpl( copy );  //  if necessary
      //  put code here for copying the properties of <this_class>
The parameter passed into the copyToImpl method is the same type of this class. The responsibility of copyToImpl is to copy the state of this class through direct access of the fields. The copyToImpl method should not use getters and setters since these may be overridden, causing the state of this class to be incompletely copied.

Specified by:
copyTo in interface Copyable
object - The target object to which the state of this object should be copied. If target is null, then the copyTo method will return a new instance of this class.
The object to which the state of this object was copied. If the target was non-null, then the return value is the same as the target object that was passed in; otherwise, the return value is a new instance of this class.


protected final void copyToImpl(InvokerRights copy)
Design pattern for supporting strongly typed copying.


public java.lang.String getValue()
Returns the String indicating the kind of invoker's rights represented by this class.


public void setValue(java.lang.String s)
Sets the invoker's rights. The value must be either CURRENT_USER or DEFINER in order for this method to succeed. If the parameter is not one of these values, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified String is invalid.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


protected final boolean equalsImpl(InvokerRights ir)
This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object). It assumes that the argument is not null.


public java.lang.String toString()
This toString() method is implemented in order to support the StringConversion interface.

toString in class java.lang.Object

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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